
The change for betterment

Summer was one of the most hated season for insecure people like me.The heat, the sweat, the clothes that can give people an idea of what your body type is, everything of that sort makes it hateful. Most of us are insecure about one thing or other but what people are most insecure about these days is ofcourse appearance. The body standards are high and social media expects everyone to look perfect. Well you should take genes, birthday and all that stuff into account! That isn't much to ask afterall.

Anyways let's stop straying away any further and talk about the story I am here to tell.

It was few years back, in summers,when I was about 13 when my parents decided to change my school. I was having a pretty normal day at school and came home as usual when this news came like an unexpected slap to me. Not only does that gave me a blow, it left a scar which made my heart heavy for the rest of the day. It was just the start of the academic session and changing school at that was a very simple process or that is how it seemed to me. The very next day I was giving admission test at a well reputed school of the time. It looked rather small when I first looked at it and I thought my parents were beyond reason to make me leave my previous school just to get me in a shabby, little place. That was just the start.

Just after handing the test papers I saw two boys of nearly same age as mine pushing and hitting each other for fun. Though it seems innocent now, it looked quite wild to me. I was from a small school that was only fir girls. My previous school had more sensitive people and was co-ed in the start but after a lot of students leaving school the the majority of girls remained and then it was opened as a girls only school. I was interviewed soon after and was given a class, a house ( it was a way of classifying students for various sports and cultural activities; the equality between houses was always maintained by taking equal number of smart people)and an ID card where I was to paste my photo and get the sign of my class teacher on it next working day. It was all done. I was officially a student of that school. Oh yes, the name of the school, it was Sundew High School. I hated the Sundew and the summer equally then. I was to visit my classroom. Since it was PT class of my would be classmates I was free to see the classroom and my shy nature otherwise couldn't have handled the pressure of meeting new people. I glanced at my parents. They too gave me a look "It was all for my betterment".