

In a treacherous and monster-infested world where malevolence abounds, a man and his unusual companion, a vampire girlfriend, navigate a perilous existence. Together, they confront not only the relentless onslaught of grotesque creatures but also the treacherous intentions of ruthless individuals. Their unwavering bond is their sole source of resilience in a world where survival demands unwavering vigilance. Amidst the chaos, their love story defies conventions, offering a glimmer of hope in the face of relentless danger and despair.

itadori_Yujiii · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 3 : black past

But after a while, Kid Zeldrid heard a man wailing in pain from behind the bush and pleading for forgiveness.

Young Zellrid, hesitant but curious, slowly approached the bush and peered over it. What he saw sent shivers down his spine. A bandit had cornered a fellow villager, holding a knife to his throat.

The man was begging for mercy, but the bandit didn't seem to care, he said. "Your part in this is done; however, you still have the guilt of living in a place that houses a child of demonic origin." The villagers tried to respond, "But I betrayed them; you promised me you wouldn't kill me." But the bandit only laughed cruelly.

"You really think I have any obligation to keep a promise to a traitor?"

He tightened his grip on the knife, readying himself for the fatal blow. Young Zellrid's heart raced as he watched in horror. His hands shook with fear and uncertainty.

What could he do to help? He knew he couldn't fight the bandit, but he had to try something. Taking a deep breath, Zellrid stepped out from behind the bush and spoke up. "Please halt! You're not allowed to harm him! "Young Zellrid yelled vehemently at the thief.

The bandit noticed him. and looked the boy in the eye, a sly grin starting to form on his lips. "Oh no, a new villager has appeared and is playing. How beautiful," He made fun of the man below him and went back to the pleading man.

Looks like you've got a little friend to say goodbye to, he said, drawing the knife closer to the man's throat. Young Zellrid had a chance to get away when the wolf lunged at the bandit. Kid Zellrid's mind raced with ideas of what to do next as his heart raced, just like he ran for safety.

Although the wolf had previously saved him, it was unable to defend the entire village by itself. The events Zellrid knew were about to take place left him deeply shaken as they happened.

When the young Zellrid yelled, "Bandits! They're coming to get us dead!" Already, it was too late. The bandits had brought a hundred men with them when they entered the village.

The villagers tried to barricade their homes, but the bandits were like a black tide of destruction, smashing through every obstacle in their path as though it were nothing. Screams of pure agony filled the night air as they mercilessly killed the villagers one by one. Their women and children were not spared either; they were brutally violated and tortured until they finally died from indescribable suffering. The bandits laughed at their victims' desperation, relishing in the gruesome carnage.

Young Zellrid tried to flee with his family, but his father barked at him in a harsh whisper.

"Protect your mother, Zellrid. and look after your siblings. The world can be cruel, my child, but do not let it harden your heart. Hold onto compassion, even in the darkest of times."

Kid Zellrid's heart sank as he realized the severity of their situation. He knew that there was no way they could fight off this many bandits, but he couldn't just stand by and watch his family suffer. As they huddled together in fear, Zolarice managed to find a small knife tucked away in his belt and handed it to Zellrid.

"Take this, little brother," he whispered. "And remember what the father said compassion is your strength." Zellrid nodded resolutely and took the knife from his brother's hand. He knew what he had to do. With a mixture of fear and determination, they heard his father's desperate plea as they dragged him to his home, where Zellrid, Zolarice, and the middle brother resided.

With a chilling thud, his captors slammed the door shut, trapping them all inside with whatever horror awaited. The family watched in terror as the father was snatched and dragged to the floor. The mother screamed and scrambled to his side, but it was too late; an assailant had already picked up a jagged stone from the ground and bashed his skull with it.

A sickening thud resonated through the air, followed by a ghastly splash of brain matter that stained the ground in a viscous red hue.

Kid Zellrid's scream pierced the air, echoing in a mournful tune. His terror was so immense that thin rivulets of blood trickled from his nose as he shook with fright Urgently, his mother's in an attempt to calm him down, tears streaming down his cheeks as his vision blurred.

Zellrid's mother attempted to flee, clasping her children protectively in her embrace. Suddenly, a malevolent force seized her shoulder and wrenched her back around. With a menacing smirk, the figure commanded the others to pin her to the ground, their powerful hands restraining her arms and legs.

Despite her best efforts, she could not break free of their firm grasp. Desperately, Zolarice flung himself at the assailants, lashing out with his fists and teeth in a futile attempt to protect his mother. He was no match for their strength and soon crumpled to the ground as a blow sent his head smashing into the wall. Zellrid quaked with fear as another bandit entered the house, latching onto him with a vice-like grip. The bandit sneered maliciously, "You boys will have quite a bit of fun here tonight."

His cohorts responded in unison, "Yes, this woman will satisfy us soon enough." With a chill of terror, Zellrid realized they had already killed off all the children except for his brothers and himself, whom they had captured. With a menacing smirk, the bandit ripped Zellrid's shirt and lifted him with ease.

He then took out a dagger, carefully engraving an evil cross on his chest over and over again. Sharp cries of pain echoed throughout the room as the same gruesome fate was inflicted upon his brother, Zolarice.

His scared eyes followed the knife as it contorted gleefully, watching his sibling slowly fade away. The sight of his hot blood slowly leaving his hands through multiple cuts made him numb with grief. Tears that once crawled down his face in fear now run down his face in regret—he loved them so much yet never got to tell them this before they left him.

In an effort to protect what is left of his family, he raised his arms in desperation, "Please don't do it just take what you want". But soon enough, a man forced Zellrid's hand onto the blade of the dagger. The invaders showed no mercy, ruthlessly They tore off Zellrid's mother's clothing with brute force while he lay helplessly beneath them.

His brother Zinorc looked on in horror as they began to ravage her right before their eyes. The level of savagery was so immense that a dark, berserker rage filled the air. They raped their mom in front of them, and they beat her. The brothers were frozen in shock and terror, unable to comprehend the depravity of the situation.

the attackers continued their assault, Zinorc felt a surge of anger and helplessness wash over him. He wanted to protect his mother, but he was powerless against the overwhelming force of their attackers. The sound of her screams echoed through the air, piercing his heart with every cry for help.

Crying as she was violated, his mother suddenly stopped. Her expression turned blank, and she looked down at her battered and defiled naked body. Talc's face became pale, covered in tears and sweat.

She looked at the men with dull, lifeless eyes and slashed her throat with the knife that had been planted at her side. Two of the bandits

laughed as they watched her fall, blood spilling out onto the dirty ground beneath her. The third bandit, a man with a scar running down his cheek, shook his head and spit on the woman's lifeless body. "Stupid whore,"

Zellrid gazed upon his mother with teary eyes, and for one second, a faint smile danced across her face as she passed away.

as she fell to the ground. Without hesitating, Zinorc grabbed his brother's arm and tried to sprint away. The siblings' legs burned as they sprinted through the dense forest, but the barks and snarls of the dogs grew ever closer.

Zinorc felt his brother's panicked breath on his neck and knew he had to act fast. Without a second thought, he shoved Zellrid with all his might and turned to face their pursuers.

"I know you're scared, Zellrid, but we can't let fear control us. We have to find a way to fight back, even if it feels impossible. stay alive for us revenge us"

The pack descended upon him mercilessly, fangs tearing into flesh as he fought to buy enough time for his brother to escape. The last thing Zinorc saw was the look of horror and gratitude on his brother's face before everything went black.

Kid Zellrid sprinted with all his might, yet fate intervened in the form of a crumpled shack wall, suddenly toppling and smashing into him. His limp body crashed to the ground, every bone fracturing under its weight. He lay motionless, his breath shallow and labored. A cold chill ran through him as he felt consciousness slip away from him.

The bandit leader who had caused misery and chaos knelt before Zellrid's lifeless form and began to mock him. "You did well, the last survivor, but your brothers didn't make it. The dogs tore them apart." zellrid whispered, "What's your name?" The bandit leader glared down at Zellrid and said, "What, do you want to know my name?" "What would it benefit you?" Zellrid's eyes focused on the ruthless bandit leader, and he replied with a faint whisper,

"I want to know your name so that everybody who sniffs the air this day in my village will get a horrible death. I will kill you all, I will tear you apart, and I will make you suffer."

The bandit leader was taken aback and then smiled and said, "My name is Farkas." He then rose up, and with a menacing laugh, he walked away. "I am afraid you won't fulfill your promise you are already dying"

Zellrid lay there for what seemed like an eternity, his body shaking as he fought against his mortality. Just before he passed away, Zellrid's tears began to roll down his cheeks as he vowed that he would live for all of them and get revenge for their plight. "I'm sorry," he choked out before breaking down again.

As he passed away, Zellrid stood still, unable to speak, while all these horrid events unfolded around him. When he began to drift away, a whisper escaped his lips: "Don't worry, we will be all right—for you are me and I am you." With that thought, he drifted out of the nightmare realm and slowly started to wake up.