
The Apprentices of Alrind

Long ago, soldiers from the north attacked the small sect Alrind. Their master used a hidden form of power to send her five apprentices to different times. Their mission is to reunite and destroy the enemy before it's too late.

jren121111 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

No Name

"Only she would be brave enough to harm a creature like him."

"But who exactly is this?"

"This is a random demon." Niruk laughed, rolling his eyes.

Miriuo slapped him in the face. "This is serious! Someone is dying, and you're still joking about it?"


"This..." Lila came down beside Iraliyn.

"... is Revenai's brother!" they said at the same time.

They looked at each other.

Lila said, "I recognize that that scar." She pointed to a scar on the demon's forehead shaped like a kite.

The demon stared at her innocently.

Iraliyn's hand glowed with white energy. She created a hologram-like image of the weapon. "This blade was dipped in the Poison of the Dark Flame." She pointed to a black liquid on the blade. "It seals one's ability to attack or defend. The victim's inner strength is their immunity to the poison. That decides how long the effect lasts. One with no inner strength will die after 3 hours."

Nevnera nodded. "The Poison of the Dark Flame is one of Mother's signature attacks."

Iraliyn slowly pulled out the dagger and healed the wound.

The boy started to gasp for breath. He coughed. Blood trickled onto his chin. Then the boy suddenly shouted: "The Mountai—" Then, he fell unconscious again.

Over time, the boy regained consciousness for a few seconds occasionally, trying to deliver a message to them.

"—of Liies. Sor—"

"—ress of A—"



"Mountai of Liies. Soress of Avhun In." Everly repeated. She shrugged.

"The Mountain of Lies, Sorceress of Avhunin!" Miriuo cried right after. "What he's saying makes sense! White, you said that only the sorceress Eteirea would attack these weird creatures, and the Mountain of Lies is the base of the Sorceress of Avhunin's laboratory!"

Iraliyn sighed. She disliked people calling her White.

"Wait," said Arya. "What exactly is this Sorceress of Avhunin?"

"Enemy of the world... crazy immortal creepy woman..." Niruk droned on and on, until her realized everyone was staring at him, all thinking he was the crazy one. "Uh... hee-hee?"

"No one asked for that!"

"She did!" Niruk shouted, trying to put all the blame on Arya for asking.

Arya felt like slapping her forehead one million times. She had only asked for who the Sorceress of Avhunin was, not Niruk's perspective of her.

"Sister Iraliyn.... Sister Lykeida." The boy was awake again. His weak arms managed to lift himself up to a sitting position.

"Brother of Revenai," Iraliyn said. "What should we call you?"

"J-just call me... No Name. My sister... named me No Name."

"Hah!" Niruk spat. "You even have no name!"

No Name winced.

Iraliyn calmly raised her hand and indicated for Niruk to stay silent. He turned around and started pouting towards the wall.

Lila and Iraliyn helped No Name towards the cave wall, seeing that he was extremely weak and needed rest.

"No Name, how did you end up here? And where is your sister?"

No Name held up his hand and slowly raised it towards the abyss. "W-we were attacked up th—" he started to cough up blood. No Name's other hand crept to the wound, which had started to bleed again.

"Slowly. Don't move too much."

He started to say again, "We were attacked above the abyss. Before I fell here, Revenai was taken by the sorceres—" No Name's head slumped onto his shoulder. His eyes flickered with a dim light before shutting.

Messy words were carved into the ground. It seemed like No Name had scribbled them at the last moment.

sorceress powered by moon

Three weeks lunar eclipse mountain of lies

ten at night

sorceress powerless

"In four days, there will be a lunar eclipse, and we attack the Mountain of Lies ten o'clock at night?"

"Yes..." said Iraliyn. "But the problem is..." She glanced at Nevnera. "Nevnera cannot go."

"Er... why is that?" Miriuo questioned.

"Eteirea is her biological mother. They share the same power source; hence, will both weaken on the day of the lunar eclipse."