
I'll become the DARKNESS and you shall become the LIGHT

June 15, Summer, 3065

Despite being summer, the skies were crying at the loss of Knight family. Almost all the elderly dead by a sudden disease. Rumor was it that it was a curse of the witches. But at this era, believing in witches were like believing that fire doesn't burn. There was another rumor that Fredrick, one of the older ancestors had cheated with a witch. And now the newer generation had no one guide them.

Alfonse was the eldest. He was supposed to be the next heir had this accident not been caused. He was determined to help the family in any and all way possible. Even though there was a vast amount of money and property left in his hand, he was still desperate to help all his bretheren and sistren.

"I promise you... I promise you they won't be misguided." Alfonse cried.

"Brother?" Zed looked at him. Zed was Alfonse's only brother. Others were cousins and were still somewhat younger than him. "Who did you promise?"

"I promised our Mother."

"But isn't she gone? How do you promise to someone who has passed away?"

Alfonse looked at him. He was still unclear about how life and death worked. Alfonse took a long breath. He croutched down and put a hand on Zed's shoulder. "Zed, can you promise me something?"


"Promise me that you will never ask what happened to our parents."


"In time, I will tell you. But for now, you will need to study harder."

"I will if you will. I trust no one other than you brother."

Alfonse smiled. He took one last look at the graves and then took everyone back home.

Knight Palace.

It felt surprisingly empty. Excpet for all the maids and butlers, there was no one else. So much for 'we will always be grateful' and 'your charity will forever be remembered'. No one even came to ask how the children were or how they will be from now on. Alfonse knew this would have happened. He planned it too. He took the responsibilities and discharged his duties without a hitch. Like that a few years passed.

June 15, 3075.

10 years had passed. Alfonse ran the whole family with the fortune left behind by his parents. It was at this time people started being somewhat suspicious. The family survived with Alfonse's guidelines smoothly. Too smoothly in fact. Many thought that Alfonse had killed their parents. Others believed that it was all a conspiracy to gain the family fortune. Words like that stabbed yound Zed's heart. What do you mean my brother killed my parents? And what kind of conspiracy exactly? I saw him work day and night trying to raise us. I saw how he did not let any of the workers put Rosey to bed. I know how hard this guy worked. Alfonse paid no heed to these words. He was more concerned avout the well-being of the other members of the family.

Knight Palace.

"Brother, my hair band broke!"

"Brother, I need to buy a new book!"

"Brother, I am hungry!"

Zed was passing by and saw the usual commotion. He saw how Alfonse dealt with each of their problems. How did he do it? Zed would have lost his mind long ago. Maybe thats why Alfonse is the eldest. When everything calmed down he went to Alfonse.

"Do you need anything?" Alfonse asked.

"Well, I just wanted to discuss something" Zed replied as he sat down. "Did you hear what Aunt Cecille said?"

"Goodness, if you broke another window glass again I won't be paying."

"No. And it was an accident. *sigh* How come you never pay any heed to what people say?"

"If thats what you are going to say then I have the family business to take care of. You should go and sleep."

"Listen please. People say bad things behind your back and you do nothing. Do you really not feel bad?"

"No. Now good night."

"Please brother. I cannot and will not stand if anyone calls you a murderer!"

"That is something that shouldn't bother you!"

"Even so..."

"Listen. As you will grow up you will realize that you won't be able to please everyone. And if I don't take the bad role they will think that you are poorly raised. And that will be a more worse punishment to me than being called a murderer or thief, do you understand? Remember what father always used to say? 'Eradicating darkness is not possible. Because light creates shadow.' Happy? Now go to sleep."

Just as Alfonse was about to leave Zed spoke up. "Then what if..."

"What if what?"

"What if I become the darkness?"


Zed looked Alfonse in the eye. And with a smile he said, "I will become the shadow. And your light will fix me. That way people will stop falsely accusing you."

"I am still unclear of what you mean."

"I will become the villain and you will become the hero! And I will become the worst human being to exist. That way people won't point fingers at you. They will point them at me!"

Alfonse was dumbfounded. He didn't expect the conversation to turn that way. He heaved a heavy sigh and said, "Fine then. Do whatever you want. I raised you for 10 years, don't disappoint me." It was clear Alfonse didn't take Zed seriously. But Zed was serious. More serious than the quarrel between husbands and wives.