
The Antagonist's Revenge

The Antagonist was killed by the protagonist but his soul was reincarnated back to 3 years ago. "Now then...how should i take my revenge..."

S_Takeshi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 9

"Follow me please." Says the servant.

Everyone on the street is very friendly towards each other, only because there are no beggars here...or should I say, no peasants here. Something is wrong. No discrimination is not something possible among humans

We walk through the streets like any ordinary person. Everyone who sees us immediately steps away and bow.

Weird, they are not bowing to us but rather bowing to the servant.


In the middle of Januar is a very tall tower, taller than the rest and stands out the most. That's the HQ of Januar. Usually, we call it the castle but Januar's technology is on a whole new level.

This place seems to have piqued my interest a bit. This is a rare occurrence, as expected of the strongest kingdom among the four.

...I'm not even surprised anymore. Inside the HQ is even more impressive.

I look at Lupus and Sylvia. Both of them have their mouths dropped open with their eyes widen.

The amount of levels in this HQ is so high I can't even see the end. Each level has a hologram receptionist and on the library level, is holograms digital books. Citizens can just come here and download the contents to their phones and read while relaxing on a levitating chair.

...Too much to explain so I will leave it there. Either way, this place is too advanced.

We take the teleporter to level 318 and arrive at the level in which an office origin. The worker seems happy with their work though...very suspicious.

*knock* *knock*

Outside a huge double door, the servant knocked.

"Come in."

He opens and we step inside.

"Have a seat." Says a middle-aged man in a suit.

This guy...doesn't look like a king at all but I suppose he is.

The man sits down and we sit on the opposite side.

"So I assume you are the new hero...right?"

"That's right," I reply.

"Hahaha!!! Good! I can see you have potential. The other two looks like they have so much to ask about our technology here yet you are unfazed."

"Ah! about that. I am so surprised that I'm not surprised at this point anymore." I say.


"A-Ahem. Anyway, this lady over here is the hero of Kins right?"

Sylvia snapped out of it and quickly reply "Y-Yes sir!"

Why so formal?

"Good. Let me introduce myself and our selected hero. I am James"

A foreigner from America?

"And my hero is this lad." Says James.

...no, I can sense a presence but I can't exactly pinpoint where.

"Huh? Where?" Asks Lupus.

"Hmm...how about you try to find him, Mr Lupis hero."


"He is...in the cabinet there," I say, pointing at a cabinet right behind the sofa we sitting at.

The cabinet opens and a young man shows up, panting from the lack of oxygen. "Finally." He says.

"Hahahaha!!! Nice!! Come here, boy!"

The fuck? How is that funny?

This person is slightly taller than me and is dashing.

We talk for a while after that. He describes how electronic components combined with magic contributes to their technology. It is a complex formula but easy to understand. But something feels very off...i can't quite...put the finger on it...

We decided to stay at Januar for a month like how we stayed at Kins. I was given my room and before I can even check it out, the hero of Januar, Adam, calls out to me.

"Sup bro!"

...???????? What?

"S-Sup?" I reply.

"Damn man! I rarely see a dude around my age nowadays! It's so great to meet you!" Says Adam.

"Huh? Why?"

"Well...i don't know. Even my father doesn't tell me. 1 of 3 children always disappear after birth. And the remaining child 2/3 children are either anti-social or retarded."

...heh...this guy, is useful.

"Anyway? Do you have a girlfriend?" Asks Adam.

Uhh... is Sylvia considered?

"No...? Yes...?"

"Wow bro, you don't even know? Pfft. Anyway, here check out my fiance, she's damn hot!"

Adam hands me a photo of a girl.

My eyes widen and I smirk.


"Huh? You know her?"

"No no, I just heard of her," I say.

"Anyway it's late now, you should go back and rest."

"Alright, see you tomorrow, dude! Peace!"

That was cringe...

But, I receive good information.