

In a treacherous and monster-infested world where malevolence abounds, a man and his unusual companion, a vampire girlfriend, navigate a perilous existence. Together, they confront not only the relentless onslaught of grotesque creatures but also the treacherous intentions of ruthless individuals. Their unwavering bond is their sole source of resilience in a world where survival demands unwavering vigilance. Amidst the chaos, their love story defies conventions, offering a glimmer of hope in the face of relentless danger and despair.

itadori_Yujiii · Fantasy
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10 Chs

CHAPTER 5 : soulinya lore

"The gods of our world are in constant balance. There must always be an equal number of gods for the world to function properly. If one god dies, another must take their place to maintain balance."

Zellrid frowned in confusion.

"But how does that relate to Xerise?" "Xerise is different," Maro said, a hint of fear creeping into his voice. "

The gods in our world are more than just symbolic figures or legends. They hold real power and the

The balance of their power is what keeps our world from falling apart. If that balance is upset, Xerise could be destroyed." Zellrid's eyes widened in shock. "Destroyed? How is that even possible?"

Maro's gaze shifted back to the fire. "I'm not sure. The legend is vague in the details.

But it's clear that if the balance is upset, the entire world will be consumed by chaos and darkness. It's something that must be avoided at all costs."

Zellrid sat in silence for a few moments, letting Maro's words sink in. He had heard stories about the power of the gods, but never anything this dire. Suddenly, Zellrid remembered what Maro had said when they first arrived.

"You said before that King Edwin's death was mysterious; do you think it has something to do with the other gods?" Maro nodded slowly.

"It's possible. King Edwin was a god, and his death would have upset the balance. his son now takes his place and does what he can to not upset the balance further; if not for him, we could be in real trouble.

" Zellrid stood up, feeling a sense of urgency wash over him.

"We have to do something. We can't just sit here and let the world be destroyed."

Maro looked up at him with a flicker of hope in his eyes. "What can we do? We're just two mortals." Zellrid smiled down at Maro reassuringly. "We can't control the destiny of the world, but we can try to change it; after all, I made my own destiny. We'll find a way; I know it."

With that, Zellrid remembered his most sage advice: "A wise man accepts what he cannot change and works diligently to improve the situation."

Tell me more about the other gods and kingdoms that you know; I am no competition for you when it comes to this knowledge Maro nodded, grateful for the distraction from his worries.

"Well, there's the kingdom of Aetheria, ruled by the god Zephyrus. Their people are known for their mastery of air magic and flying beasts. Then there's Solara, ruled by Helios, god of the sun. Their people wield powerful fire magic and are known for their fierce warriors.

" Zellrid listened intently, fascinated by the different kingdoms and their strengths.

"What about Avaloria?" "Ah, Avaloria," Maro said with a smile. "That's the kingdom of the goddess Seraphina. Her people are skilled in earth magic and are known for their beautiful gardens and massive structures."

Zellrid nodded, taking mental notes of each kingdom and its specialties. "And what about the kingdom of Eldoria?" Maro's smile faded slightly at the mention of Eldoria. "That's the kingdom of the goddess Gaia. Her people are skilled in nature magic because of their connection with the land and its creatures.

But Eldoria has been facing some troubles lately. There have been reports of strange creatures appearing and attacking their towns and villages."Zellrid's brow furrowed in concern. "Do you think it could be connected to God's imbalance?"

"It's possible," Maro said with a shrug. "But with so little information, it's hard to say for sure."Zellrid slowly stood, feeling the gravity of their discussion settle on his shoulders. "

We need to research some more and figure out what can be done," he offered before adding,"Maro, what else do you know about other kingdoms?" Maro tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Well, there's Zenithia—the city under the sea that is ruled by Syou, who is both a queen and a deity. They are known for their superior water magic and intricate underwater architecture.

"The astonishment was evident in Zellrid's eyes as he exclaimed, "A city beneath the waves? That's amazing! "Let me see what you know about Arcanterra." The corners of Maro's mouth turned up slightly as he began to tell the tale.

"Arcanterra is governed by Meridian, the god of that realm. Their people excel in arcane magic and are renowned for their powerful spells, and it's the home of the arcanists—not quite like what I am familiar with," he concluded with a hint of sarcasm. Zellrid chuckled as he said,

"What can I say? You know I'm the one with mastery of the arcane arts." Maro laughed along with him.

while the two of them sat in silence for a moment, Zellrid's mind raced with thoughts of the other kingdoms and their gods. "What about Lumina? I've heard they have some of the most skilled light magic users." Maro nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Lumina is ruled by Lumos, the god of light. Their people are skilled in light magic and are known for their beautiful cities that glow like beacons in the night." Zellrid couldn't help but imagine the wondrous city from Maro's description. "And what about Astravia?"

"Astravia is ruled by Astraeus, god of the stars," Maro replied, a look of wonder on his face. "Their people have a unique connection to the cosmos and are skilled in celestial magic. They also have access to advanced technologies powered by starlight. Additionally, I heard they have connections with a cosmic dragon called Astrlax, the celestial consort.

Zellrid leaned forward, excitement building within him. "That's an incredible dragon; I would love to meet him. And what about Mythosia?"

"Ah, Mythosia," Maro said with a smirk. "That's the kingdom ruled by Lyra, the goddess of stories and music. Their people are known for their love of stories and are skilled in illusion magic. They weave their magic into their stories and songs, bringing them to life in a truly mesmerizing way."

Zellrid couldn't help but feel drawn to the idea of Mythosia. "I've always loved storytelling. Maybe one day I'll travel there and learn from Lyra herself." Maro nodded with a smile on his face.

"I'm sure you would fit right in there. But for now, we must focus on our journey to the Xerise Kingdom. We have a long way to go before we can reach Xerise Kingdom."

In a mocking tone, Zellrid said, "I'm sure Celestria is one place you would really like to visit, Maro." Maro chuckled. "Oh yes, I'm sure Celestria is just a paradise for someone like me," he said, rolling his eyes. "But who knows, maybe I'll meet the 'best women of all kingdoms' that everyone talks about.

"Zellrid smirked, knowing Maro's reputation as a ladies' man. "Or maybe you'll finally meet your match." They both laughed before settling back into a comfortable silence. Zellrid couldn't help but think of the other kingdoms they had discussed. He wondered what it would be like to explore the magical cities of Lumina, to gaze in wonder at the starry skies of Astravia, or to lose himself in the enchanting stories and music of Mythosia. But for now, he had a mission to complete and a kingdom to save.

While the two of them sat there, watching the crackling flames of their campfire, Maro suddenly spoke up. "Speaking of gods and kings, have you ever wondered what it would be like to meet them in person?"

Zellrid furrowed his brow in thought. "I suppose I have, but it's not like we mortals can just waltz up to the gods and ask for an audience." Maro grinned and looked down at his feet. "You don't have to," he said quietly. "I've been serving King Edwin of Xrise for over fifteen years now, but I've never met him once." He glanced back up at Zellrid with a twinkle in his eye.

"But you know what they say—sometimes we don't all have happy endings. Maro lifted his brow in surprise as he saw Serana slumbering inside the Zellrid tenet. "What can you tell me about her, Zellrid?" Zellrid shifted his gaze towards the tent, a lingering feeling of hesitation weighing on him.

"Serana...she's not like anyone I've ever met before," he said slowly. Maro raised an eyebrow, curiosity sparking in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Zellrid took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "She's a vampire," he said finally, watching as Maro's expression shifted to one of surprise. "A vampire?" Maro repeated, clearly taken aback. "How did you come to meet her?" As Zellrid gazed upon the void where his arm once resided, memories of his encounters with Serana flooded back to him.

do you think i should stop?

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