
The Apocalypse is a Lonely Place

Mikel Moor has just started his adult life and he's had an... abysmal start so far. He coasts along in life, mostly alone, without much direction. Then, one day, everything goes from lonely and boring to lonely and terrifying. Strange lights seem to explode across the sky, wisps falling to the ground. Whatever is touched becomes warped and disgusting, not to mention ravenous for human flesh. Mikel takes back every complaint he's had about his pitiful existence. He'd rather be the depressing loner with two part-time jobs than the boy completely ill-equiped to take on the apocalypse. If only he had someone there to take it on with him.

Unprepared_Pioneer · Sci-fi
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Introduction: Just A Boy

Wake up somewhere around five o'clock, wash up, eat. That was my morning routine. Then pass some time on the internet. Watching too many movies on my phone will use up my data faster so stick with reading ebooks and maybe even fanfiction, even if I feel like a child when I do.

There was no point in being embarrassed though. Seeing as there was no one around to really laugh at my hobbies.

After internet hours, get dressed and ready for my first part-time. Get to the yard in time to catch some of the guys loading up the trucks. My work is basically a glorified gardener. Basically, take care of people's trees, trimming, pesticides, fertilizing. It was easy.

Except for the people. The people that want their trees taken care of have the yards to have trees and the money to do it. More often than not, they aren't kind. Definitely snooty.

When I first started, one lady wanted all the birch trees to be fertilized and the sycamores trimmed. I just wanted to ask her why she had a forest in her backyard. At the time, the guys enjoyed my pain and told me to figure out which were which.

When I went home that day, I made sure to research all the types of trees. It was boring.

After my first part-time, I go home, maybe wash again and change for my second part time job. I work was a janitor for a school. I am mostly there for after school activities. Kids and their sports activities or the clubs that leave messes in the classrooms.

The second job is much harder than the first. I have no problem cleaning. My mother always had me cleaning when I was young. Or younger.

It's because I don't mind cleaning, that I'm good at it too, that the other janitors push their responsibilities onto me. Sometimes, I can refuse and leave but other times, they are too insistent and I agree. The teachers also like me cleaning their rooms. The custodian manager likes this and encourages me to take their rooms as well.

The others laugh because I can't say no.

I get bullied a lot. Becoming an adult didn't help.

After that part time job, it's time to go home. On the commute back, I may got off at the park and walk around for a bit, back on my phone and scrolling through whatever distraction catches my eyes.

Then I eat and go to sleep sometime around ten o'clock.

Sometimes I have to make room in my schedule to go shopping. I just visit the small mini-mart near my small apartment and find the cheapest products to last me the longest time.

I live very... sparingly. I don't spend money much on things except for gems or gold in my games and I might buy chapters on novels i like.

That's my life. I have no close friends, most of my family has passed away and the rest don't like me so I keep my space. I was never really close to people from my school days.

If I think too hard about my life, it makes me a little depressed so I don't think too hard about it. Instead, I lose myself in games and books and movies. When that doesn't work, I take care of the plants scattered around my house. I even named most of them and talk to them.

Yes, depressing indeed.

Today was going to be no different. At least, that was what I thought before the tree tried to eat me and successfully strangled my coworker until his head popped off.