
The Antithesis

What would you do if you woke up in the hospital from a six-month coma and don't remember anything from the past few years? A person is desperate about himself as he starts having visions of random but dangerous effects. The dreams he had, seem to be memories but everyone else says that he didn't undergo any such events in the past. With the Police and the mysterious 'Prime' hunting him, he has to escape and realize the weight he has on his shoulder is not just of his. P.S. it's a demo, am planning to publish the real and complete novel

aneenshams · Sci-fi
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I must get to the light

Ray swam indomitably towards the light and the source came into vision, as a ship. Amongst the fog in his head, He can see a shadow standing on the ship. He could not recognize the face, but for some reason, it seemed unusually familiar. It seemed to be that of a young girl. The ship was getting closer and closer and closer and he could taste relief, but the bow seemed too red and suddenly exploded. He felt the warmth from the explosion on his face.

Ray woke back up in the bed and fell unconscious. He found a girl sitting next to him, but she was not the one from the ship he saw when he was out. Her blue-colored tulip top had been as bright as that of the peacock with flowers of a variety of colors just like the garden in the front yard of the one place he loves the most and seeing her diamond necklace, Ray deduced that she was from a rich family. She was clutching Ray's hand with her warm palm with tears in her eyes. Ray did not seem to recognize her and that made him feel uncomfortable, He pulled his hand away from her as if in disgust.

A man in a white uniform came in and insisted the lady wait outside as if to save him from the awkward moment. She seemed hesitant at first, but then got up and left the room, but still with a surprise at how Ray had reacted to her.

The man said, "Hello, I am Doctor Jeff Ferguson, and may I ask you about yourself?"

"Sorry Dr. Ferguson, I barely know what I am doing here, I'm just confused"

"Don't worry, I assure to unveil everything to you shortly. Please cooperate."

A look of approval with a slight hint of distrust was clearly visible on Ray's face.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel weirdly fresh, but my head doesn't look okay at all" The doctor followed Ray's eyes to the reflection on the metallic door.

"Can I get your good name again?"

"Vikhil Saunier"

"Would you let me know about your parents?"

"I never met my birth parents; I was abandoned when I was months old at an orphanage."

"Tell me about the orphanage"

"Even though I was not yet adopted I had a pretty good time there as they supported me in everything I needed, especially my education."

A nurse came in with a tray on which laid a syringe, she filled the syringe with medicine and gave him an injection, and left

"Anyone else you may know about?"

"Yeah, the Priest at the orphanage."

"Do you know who was just with you, the lady waiting outside?"

"Not at all."

"Thank you, Mr. Saunier you were brought to the hospital 6 months ago, with a mild concussion, it had been a strong blow on your limbic system, I am sorry to inform you that you may not be able to recall the events that occurred in the past years as you are suffering from traumatic amnesia." said the doctor as he stood up and turned towards the door. "Don't worry, the memory loss may be temporary... I think"

"Wait...How...Don't just leave like this. I have more questions" Ray tried to argue. But the doctor left him without a word.

* * *

It was a really sizzling day in Mumbai, the sun was scorching hot and nothing excited Vasudev more than sipping a hot cup of strong tea on a hot day, sitting in his newly bought autorickshaw. He had taken a loan into this beautiful auto and he was content with his life. He took a sip from his paper glass and looked at the sun wondering about the vacation he had been dreaming about, by saving up his income to go to the southern side of the country and the time when he would lay in the houseboat to enjoy the heat. While he was amid admiring how perfect the tea's composition was, a lady who looked as perfect as a wedding bride had come to interrupt him. She got in and spoke

"Chhatrapati Airport par jane hai, Aur jaldi chahiye"

Airport? and fast?

Vasudev looked at the girl with hesitation. She was a very young, beautiful girl wearing a red saree and she wore lots of gold ornaments. She had mehndi in her hands, and she was complete in the red bracelets in her hand and a shining red ring in her left ring finger.

"Jaldi jayegi Nahi tho mera flight miss Hoga!!"

As she said this, Vasudev started his day with the start of the autorickshaw, his first trip was to the airport.

The girl's phone began to ring, she answered "hello?"

"Hello, Ava"

"What is it?"

"Reo found out and his friends are on their way...."

"To the railway, right?" Giggled Ava

"Yes, it was a great plan to confuse them, anyway all the best for your journey."

"And Dad?"

"I will convince him, somehow. I will miss you sis"

"I'll miss you too Rahul"

Ava ended the call, she held her locket tightly, looking outside, watching the yellowish-orange sky of the rising sun which shared most of her memories. She ran towards Juhu and sat there until the sunrise was seen when all the pain she held within was excruciating. It was a practice that started when her most friendly mom had passed away and when Rahul was just an infant. She recalled how her father had put on all the burdens unto himself for his world, the kids, to feel gratified and not know the difficulty of growing up with a single parent.

She stared at the sky as the sun was rising, recalling nostalgic memories and the feeling of satisfaction she used to have when she sat at Juhu until someone came to get her, not knowing the adventure that awaits her.