
The Apostle of Ruin

Follow the Stories of Rei and Kisane as well as many others as they figure out themselves and their reason for fighting in this world, with the threat of another Millennium War brewing. which realm will come out on top Destruction or Creation? Cover by Cimonice

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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Lost Eden

As Rei traversed the threshold, an onslaught of alien sensations engulfed him, crashing over his consciousness like a relentless tidal wave. He found himself plummeting through the swirling vortex of the wormhole, lost amidst the tumultuous currents of the unknown.

Before long, a chillingly familiar sensation surged from his dominant arm, sparking an inferno of dread within him. His gaze fell upon his right arm, now enveloped in the ghostly blue flames that had haunted his nightmares, sending shivers of panic coursing through his being as the fabric of space itself contorted around him.

"No, no, no! Not now!" Rei's desperate cry echoed through the void as he felt the ominous presence from his dreams looming over him once more. Reality began to twist and distort around him, until a sudden crack shattered the illusion, wrenching him back to consciousness in a cold sweat.

"Look, he's finally awake." A foreign voice sliced through the haze, jolting Rei from his disoriented state.

Kris stood by his bedside, accompanied by a blond elf with dull gold eyes, clad in what appeared to be a doctor's coat. With a quick motion, she removed her glasses and settled into a nearby chair.

Relief washed over Rei as he examined his arm, finding it miraculously unharmed. He released a heavy sigh before mustering the courage to speak. "How... how long was I out, and where am I?"

"You were unconscious for five days. You're currently in the main headquarters of Lost Eden, located in Yggdrasil," Kris explained.

Rei's brow furrowed in confusion, though his panic began to subside. "What happened...?"

"You happened, but the details elude me," Kris replied with a clap of her hands. "That's why Bianka here will fill you in on the specifics."

Turning his attention to the blonde elf, Rei awaited her explanation as she began to speak, "Your Mana destabilized the equilibrium necessary for interdimensional travel, to put it in layman's terms. Usually, when the gates encounter such an unstable presence, they reject you entirely," Bianka explained with a hint of concern in her tone.

"That's my fault. I cast a suppression spell on you, keeping your Mana bottled up within you," Kris admitted, her expression reflecting regret.

Rei's confusion deepened as he processed the information. "I still lost..."

"Fortunately, you didn't end up scattered across the realms, but I still need to give you a check-up before anything else," Bianka interjected, her voice calm yet authoritative.

"Okay..." Rei agreed reluctantly, bracing himself for whatever examination awaited him.

Kris rose from her seat, exchanging a meaningful glance with Bianka. "Meet us in the common room once you're finished," she instructed before departing, leaving Rei to his examination.

"Okay, how many fingers am I holding up?" Bianka inquired, extending three fingers in front of Rei's face.

"Three," Rei responded promptly, his voice steady.

Bianka then placed a hand over his heart, causing a faint blush to color Rei's cheeks. "Heart rate normal, steadily increasing, noted," she remarked, her professional demeanor unwavering.

Next, she proceeded to test his reflexes. "Reflexes seem normal. Alright, I need you to lay on your stomach, shirtless," Bianka instructed.

"Pardon?" Rei couldn't help but ask, a hint of confusion lacing his tone.

"This is purely professional. I just need to gauge how unstable your mana is," Bianka stated with a deadpan expression, her tone serious and focused.

"R-Right," Rei responded, understanding the necessity of the examination. He obediently removed his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt before settling back onto the bed.

As Bianka applied pressure to his lower back, Rei couldn't help but tense up, the anticipation of her assessment causing him to instinctively hold his breath.

"You need to relax. I can't get an accurate read when you're so tense," Bianka instructed calmly.

"Got it," Rei replied, making a conscious effort to loosen his muscles and calm his nerves.

Bianka sighed softly. "Good enough." Her fingers began to trace a magic circle onto Rei's back, her movements precise and deliberate.

Despite his initial tension, Rei forced himself to remain still as Bianka continued her examination. Her words, however, brought a mixture of relief and concern. "You really don't know how to control your mana yet. Your internal systems are very developed, like you'd only see in powerful fighters."

"So, I'm good, right?" Rei asked, seeking reassurance.

"One more thing," Bianka added as she finished her examination and stepped away. "You probably won't be able to learn magic until you acquire a limiter."

"What's a limiter, if you don't mind me asking?" Rei inquired as he buttoned up his shirt.

"A limiter is an object made out of a material that repels or resists magic, enchanted with suppression magic," Bianka explained.

"I see," Rei responded, pulling on his coat as he processed the information.

Bianka rose from her seat, leaving her coat behind. "Come on, I'll take you to the common room," she offered, gesturing for Rei to follow her.

Rei fell into step behind Bianka as she led him through a sprawling corridor, the sheer size of the structure leaving him awestruck. "Just how big is this place?" he couldn't help but wonder aloud.

"You must be curious about the space we're currently in," Bianka remarked, picking up on his curiosity.

"I have so many questions, but yes," Rei admitted.

"To put it simply, this space serves as our security measure. Anyone who isn't marked by Kris, Izzy, or Luke can't traverse it. They'll either be ejected or trapped in a spatial labyrinth until someone deals with them. In reality, the base itself is the size of an estate, with ten acres of land," Bianka explained, her voice tinged with a hint of reverence.

"Magic can do that?" Rei asked, his disbelief evident.

"Not just any magic. Divine magic," Bianka clarified. "Anyways, we're here."

Coming to a stop in front of a door, Bianka pushed it open to reveal a spacious lounge area. At its center lay a large flower bed, brimming with an array of unique blooms: a Scarlet Spider Lily, a Prism Rose, two blue Irises (one darker than the other), a glowing Azalea, a Silver Rose, a simple Sunflower, and a Moonflower. The sight was breathtaking, Rei thought.

"Come on, this is just the lounge. Everyone is behind there," Bianka said, motioning towards a large door adorned with a golden engraving of a tree.

As they approached, the grand door swung open, unveiling a chamber reminiscent of a throne room. Three imposing thrones dominated the space, each with its own aura of authority. The moment they crossed the threshold, flames in the lanterns ignited, casting an ethereal glow across the room. In the center throne sat Kris, regal and commanding, flanked by Izzy on the left. Izzy's throne, a striking blend of pink and black, stood in stark contrast to the opulent gold and silver thrones occupied by Kris and the man beside her.

"Um, hello..." Rei's voice echoed awkwardly through the chamber, his nerves palpable in the air.

"Why does he sound so tense?" a voice muttered from the shadows.

"See! I told you he's a weak, spineless—"

"Quiet, Zeke. He's trying," another voice interjected, cutting off the previous speaker.

"He seems nice," a third voice chimed in.

"Quiet, all of you," Kris commanded, raising her hand to silence the voices emanating from the shadows. "Welcome, Rei, to Lost Eden. Now, it's time for your official induction."

"Kris, what's going on?" Rei asked, his confusion evident.

Kris returned to her usual lax attitude. "Think of this as an initiation."

"Are you finally going to tell us why you wanted to recruit him?" Izzy questioned, his tone tinged with boredom.

"Right..." Kris focused her gaze directly on Rei. "Release."

The moment she uttered her command, Rei felt as though something within him shattered. All his suppressed mana surged forth in a torrent, flooding the chamber with dark energy. The flames in the lanterns flickered, their once warm glow replaced by an eerie blue light that cast unsettling shadows across the room. Rei stood motionless in fear because he sensed the presence of his dream as six reptilian blue eyes opened in his shadow.

This got Izzy's attention, "Abbadon?" he muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, Rei found himself confronted with the menacing sight of Zeke's trident and a halberd wielded by a brunette man, both pointed threateningly at his face. Simultaneously, a dagger pressed into his back, causing him to tense with alarm. Glancing at Mari, he saw her frozen in fear.

"Give us the word, and we'll cut down this demon," the man with the halberd threatened, his voice laced with aggression.

"See, I told you no one believes me until it is too late," Zeke stated, his tone smug with vindication.

Kris's annoyance flared. "Everyone, stand down!"

"How could you, Kris? You brought an afflicted onto our doorstep. What if he turns?" a feminine voice chimed in from behind Rei's back.

Suddenly, a different pressure filled the room—not Rei's, but Kris's. The atmosphere shifted, the lanterns transforming from their eerie blue flames to a mesmerizing rainbow hue. Rei found himself instinctively kneeling, a gesture mirrored by everyone except those seated upon the thrones.

As Rei regained control of his body, he looked up to see the glow from Kris's eyes soften, and the oppressive pressure was lifted.

"Now that I have everyone's attention, no, you cannot kill him. Put away your weapons, Zeke, Aron, and Willow," Kris commanded firmly.

"Tch," Zeke grunted as he reluctantly stowed his trident.

"Apologies, Kris," Aron bowed respectfully.

Willow simply lowered her ears in a submissive gesture.

"Now to address your concern Willow, I brought him because I see potential within him despite his affliction and if he turns then it will be my responsibility to put him down." Kris continued, addressing the gathered assembly.

"I have a question. Why isn't he dead?" Zeke interjected brashly.

"Zeke!" the blonde man on the other throne spoke up finally.

Kris raised her hand, signaling for patience. "It's fine, Luke. Let him get it out of his system."

Zeke continued, circling Rei like a predator sizing up its prey. "I mean, that much Ruin energy would've killed a normal person. Hell, with how unstable he is, I doubt he could be helpful in any combat situation."

Kisane chimed in from her position, "Actually, I can vouch for him. He's decent in combat."

"It doesn't matter how skilled he is in combat or what affliction he bears. It was my decision to invite him to become an official member," Kris declared, her voice unwavering in its authority, "But if he needs help with anything I expect those with seniority to assist him the best we can because I sense great potential within him."

"Then prove it," Zeke challenged, his voice brimming with skepticism.

"Pardon, Zeke?" Kris inquired, her brow furrowing with confusion.

"By the next full moon, I want to see this 'potential.' If he can land a scratch on me, then I'll shut up about him being one of us. If he doesn't, we eject him from Lost Eden," Zeke declared, his tone daring.

"Why should I grant this request?" Kris questioned, her gaze fixed on Zeke.

Before Kris could respond, Rei spoke up, surprising everyone. "I accept!"

"Things just got interesting," Izzy remarked, stretching lazily in their seat.

"Well, since that needs to be said, everyone is dismissed," Kris announced, her tone authoritative as the throne room transformed into a large roundtable with chairs for everyone, with a blank one reserved for Rei.

As the others dispersed, Kris approached Rei. "Oh hey, Kris. What is it?" Rei asked.

"There is one last thing I need you to do before we get you started," Kris replied, dropping a bag of seeds into Rei's hand.

"Seeds?" Rei questioned, inspecting it closely.

"Yep. It's going to grow into a special flower, but it doesn't grow with water and sunlight," Kris explained.

"Then how do I grow it?" Rei inquired, intrigued.

"With mana. You feed it mana, but this will be your introduction to magic and you only need to successfully grow one," Kris elaborated.

"I see…" Rei murmured, nodding in understanding.

Kris stretched, preparing to leave. "Now, I have some matters to attend to, so Luke here is going to show you to your room."

"Where is he?" Rei asked, scanning the room.

"Hold on a second... Luke!" Kris called out.

Moments later, the blonde man who occupied the last throne approached. "Something the matter, Kris?"

"I just have to run some errands. Can you show him to where he'll be staying since he can't traverse the space without assistance?" Kris requested before walking away, giving Luke a quick peck on the cheek.

After calming down the blush on his face, Luke introduced himself to Rei, "Well you certainly had a interesting introduction, I'm Luke and I apologize for the actions of my disciples, they are more execute first ask questions later, you seem like a good kid and I trust Kris's judgement,"

"It's nice to meet you too, sir," Rei responded politely.

Luke shook his head, laughing. "No need for formalities here. We're all allies."

"Even if I'm cursed?" Rei questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"As long as you don't turn into a monster, everything will be fine," Luke reassured, guiding Rei out of the lounge.

Observing Rei and Luke's departure, Zeke remained deep in thought until Aron approached him. "Hey dude, I've never seen you so tense. Is everything okay?" Aron inquired, genuine concern etched on his face.

"I don't trust him. No one is truly immune to Ruin. He's definitely in the later stages of the affliction. Why won't Kris understand? He's a ticking time bomb. It's only a matter of time before he becomes a monster," Zeke expressed his apprehension.

"Well, let's just keep an eye on him for now," Aron suggested calmly. "Besides, if you keep dwelling on pointless things, you'll forget we have training in precisely five minutes."

"Why didn't you say so? Come on!" Zeke panicked, bolting to the door with Aron following close behind.


In another corridor, Kris was seen walking with a somewhat hurried pace before she stopped abruptly in her tracks.

"Izzy, I know you're there," Kris called out.

Izzy emerged from around a pillar with a playful smirk. "Here I thought you were too busy assisting Fafnir with the War to recruit anyone, yet here we are."

"Why does it matter?" Kris responded, her tone guarded.

Izzy approached Kris, their gazes locked. "I'm just making an observation. You don't normally scout people without something to gain, so that begs the question: what did you see in Shrade?"

"You already know the answer," Kris replied cryptically.

"Still, to lie to them about him being harmless is bold," Izzy remarked, his tone tinged with skepticism.

"Izzy, you're talking to the same woman who bested Fafnir," Kris replied proudly, her confidence unwavering.

"I wouldn't call whatever that was a fight," Izzy retorted. "But still, why are you interested in him? Is it another contract or something else?"

"I don't know, Izzy. Why do you think I scouted him?" Kris countered, her expression unreadable.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that if he releases whatever he's carrying, I'll put him down on the spot," Izzy stated firmly, his eyes dulling with resolve.

"Of course, the members of Lost Eden's safety is top priority," Kris assured her, his tone solemn.

"Good. I just hope you don't forget why you founded Lost Eden," Izzy remarked pointedly as Kris left him in the corridor, heading to her study.


Luke and Rei came to a stop in front of a weathered door. "Alright, this is where you'll be staying. You might have to do a bit of cleaning, but it'll be good as new," Luke stated, offering a reassuring smile.

"Thanks again, Luke," Rei responded with a respectful bow.

"Well, I'll let you be. It was nice meeting you, Rei," Luke said before turning to leave.

After Rei closed the door behind him, he began to explore the room. His first stop was the bookshelf, where he inspected the wide assortment of nonfiction and fictional material. "Okay, we have 'Atlas of Eden,' 'Tales of the Past,' and 'The Tome of Heroes.' Judging from how worn the edges of the pages are, someone was definitely reading a lot here," Rei mused to himself as he carefully replaced the books.

Next, Rei turned his attention to the candles on the desk, inspecting them closely. "Hmm, and these candles' wicks are completely burned. It's quite dusty in here," he observed, noting the neglected state of the room.

Rei leaned Nightbane against the wall before settling onto the bed, closing his eyes as weariness began to overtake him. But then, a sudden realization jolted him awake.

"The seeds!" Rei exclaimed, shooting out of bed and hastily grabbing the pouch of seeds. "Alright, she said just feed mana into the seed, then bury it."

Rei glanced at the clay pot nearby before selecting one seed from the bag, clutching it tightly in his palm as he took a deep breath.

"Hopefully this doesn't blow up in my face," Rei muttered nervously, his heart pounding in his chest.

Gathering his resolve, Rei began to concentrate, his focus intensifying as he delved deep within his soul. A flaming blue aura enveloped him, and the room grew noticeably colder as mana began to condense in his right hand, gradually absorbing into the seed.

Opening his eyes, Rei observed the seed shining with a brilliant blue light. "Hey, that was pretty eas—"

Before he could finish his sentence, the seed suddenly began to vibrate violently, startling Rei.

"Fuck," Rei cursed, his eyes widening in alarm as the seed erupted into a blinding flash of blue light, sending Rei hurtling backward into the wall with a resounding thud.



Kisane was in her room, deep in meditation, when she heard Rei's explosion echo through the halls. She let out a resigned sigh. "That's probably the most I'm going to get out of this session," she muttered to herself, knowing her concentration had been shattered.

Suddenly, Kris barged into her room, interrupting her quiet meditation. "Hey, Kisane, you got a minute?" Kris asked, her tone urgent.

"Now I do, Kris. What is it?" Kisane replied, her demeanor calm but slightly annoyed at the interruption.

"Well, don't be upset, but I have a mission for you," Kris began tentatively.

Kisane's passive-aggressive tone softened. "Is it a solo mission?" she inquired, hoping for some independence.

"No, unfortunately, due to the threat level, it's not," Kris responded somberly.

Kisane sighed, bracing herself for the news. "Who am I working with for this mission?"

"Sadly, Zeke and Willow will be working with you. I'd prefer if you come to the war room so I can brief everyone at once," Kris explained.

"I'll be there soon," Kisane replied, resigned to her fate.

"Good," Kris said before swiftly exiting the room.

After Kris left, Kisane followed soon after, making her way to the war room where Zeke, Kris, and Willow awaited her arrival. As she entered, she noticed Willow's wolf ears twitching in her direction, her amber eyes narrowing suspiciously.

Kris slid a paper in front of the trio. "Now, I know you all have mixed opinions about each other, but you all are the best suited for this task," Kris stated firmly.

Willow took her seat and spoke up. "I'll be civil."

Kisane and Zeke settled into their seats as well, preparing to hear the details of their mission.

"Now, we've received information from the Risen Embassy that a Shivian senator is returning home," Kris began, taking charge of the briefing.

"Why is this one so important?" Zeke interrupted, his curiosity piqued.

"I was getting to that," Kris responded, pulling out a photo of an aged male with raven-black hair slicked back, fading into silver, and dull blue eyes. "Our target, Sergey Maksimov Ivark, is the biggest sponsor of the Elven Draconic War and is trying to convince Shrade to stop being neutral and join the war. Your task is to assassinate him before he returns to Dawnfrost."

"Why send all of us? Can't you just send the killer beside us?" Zeke questioned further.

"Because he is being escorted by the Dawnfrost Vanguard and the new Apostle of Ice," Kris explained. "And Kisane hasn't mastered 'the blade of death,' so that's why you two will be assisting her with the vanguard."

"So she can deal the finishing blow to the target," Willow concluded, understanding the plan.

"Precisely," Kris confirmed.

"When do we leave?" Kisane asked, ready to get the mission underway.

"Tomorrow morning," Kris answered, finalizing the details, "Dismissed,"


Rei woke up the next morning, finding himself back in the familiar surroundings of the infirmary. Confusion clouded his thoughts as he tried to piece together what had happened.

"Huh… what happened…" Rei muttered, his voice barely audible.

"You blew yourself up trying to use magic," Bianka's voice cut through the silence, startling Rei as he turned toward her.

"Yeah…" Rei admitted, feeling a pang of embarrassment wash over him.

"I thought I told you that you shouldn't do magic until you get your limiter," Bianka scolded gently, her expression stern yet concerned.

"You did and–"

"Nope, don't speak. You can leave now. Just don't do it again," Bianka interrupted firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

As Rei navigated the bustling corridors of Lost Eden, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within him. The incident in the infirmary served as a stark reminder of the dangers that accompanied his newfound abilities. However, amidst the turmoil of his thoughts, a glimmer of hope flickered within Rei's heart.

Determined to overcome his limitations, Rei sought guidance from Kris. He knew that she possessed vast knowledge and experience, and he hoped that she could provide him with the guidance he needed to master his powers safely.

With a sense of purpose driving him forward, Rei made his way to Kris's office. As he entered, he found Kris poring over a map, her expression focused and determined.

"Rei, what brings you here?" Kris asked, her voice warm yet tinged with concern as she noticed the troubled look on Rei's face.

"I need your help," Rei began, his voice steady despite the uncertainty that gnawed at him. "I want to learn how to control my magic properly. I don't want to endanger myself or others again."

Kris regarded Rei with a thoughtful expression, her gaze filled with understanding. "I admire your determination, Rei," she said softly. "Mastering your powers won't be easy."

"Can't you just make me one?" Rei asked, hope flickering in his eyes.

"I can, but my creations drain mana for however long they are manifested," Kris explained.

"Then what am I supposed to do? I stand no chance against Zeke without it," Rei lamented, frustration creeping into his voice.

"It also helps to be patient," Kris remarked, her footsteps echoing softly as she approached Rei. "But it would be beneficial if you had experience with one."

"So you'll help me?" Rei questioned, his gaze searching Kris's face for reassurance.

"We'll only do it on my free days," Kris stated firmly, her expression serious yet determined.

"So are you free right now?"

"Yes Rei, I am free, but I'm warning you, this training is going to hurt," she stated before opening a portal, allowing Rei to pass through with her following.

Little did he know, training with one of the war powers is not as great as it sounds.