
Who Am I?


At the extreme north of the Arcana Continent,

The Cold Wind swirled as the light was obscured by a dense canopy of downed trees, which served as an impenetrable barrier to the sun's rays on the snow-covered wilderness. Because it was enveloped in darkness, sunlight was not permitted to enter the depths of this snow-covered woodland.

A small lake nestled deep within the forest, its crystal ice pure waters revealing even the lakebed. The clarity and purity of this clean and pure water resembled something of a deep blue sapphire.

A breath of life and natural mana poured out of the cold water, but it wasn't particularly strong; in fact, it was quite feeble.

The ice ground beneath shuddered slightly before becoming more intense. As the ice on the frozen lake thawed, the lake's waters stayed clear, but bubbles rose quickly from the surface. After another time, the earth's shaking intensified further, becoming much more intense.


The icy earth shook, and the entire motionless forest trembled. The cracked open ice water remaining in the lake was sprayed upwards, exposing the bare lakebed.

As something resembling a person was pulled over from inside the lakes to the frozen land, a reverent and substantive killing intent surged up from the frozen earth's crack and crashed into the coast.

That person's half-body appeared to be immersed in the water. The other half of his body is in Frozen-land. But he appears to be somewhat overweight. He appears to be immovable no matter how the ice thawed water washes over him.

However, amid the dark-twilight of Chilly wind and frigid terrain where very little sun-light passed through, the two legs exposed were extraordinarily shiny, straight, and slender. Soaking in cold water until a half-foot above the knee.

The man was forcefully sitting up from the water, listening to the chilly breeze and the sound of the recently broken free lake's cold-water waves. The cold-water itself is entirely exposed, with the exception of the hips and key parts of him, which are still in the lake.

Even after hours and hours had gone, the man was still sitting in the water, slowly shaking his head, but he had no intention of chasing it.

Despite being in the water, the person's figure was outstanding. He was extremely handsome, and his brown hair had grown longer over his shoulders, as he sat with his arms tucked in his waist. His hair and eyes were a serene gold, covering the majority of his look.

More precisely, with his straight nose, thin and modest lips, and a pair of very gorgeous huge eyes which were unmistakably golden and had a bright crimson halo inside with a gentle surge of mana surrounding his well built body. He appeared to be in his twenties, based on his attractive appearance.

Despite his calm, the steely stare seemed to slice through anyone's heart and erase all evil.

"Who...am I?"

"Wait, why am I here?"

"Where is this place?"

The young man muttered quietly as he looked around, and it appeared like there was no creatures within a hundred miles.

The young man carefully stood up and began to move away from that location, one step at a time. But all he could see were the lifeless trees and the endless ice and snow landscape.

Looking up and down, the young man suddenly stared at his left hand as he pulled out a set of clothes from a silver ring he was wearing.

He smiled slightly and immediately put the dress on his body. It resembled a robe but was more exposed, similar to a blue coat above a white shirt with pants, giving him a youthfull mage like appearence.

He then continued to go forward.

He suddenly extended out his hands, which had become numb as a result of his awakening.

"its numbing my palms...I want some heat!" he said, raising his index finger and conjuring fire with mana, just with his gaze, which he flashed on his palms to remove the numb.

"Wait a minute...how did I do this?" He smiled in contentment, yet he was also perplexed. He felt as if many of his memories had been sealed away, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't help but acquire a headache.

Because he couldn't remember anything, he stared at the dark sky and sighed as he walked away from that cold-land.

Just as the Young man walked ahead, "Haaaaaaa!!!"

Suddenly, a voice was heard.

Without hesitating, he jumped from the ground as he took flight in the air like an egle, heading in the direction of the voice.

He focused on his ears as mana poured through his channels to his ears and eyes resulting his magical concentration, and increasing his hearing and sight more precisely.

He was taken aback to find he possessed such talents, but he was now completely focused on the voice.

Just as he was flying through the skies, looking below, he noticed a young girl alone in the face of a massive snow blizzard beast. The beast resembled a massive ice bear, with white claws, and snow covering its entire body.

The girl appeared to be about fifteen or sixteen years old, with long black hair put into a ponytail and hanging behind her, beautiful brown eyes, and a pale face, as she wore a light blue dress.

Behind the girl stood a Boy, who was slender with a handsome face and appeared to the same age as the girl. It appeared that the two of them were fighting the bear alone. However, they both were heavily wounded.