
The Apartment I Rented Is Also A Gateway To Another World!

Full name: The Apartment I Rented Is Also A Gateway To Another World, But I Can Not Pass Through It! Hakaku Koyama a 19 year old teen on leap year before his first year of college rents a cheap apartment to lower costs. He soon finds out that the mirror in his hallway is a gateway to another world. Out of it comes the demon girl - Damaru Yakushtazushakata. Wanting to go back Damayo tries to go back through the portal, but finds out she's stuck in the human world and has to live with Hakaku doing normal human activities.

PotatoCatKun · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Going Shopping With The Cute Demon Girl

Hakaku exited his apartment building, the strangely dressed Damaru following him.

The walk would only take a couple of minutes, but in that time span Damaru would see many things unknown to her.

Finally, they arrived at the supermarket and went straight to the clothes store.

When entering Hakaku and Damaru rushed to the women's section to buy Damaru some fitting clothes.

"Wow, there are so many interesting clothes here!" Damaru said, excited, "They're so soft! I love them."

'I guess clothes like these don't really exist in a fantasy world." Hakaku thought.

"Yeah let's find one's that fit you."

'I don't really know her size, so I'll have to guess."

Hakaku went to the t-shirt section and picked out a red t-shirt with the writing "BRUH" on it, made by the popular "Bruh Ink." he thought would fit Damaru.

Hakaku then handed the t-shirt to Damaru and she went to the changing rooms to put it on.

Damaru came out less than a minute later wearing the shirt.

"It's great!" Damaru said, "Fits like a blade in its holster."

"Interesting metaphor." Hakaku replied, "Well now I know you're size. I can't believe I guessed it in one try. I must be a god or something!"

"Anyway do you like the t-shirt's design?" Hakaku then asked.

"Yeah!... I think... I don't know what it says. What kind of writing is this."

"It's English." Hakaku replied, 'I guess she can understand English, but can't read it."

"Anyway, we should buy you a hoodie now." Hakaku said, with a smile on his face, "Follow me!"

And so Damaru did.

Together they went to the hoodie section and this time Hakaku already knew Damaru's size.

Hakaku was looking for a hoodie when he heard Damaru gasp.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"This hoodie is so cute!"

Damaru was talking about a pink hoodie with cat ears that she quite liked.

"Let's go try it on then." Hakaku quickly replied.

"Yaaaaaay! Let's go!" Damaru said, once again excited.

'I guess there are girls who love clothes no matter what world, huh.' Hakaku thought to himself.

Damaru rushed over to the dressing booth and quickly put on the hoodie.

Damaru came out jumping with excitement, not even trying to hide it.

"How does it look?" Damaru asked.

"It looks great!" Hakaku happily replied, 'And another bonus is - it hides her horns perfectly, because of those cat ears."

"So now all we need for you are pants, underwear, socks and shoes."

"Let's go." Damaru said and rushed to buy all her necessary items."

It didn't take long for them to buy all the necessary items.

They bought jeans, underwear, red socks with black stripes, and white sneakers with red highlights for Damaru.

Now it was the time to buy everything they had chosen.

'Awww man, this is gonna cost like 500 Euros!' Hakaku finally started thinking about the cost of their shopping spree, 'Well you gotta do, what you gotta do. Plus she's really cute and the clothes only add on to that cuteness. I guess that makes it worth every penny."

"Hello, how can I help you?" the cashier asked Hakaku and Damaru.

"Oh yeah, we would just like to pay for these items." Hakaku said and stepped aside, so Damaru could place the clothes on the counter.

The cashier then scanned all the items and put them in a bag.

"OK, that will be... 329,95 Euros, please."

'Jeez... I mean, it's not as much as I imagined, but it's still a lot of money to spend for a girl I don't even know just because I think she's cute.'

"Oh don't. worry Hakaku! I can pay for it. I still have some gold on me!"

"Oh, it's no proble— Did you just say gold?" Hakaku replied surprised at Damaru's statement.

"Yeah, here it is." Damaru reached behind her back, pulled out a pouch of gold, and threw it on the counter.

"I'm not sure we can take some kind o—" the cashier said as she opened the bag, but then went silent due to what she saw.

In front of her, the cashier was a pouch filled with actual gold pieces in the shape of coins.

"A-are these real gold?" the cashier asked as she stuttered.

"Yup. Got them on my own." Damaru proudly replied.

"I don't know a lot about gold, but every single one of these could be worth 3000 Euros! And there are at least twenty in here!"

'3000 times 20 is... I'm bad at math, why am I even trying to do this in my head.' Hakaku tried to calculate how much money he now possessed, but gave up and grabbed out the calculator in his pocket, better known as a cellphone, and opened the calculator to calculate how much the pouch is worth.

"Oh my God! We have 60,000 Euros!"

"Is that a lot?" Damaru asked, not knowing Hakaku's world currency.

"That's very much a lot. We could buy a car with this! We could buy two!" Hakaku replied.

"Sadly we cannot take these currently." the cashier broke the news to the excited Hakaku.

"Whaaaat?" Hakaku asked, disappointed.

"You need to pay with actual money, that's guaranteed to be worth something. You can have a bank check them out, but until then you have to pay with cash."

"That sucks. Luckily I do have cash on me. And a credit card."

"Then you can pay with those."

And so he did.

"Hey Hakaku, can I go change?"

"Sure, I'll just wait here."

Damaru rushed over to the dressing booth and came out after five minutes or so dressed in her new clothes, carrying her old ones in her hands.

"OK, here are your clothes!" Damaru said as she gave Hakaku his clothes back, "Thank you for lending them to me!"

"You're welcome!" Hakaku said as he smiled and took the clothes, "Wanna go back home for now."

"Sure let's go!" Damaru replied with a warm and genuine smile.

"We can go have dinner and then change out the gold for cash. I think I have enough food to make a healthy and delicious dinner." Hakaku said to Damaru and mumbled the last part to himself.

"Back to your fortress!" Damaru said and ran towards Hakaku's apartment skipping like a happy child, Hakaku following after.