
The Apostle Of Arilion

Zayir_DM · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A Father Or A King

" You were there Aurora, did you talk to him?" A man with golden hair and blue eyes spoke. The man had a face of a formidable warrior and was wearing the clothes that covered his large and bulky body.

" Yes father, that was the case. I met him." Aurora answered, she saw that her father seemed a little disappointed.

" Why are you so shocked father?" A young man with blonde hair and blue eyes asked.

" Neel, I tried to kill your brother by poisoning him, today." The king admitted.

" What? Why would you do that? He is–" Neel reacted loudly while Aurora stopped eating and dropped her fork in surprise.

" That was the only way to stop what is going to happen, don't you see that Egon is just a mere tool of marquis and the empire. They are using him to cause a civil war and then like other kingdoms they will backstab him to bring everything under their control." The king explained.

" Father, You have to promise you will not do such a thing again. I had promised mother Veronica that I will protect my brother." Neel shouted as he slammed his hands on the table.

" Did he ever call you a brother? It's my fault that I neglected that child, I trusted marquis and his greed turned my son into one of the biggest threats to our kingdom."

" Then let him become the king," Neel said. " I don't want to if it's against my brother that I had promised to protect."

" Shut up Neel, didn't you hear what I just said? You can not give up, the kingdom is more important. Think about the people in our kingdom, they would lose their happy lives because of it." The king said in a louder voice.

" Father, why did you give him to marquis? Mother Veronica asked you to look after him, If only you would have fulfilled her wish. Then my brother would have never needed to become like this." Neel replied with a heavy voice.

At this moment during the discussion, only one thought was running through Aurora's mind which was about the question that Egon asked her today. She remembered a kind woman who looked after her as a kid, that was Veronica the mother of Egon, she was happy when the baby Egon was born.

Veronica died a few days after Egon was born, the cause of death was an unknown poison. She remembered being sad, being held by his big brother as he promised to protect both her and Egon.

' Egon, I always wanted a little brother, I have an answer now. It's just that you never seem to care, I can't be the only one longing for such a relationship, did you ever want a big sister?'

Her memories were vague when Egon was little but she remembered playing with him until she was four years old. Egon would never leave her side unless he was playing with Neel.

" Father, he is my little brother. How can you do that?" Aurora's eyes were filled with tears as she got up and walked away and Neel as well had nothing more to say, he too also left the table.

" They don't understand, neither one of them does that I have to always choose between being a father or a king."