
The Antagonist's Revenge

The Antagonist was killed by the protagonist but his soul was reincarnated back to 3 years ago. "Now then...how should i take my revenge..."

S_Takeshi · Fantasy
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16 Chs


The laser cannon charges again. It is powerful, I'm not going to lie. But he forgets that I'm an expert at mana manipulation.

I immediately collide the atmosphere mana with the mana gathered in the cannon, creating a huge explosion.

Colliding mana creates an explosion due to instability. The explosion also varies depending on how much mana there is.

In the laser's cannon case...it created something like a nuke.

Minus the radiation of course.

I wait for the smoke to clear up. There is no way James would not die from that.


Skill obtained: Quick Thinking.

Skill obtained: Engineering.

Skill obtained: Leadership.

Rank up: SSS(+21)


Hmph. Nice skills. Might be useful in the future.

The structure of the tower collapsed crushing into the deep ground.

Too many clouds of dust flying around so I used a mana barrier to keep them out.

I enter the tower to the level where I saw the laser cannon. The cannon itself is completely trashed but...

"I knew it," I mumble to myself and smile.

Among the ruins, is a blue mana cube. Ordinary mana cubes are red but this one is blue; a rare mana cube.

I assume he places this mana cube in the core of that cannon.

I sit down among the ruins and close my eyes. With the cube in my hand, I slowly absorb it. It's difficult to absorb a mana cube but I did it in the end.

I stand up and try gathering mana. A rush of mana channelled into my hand both from my body and from the atmosphere.


I can feel the mana around me more clearly... And the quality of the mana...

Heh. No wonder mana cubes are so precious.

Now then...time for me to investigate this unsettling feeling.

Ever since I step into this tower I always have this instinct to go down the basement. It's locked of course. But I just channel mana into the lock and boom.

The door reveals a staircase down. It feels creepy due to the dim lights but what could go wrong?

I step down and down. It felt like an endless staircase.

In the end, is a mirror. Just a mirror, nothing else.

"What the..."

I touch the mirror.


It's a spatial mirror!!!

I gulp and channel mana into it, the mirror's glass slowly turns into something like a black hole.

I put my hand into it and I am immediately sucked in.


I can feel the light breeze blowing past me.

I open my eyes and found myself...in the dream!

From a distance, there is a huge tree and next to it, a church.

Under the tree is a young girl.

That girl...

I walk towards her but as I take no more than 5 steps, a piercing sound invaded my ears.

"Arghhh!!! What the-"

I recompose myself and my breathing.

I touch my ear, there is a bit of blood.

I feel the urge to cough now.

The fresh air began to be filled with ash and charcoal.

I look up and notices the tree and church on fire.

What the hell is going on?

That girl, where is she?

I walk to the church and used mana to put out the fire immediately.

Afterwards, I filtered the air.

Inside the church is several bodies. Some nuns and some children. All dead.

One of the bodies belongs to the girl...!

I sigh.

I don't know why but I feel like I'm tied to this place.

I buried the bodies and was about to leave before hearing "Thank you...".


I quickly look behind and see the girl herself. Her body was buried so this is...her spirit?

"Your welcome," I say.


"You don't remember? This is your childhood you know?"

I look at her and shake my head. "Maybe...i don't know. I don't remember much of my childhood. It's not like my past is a good memory as well."

She looks at me and smiles. Tears start rolling down her cheek. "But at this period, you should at least feel a moment of happiness...right?"

My eyes widen.

My head starts to hurt a little.


"Camila," I say.

She looks at me and smiles. "Yes?"



I remember everything...