
Chapter 6: Two Days After the Outbreak

Before we start the chapter I would like to thank DATA_lol for giving this story its first Power stone thanks a lot man.


**December 27, 2024**

The once vibrant city of Delhi had transformed into a wasteland of chaos and despair. The outbreak had ravaged the streets, turning them into battlegrounds where the living struggled to survive against the onslaught of the infected. Amidst this destruction stood Ayush's safe house—a large mansion spread over an acre, fortified by high walls topped with barbed wire. The mansion itself was almost a kilometer away from the main road, accessible only through a driveway enclosed by similar high walls and barbed wires, secured by seven gates. The entire property, situated on a small hill 15 to 20 meters above the surroundings, made it highly defensible. The estate spanned nine acres, providing ample space and security.(before anyone could say cringe I would like to say that this property is based on a real life property here in India I have just made some tweaks in it)

**Ayush's POV**

Ayush stood in the command center they had set up in the mansion's spacious living room, surrounded by his closest allies—Ayaan, Rajveer, Samaira, his grandfather, and Ravi the leader of elite Marcos commandos. The outbreak had happened so quickly, yet it felt like an eternity since they had fled to the safety of the mansion. Ayush had been restless, his nights plagued by nightmares of the infected and a gnawing feeling that something worse was on the horizon. His unease was not unfounded; the world outside was collapsing,possibly billions are dead or dying and he knew they had to be prepared for anything.

**System Voice**

"Congratulations, Ayush. You have been granted your first major reward. You now have access to a 100-person summon, a substantial cache of arms and ammunition, and access to the system shop."

He navigated the system interface, knowing he needed to summon help discreetly. He activated the system's reward function and selected his summons in secret.

**Ayush's POV**

In an instant, Ayush summoned the personnel in secret: 4 doctors, 6 nurses, 4 cooks, 6 cleaning and household staff, 20 pilots, and 60 commandos—30 Marcos commandos and 30 Para SF commandos. They materialized in a hidden room within the mansion's basement, ready to serve.

Ayush felt a surge of relief. This was the help he needed. The doctors and nurses immediately and discreetly began setting up a medical station in one of the mansion's wings, while the cooks and household staff got to work organizing the kitchen and living quarters. The additional commandos integrated seamlessly with the existing security team, bolstering their defenses.The pilots didn't have anything to do as they didn't have anything that can fly,so they joined the cammandos in defence of the estate

**Grandfather's POV**

Ayush's grandfather watched him intently. He had always known his grandson was special, but seeing him take charge in such a dire situation filled him with pride and concern. He approached Ayush, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"You've done well, Ayush. We're safer now, thanks to you."

Ayush nodded, feeling a mixture of pride and responsibility. "We need to stay vigilant. The worst is yet to come."

His grandfather nodded thoughtfully. "Your decision to liquidate our assets was a wise one. It's not an easy call, but it ensures we have the resources to survive this. I trust your judgment completely."

**Samaira's POV**

Samaira sat in one of the mansion's sitting rooms, discussing their situation with Ayaan and Rajveer. The mansion, with its high walls, barbed wire, and strategic location on a hill, felt like a fortress. Yet, the sense of impending doom lingered. She was still trying to wrap her head around the surreal turn of events.

"How are you holding up?" Ayush asked, taking a seat beside them.

Ayaan sighed. "It's hard to believe this is real. But we trust you, Ayush. You've kept us safe so far."

Samaira nodded, her eyes filled with concern. "What's our plan now?"

"We need to secure more supplies and establish contact with any other survivor groups," Ayush replied. "We're not alone in this, and the more allies we have, the better our chances."

Samaira leaned back, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. She looked at Ayush, noticing the weight of leadership on his shoulders. She admired his determination but also worried about the toll it was taking on him.

**Rajveer's POV**

Rajveer listened to Ayush's plan, feeling a surge of hope. The past few days had been a blur of fear and uncertainty, but Ayush's leadership had kept them grounded. They had managed to stock up on supplies, including food that could last for twenty years, and medicine and medical equipment.

"We have to stay focused," Rajveer said. "Every second counts."

He glanced around the room, taking in the sight of his friends and the commandos. Despite the dire situation, there was a sense of unity among them. Rajveer knew that their strength lay in their collective effort.

**Ayush's POV**

As the group dispersed to carry out their tasks, Ayush felt a renewed sense of purpose. They were in this together, and together, they would survive. The fortified mansion, the resources, and the people around him were their best chance at making it through this apocalypse. And Ayush was determined to lead them to safety.

The system's voice echoed in his mind once more. "New objective: Establish a network with other survivor groups and secure additional resources. Rewards will be based on performance."

Ayush shared the new objective with his friends and commandos. "Let's get to work," he said. "We have a lot to do, and time is not on our side."

** Late Night**

Ayush lay in his bed, unable to sleep. His mind was filled with thoughts of the outbreak and the responsibilities on his shoulders. The mansion was quiet, but the silence was unsettling. He knew the peace wouldn't last.

He activated the system interface one last time before trying to get some rest. The screen displayed the system shop, filled with various resources and upgrades. Ayush browsed through the options, making mental notes of what they might need in the future.

"Tomorrow," he thought. "Tomorrow we'll start securing more resources and reaching out to other survivor groups."

With that resolve, Ayush closed his eyes, hoping for a few hours of sleep before the dawn of another challenging day.

**Ayaan's POV**

Ayaan sat by the window in his room, looking out at the darkened landscape. The hill gave them a vantage point, and he could see faint lights flickering in the distance—remnants of the world that once was. He thought about his family, hoping they were safe. The gravity of their situation weighed heavily on him, but Ayush's presence was a source of comfort.

He thought about the conversation earlier and how Ayush had taken charge. It wasn't just about survival; it was about maintaining their humanity amidst the chaos. Ayaan resolved to support Ayush in any way he could.

**Rajveer's POV**

Rajveer sat in his room, cleaning his rifle. The meticulous task helped calm his nerves. His mind wandered to the events of the past few days, the panic and the flight to the safe house. He knew they were lucky to have a place like this, but luck wouldn't last forever.

He thought about Ayush's plan to contact other survivor groups. It was ambitious, but necessary. They needed allies, and they needed to be prepared for whatever was coming next. Rajveer finished his task and looked out the window, determined to face the coming days with courage and solidarity.

Samaira's POV

Samaira lay in her room, staring at the ceiling. The past few days had been overwhelming, and the reality of their situation was slowly sinking in. She admired Ayush's leadership and determination, but she also worried about the burden he was carrying. She thought about their conversation earlier and how he had reassured them all.

"He's strong, but even the strongest need support," she thought. Samaira resolved to be there for Ayush, to support him in any way she could. They were all in this together, and their survival depended on their unity and resilience.

As she drifted off to sleep, Samaira's thoughts were filled with memories of better days and hopes for a future beyond the chaos. She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but with Ayush and their friends by her side, she believed they could make it through.

**End of Chapter**


AN- here's the next chapter people please support this with your comments and power stones.and also I posted the image of samaira but for some reason it is not visible so I will do it again along with images of other characters also guys please join me on discord

Discord link- https://discord.gg/agtND7rv