
The Apartment in front of the Deaths

The Apartment in front of the Deaths is an epic saga that presents an intricate web of stories of distinct characters, all connected by a mysterious apartment that appears to be at the center of tragic events. From courageous heroes to cunning villains and ambiguous anti-heroes, each character has their own journey in different places, but they all share the same dark universe full of dangers. As each individual battles their own inner demons and faces unique challenges, they ultimately discover that their destinies are intertwined in unexpected ways, culminating in an epic confrontation that will change the course of the world in which they live. With exciting twists, intense conflicts and an engaging narrative, The Apartment in front of the Deaths is an unmissable saga that will take readers to a universe full of unimaginable dangers and surprises.

Toyykooong · Fantasy
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194 Chs


As Ryota was thrown against the surviving warriors, the radiant barrier of elemental magic wavered and flickered, its protective light dimming as the impact disrupted the flow of their powers. The warriors, caught off guard by the sudden assault, struggled to regain their footing amidst the chaos that ensued.

Pezzlz, recovering from the brutal blow he had received, pushed himself up from the ground, his eyes ablaze with determination. With a fierce cry, he summoned the elemental forces, channeling his unyielding resolve into a pulsating surge of energy that surged through his body. Ignoring the searing pain, he focused on rekindling the radiant barrier, determined to fend off the encroaching darkness and protect his allies.

Meanwhile, Ryota, his spirit unbroken despite the vicious assault, rose to his feet, his eyes locking onto Hef with a steely gaze. With a surge of elemental power, he unleashed a blistering torrent of fire and lightning, aiming to drive back the malevolent vampire god and create an opening for his allies to regroup.

The three surviving warriors, their determination unwavering, rallied behind Ryota and Pezzlz, fortifying their spirits as they prepared to confront Hef and the looming shadow beast once more. With unity and resolve, they stood ready to face the darkness, drawing strength from the unyielding light that burned within their hearts.