
The Antagonist's Revenge

The Antagonist was killed by the protagonist but his soul was reincarnated back to 3 years ago. "Now then...how should i take my revenge..."

S_Takeshi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

"Pffttt!!! Hahahahaha!!! Have you finally realised my superiority?" Says Orland.

I know, it pisses me off too. But that's our advantage too. His big pride is his strongest weakness.

"...Just fucking join the hunt...or you don't want to?"

"No no no, who says I don't want to, my lady."

Orland smiles at Sylvia. And she shows a face of disgust.

His aura is surrounded by red and black flames...lust and murder...huh

I smirk. Let's see what you are going to do but ever since you accept the hunt, you are already trapped like an animal waiting to be butchered.

They accepted a cave hunt with 5 of Orland's Lackeys. They have a similar aura...they are underestimating Sylvia too much by planning to rape her together. I don't even need to directly confront them to kill. That's how weak they are.

It's daytime but the cave is in the middle of the forest, meaning plenty of shadows for me to hide in using the passive skill.

His Lackeys are staring at Sylvia's body on the way. Damn it! How dare they do that to my property! I will gouge their eyes out later. As for Orland...

"...Can you stop staring at me?" Says Sylvia.

"No no no, we are not, my lady." Says one of the lackeys.

"Yes yes, we are just admiring you." Says another.

"Huh? What do-"

"Now now, calm down. We are here." Says Orland.

They arrive at the cave. An eerie deep wind is blown out, it is a sign of danger. Rumours have it that this cave is filled with gems and treasures but that's just a myth. Every adventurer who took upon this hunt never returned. In truth, they all just died to the complex traps in this cave, there were never any monsters. That's because this cave is a tomb for the late king. Of course, this information is confidential and no one knows it except the king and queen of Kins. I happen to know it because it was revealed in the future.

All of this knowledge is just from my previous life though, I shouldn't depend on it too much.

Sylvia throws a glance at me, she can sense my presence. Looks like I still have a lot more grinding to do. Right now, the passive skill "Shadow Camouflage" from Kelson is only level 49.

"All of you halt and guard the entrance." Says Sylvia.


"It's okay, me and Sylvia will be enough." Says Orland.

His lackeys hesitated for a while but still agreed.

Alright, time for me to move.

"Argh...damn it. Looks like Orland gets to enjoy Sylvia first."

"What? Do you want to rebel against him? You are looking for a death wish." Says one of the lackeys.


*rustle* *rustle*

"...hm? That bush-"

"Sup bitch," I say, ambushing one of them from behind.


And another head is rolling.

Two down, three more to go.

"Who the fuck are you?" One of them asks.

All three of them is scared. Their hands are trembling. Why? I'm not even releasing my aura.



It's because of my bloody appearance.

I did slit their throat after all.

I lick the blood on my dagger and smile.

That made the lackeys step back and gulp.

"W-We have three of u-us. We can-"

I did not wait for him to finish and dashes towards him, slitting his throat.

Like a domino effect, my sudden attack threw their formation off and I slaughter them in a zig-zag from one to another.

Blood dripping down for my dagger and dead bodies around me...ahhh

What a beautiful scene!


"Orland, what's the meaning of this?" Says Sylvia.

"Oh my, to think you would fall into a silly trap like that. You must be getting more senile."

"Bastard I'm just 25!"

While I'm taking my own sweet time enjoying killing people. That damn bastard set up a trap ahead of time.

"D-Don't touch me, stay away!" Says Sylvia. Both her hands and legs are pinned to the ground by a magic circle.

Orland slowly takes off his clothes and walk towards Sylvia. Of course, I sensed her fear and dashed into the cave. Slaves and their masters have a linked mind. We can feel each other's thoughts and whereabouts.

"So what the fuck are you planning to do to my property?" I say.

"What! Where did you come from-"

"Answer me!" I dash towards Orland and place my dagger's blade near his neck. "Answer me... I will not repeat myself."

"I-I... No, wait, please. I don't want to die yet! What do you want?!"

"You want to live huh...how about we make a deal instead."


"I know you want to take the throne but a certain someone is an obstacle to that. I will help you take care of the obstacles, in return, you become the king and work under me."

Orland is confused. "Are you not afraid that I will betray you?"

"Oh, I am. That's why I already put a curse on you in advance."

"You! Sylvia!! You planned this with him?"

She smirks.

Being the calculating guy he is, Orland has no choice, besides, this benefits him too. He is a guy who always takes the route that benefits him the most. He doesn't care what happens the everyone, only himself.

He sighs, then smiles. "Deal."

I smile back.


The obstacles I mentioned is, of course, the other candidates and the king himself.

Although they were all assassinated by me, I fake it as if all of them has some sort of fight and killed each other by accident, the king saddened by that, committed suicide.

Pfft!!! Hahahahaha!!

The people in this kingdom are so easy to deceive.

1 month passed without any interesting stuff happening. Orland took over the throne and I control it from behind the scenes. Though for the political stuff, I leave it up to Orland since I have no experience in that aspect.



I am just having a meal when I overheard a conversation. Something about a man in a robe going around the city and killing people.

"Excuse me!" I say to the two gentlemen beside the table I'm at. "May I join in on that conversation?"

They look at each other and agreed.

From them, it seems to be someone of my age, a bit shorter than me and has a huge scar on his arm. Other than that, no information is known except that he wears a brown robe.

"And also, I heard he is here for revenge. Scary, I wonder what happened that made a guy this desperate for revenge."

Sounds familiar...Kazuki? I don't want to believe but that's the most possible answer right now.

Well then let's see how this "revenge" of his plays out. The people in this kingdom gives little to no exp so he can have them. Their skills are useless too.

Besides...to quench my boredom, I already ranked up to...



An explosion can be heard from the outside...it is created from magic, normal explosions don't sound this loud.

Some people's eardrums burst because of this.

I walk outside and a man in a brown robe can be seen.

Oi oi, isn't the plot advancing too fast?

But I suppose that saves me the time to find him.

The person was wearing a mask and he takes it off.

White hair-

AS EXPECTED, it is Kazuki!

"It's the devil in the rumour! Subdue him!!" Says one of the knights on patrol.

Idiots, they are just running to their deaths.

A group of well-trained knights attacks from all directions, their attack is coordinated but Kazuki disappears immediately and appears behind one of the knights, stabbing his nape with a dagger created from magic.

Teleportation and manipulation of mana...he mastered those two so easily, no wonder he is so strong.

When Kazuki sees me, he stops and immediately smiles, creating ten magic daggers and shooting them at all of the knights around him. He even targetted one at me but I deflected it easily. But his style of killing is a bit gruesome huh...

As an extra effect, he crushes all of their heads. The sound of the skull breaking, the blood bursting. Since when did such wonderful sound exist?

"Hi, Akuma! Remember me?!"


I smirk.

This bastard became stronger and came back for revenge. I see... I understand this feeling very well.

"You don't seem like the person you are supposed to be...Kazuki."

"Hahaha!!!!.... And who's fault is it?" Says Kazuki.

This fucking bastard...for the first time I am becoming excited.

Kazuki is surrounded by bodies...all slaughtered by him, the knights.

I created...




The current Kazuki is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!

His smile turns into a frown. His aura... are completely black.


"Why did you do that?" Says Kazuki.

"Do what?"


This question huh...

"I wonder why?" I say.


His fist clenches, his teeth gritted. He is about to lose his cool.

Hmm...maybe I should use this as a chance to "use" him.

I smirk.

This guy, although he hates violence and killing before. Right now, he smiles while he kills. Without a doubt, he is enjoying it.