

In a treacherous and monster-infested world where malevolence abounds, a man and his unusual companion, a vampire girlfriend, navigate a perilous existence. Together, they confront not only the relentless onslaught of grotesque creatures but also the treacherous intentions of ruthless individuals. Their unwavering bond is their sole source of resilience in a world where survival demands unwavering vigilance. Amidst the chaos, their love story defies conventions, offering a glimmer of hope in the face of relentless danger and despair.

itadori_Yujiii · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 7 : fear among people

The Sorrowweaver's maw opened wide in a loud guffaw, its massive body shaking with laughter.

"You really believe a mere human can challenge me?" Its voice held an undercurrent of mockery, and it leaned forward on the throne as if to intimidate them. Maro remained composed, even though he could feel his heart racing. He knew that their last hope lay in the one-armed arcanist.

"Though he may be limited by his physical form," he said, lifting his chin in defiance, "his power is beyond what you can fathom."

The Sorrowweaver's thin, razor-tipped lips stretched over teeth like daggers and contorted into a mocking sneer. It roared as it hurtled forward with terrifying speed, seeking to crush the two warriors beneath its claws.

But just before it could reach them, the arcanist uttered a spell that wreathed the creature in searing light.

A wave of force rippled through the air around it, shaking the ground and sending tremors through both combatants' bodies as it staggered back.

In a blur of motion, Zellrid and Maro rushed forward. Zellrid's blade was a swirling beam of silver as he darted around the Sorrowweaver, slicing into its limbs with agile precision.

Meanwhile, Maro struck hard against its back with each swing of his powerful sword.

The Sorrowweaver fought back with unbridled rage, snatching Zellrid up and hurling him to the ground. With no time to lose, Maro lunged forward and struck the creature's left eye with all his might.

A shriek echoed in the halls as the beast staggered backward, its colossal frame crashing to the ground.

Regaining his footing with cat-like reflexes, Zellrid joined Maro just in time to witness the Sorrowweaver's true form.

The beast's body glowed with an eerie green light, its eyes piercing into Zellrid's soul and unearthing memories of his mother's ring. He could feel Maro's presence beside him, urging him to press on and end this battle now.

Steeling himself, Zellrid raised his sword high and took a step forward. In that very moment the monster unleashed a powerful surge of energy that shook the ground beneath them and forced both men back.

Zellrid and Maro's swords clattered to the ground as they gaped at the Sorrowweaver, its powerful energy crackling around it in a maelstrom of malice.

The creature began murmuring an ancient incantation, entrapping Maro in paralyzing waves of regret and sorrow for his failure to save the king.

A heavy, oppressive weight settled upon Zellrid like unseen bonds trying to immobilize him. Seeing his friend lost in hopelessness, he bellowed desperately, "Maro, fight against it!"

The Sorrowweaver trilled with laughter as it asked mockingly, "What could possibly motivate you? What prize do you seek?" Zellrid snarled back defiantly, "I stand for those without a voice and strive for a world free from suffering."

A sinister chuckle echoed off the walls as the beast replied cynically, "You can only dream of such a world. Fear and misery will always remain."

Ignoring its jeers, Zellrid prepared himself for action as Maro's sword slowly began moving towards his chest. In a blur of motion, Zellrid struck out with all his might; the Sorrowweaver was stunned into stillness.

The creature stumbled, taken aback by the speed of events. Serana's scathing words cut through the air like a blade, "Pathetic and futile, aren't you two?". Zellrid's spirits lifted at her arrival, his voice demanding an explanation for the delay.

Their moment of respite was short-lived as the monster released a deafening roar that echoed through the woods. Without hesitation, they sprang into action: Zellrid readying his sword while Serana prepared her weapons.

The Sorrowweaver lunged towards him with claws outstretched, lightning fast.

With poise and precision, he evaded the attack and swung his blade in a wide arc that severed one of its limbs with ease. The beast let out an agonizing wail, its green ichor mixing with the toxic rain to create a hellish scene of fiery destruction.

Serana reacted quickly, pushing Zellrid out of the way of the corrosive cascade. Unfortunately, a lingering arm grabbed her leg and jerked her down to the ground, exposing her to the acidic deluge.

Zellrid noticed Maro's struggle as he heard his friend's desperate yell, "Not now!" He watched in amazement as Maro ripped off his arm and dropped his armor broking away from the illusion. His eyes burned with fury as he faced the Sorrowweaver.

"Do you feel invincible?" He asked, briefly glancing at Zellrid. "Go with Serana back to camp." His voice was filled with determination and resolve.

Zellrid silently prayed that Maro would survive until his return, and he firmly declared his faith in him as he grabbed Serana and hurried away. As they left, an electric aura seemed to surround Zellrid's body.

Maro stood alone against the giant monster, confronting its mocking taunts with courageous defiance.

"Think you've won? This fight maybe, but not the war! My people will thrive; no monstrous force can stop us!" He cried out before charging forward with an unexpected strength and ferocity.

With every precise strike of his sword, Maro gradually weakened the powerful creature until it stumbled in defeat. A look of fear appeared in its eyes when it realized it had been bested by Maro's superior skill.

The final blow came as a culmination of all of Maro's strength and power, slashing through both flesh and steel. The beast screamed in agony before it almost collapsing on the ground.

Meanwhile, The stillness of the camp was suddenly broken by Zellrid's urgent cry. "Move, you lazy bums! Attend to her wounds now!" The soldiers scrambled into action. One soldier ran towards Zellrid and asked where Maro was.

"He's battling the beast alone. Unlike all of you cowards, he is fighting for more than just survival," Zellrid said with a fiery determination as he summoned his lightning powers and became a streak of light racing back where he had come from.

When Zellrid arrived at Maro's side, time seemed to slow down. Maro lay on the ground, his broken sword discarded nearby as the Sorrowweaver loomed above him, ready to strike. Without warning, Zellrid unleashed an electric bolt that struck the creature causing it to pause.

He then shed his coat revealing countless battle scars which stirred something within the Sorrowweaver that made it release a scornful laugh."Your magic is no match for me, mortal! You are not even close to comprehending my capabilities."

Zellrid advanced without reply, a determined expression in his gaze. The creature jeered, asking what he thought he could do, but before waiting for a response, Zellrid declared "To save him...and make you suffer for your deeds."

well i will stop for a while to enhance old chapters

a special thanks for hermit.

have a good night everyone

itadori_Yujiiicreators' thoughts