
The Antagonist's Revenge

The Antagonist was killed by the protagonist but his soul was reincarnated back to 3 years ago. "Now then...how should i take my revenge..."

S_Takeshi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

*ding* *ding*

I smile.

...haha looks like it's here. It's starting to get interesting.

"What? That's the church bell! A crisis is happening and they are telling us to gather in the city square." Says Yuki.

"Alright let's go." Says Kazuki.

I nod to them and we departed.

For the past 2 days, I have been trying to increase our bond. It should be enough for Kazuki to at least trust me a little. Although Yuki trusts Kazuki more than me. The same goes the other way round.

Everyone sees me as Z rank and Kazuki's ranks are all SS rank. Although in reality, I'm an SSS Rank because of the grinding I did at night. Looks like killing monsters in the countryside gives a lot more exp than humans though they are peaceful towards humans unless being threatened.

And I also awakened two new skills:

God's rebellion:(lvl max)

All limitations are removed. Growth potential increases by 10%.

Psycho:(lvl max)

After killing someone, Atk and Def increase by 10% for 2 minutes, the effect can be stacked up to 20 times.

Hahaha! These skills are perfect.

Hundred thousand...probably about a million people are gathered.

In this world, there are 4 major kingdoms: Lupis, Januar, Emarel and Kins.

Each kingdom will choose its heroes to Rebell the demon lord. The kingdom we are in is Lupis.

The princess steps up the stage and speaks into the mic.

"Good afternoon, my beautiful and handsome citizens! There is a major crisis going on right now. The demon lord...has awakened."

That statement caused quite a shock to several citizens, some even collapsed from the fear.

"But rest assured! For we will pick a brave hero who will lead our world into peace!"

Says Lupis.

After that, we were instructed to take turns testing our rank abilities. Mine was like this:


(The brackets are my true rank)

Atk: Z rank(SSS Rank)

Def: X rank(SS Rank)

Spd:Z rank(SSS Rank)

Mp:Z rank(SSS Rank)

Overall rank: Z Rank(SSS Rank)


"Cheh, useless dog." Says the knight who is checking mine.

I smile at him and left.

"Impossible!!! This boy and girl have SS rank!!!" Says someone in the crowd.

Looks like Yuki and Kazuki.

That left a shock in everyone and Princess Lupis herself personally come down from the stage to hold both of their hands.

"I beg you, will you take the role?"

Yuki and Kazuki look at each other and smile.

"Of course, we will!" They say in sync.

"O'Brave heroes, thank you so much!!"

Everyone immediately cheered.

I remember this disgusting scene...it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, I better leave first.

I visit Yuki's father restaurant.

"Oh! Akuma! What's happening at the hero ceremony?"

"Your daughter and Kazuki were chosen."


"Wait...really?!? I cannot believe it!!! Ahahahaha this is the best moment of my life!" Says the old man.

"Yeah... it's unbelievable." I say with a smile.

After a while, Yuki and Kazuki came running to the restaurant. "Father!!! We were chosen!!!"

"Yes!!! I'm so glad!! Your hard work has paid off!"


Kazuki just smiled and stayed silent.

He notices me after a while.

"A-Akuma? Are you sad? After all...you are stronger than me and I still don't know how I was chosen-"

"I'm a Z rank."



I nod.


"Let's go." Says Kazuki.

"Go where?"

"Let's go show them your skill, I will make you a hero too! I'm sure you worked hard for this moment. Your ability will come to light-"

"But my Rank is still a Z. They will look down on me."


"I'm sorry."

Heh...yeah...i forgot that Kazuki is very kind.

"Anyway, I have to go somewhere, can you accompany me there?" I ask.


Nice, his kindness is still the same.

He follows me into a shady, dark spot. Where it's very secluded but near the crowded market. I can hear the buzzing noises from the market there, annoying.

I take out a small black box decorated with tinted gold at the edge.

"I originally wanted to use this on my journey as a hero, but you can have it," I say with a smile.

Kazuki stares at the box and smiles. "Understood, I won't let down your expectations."

He takes the box and opens it, discovering a purple dagger with a grey handle and violet guard.

Once he holds the dagger, his hand becomes numb as some sort of aura engulfs him.


"A-Akuma... What's-"

Losing control of his hand, I force him to stab me.


I shout as loud as I could so that people nearby heard it and come to investigate.


"What?!!? No that's not-"

"H-Hero. What are you doing??!!" Says a passerby.

"N-No!!! It wasn't-"


That shout attracted several people and all of them witnessed the act. The hero is so stunned that he forgot to let go of the dagger plunged in me even after I release the magic.

A knight is also passing by and he witnessed it as well.


"N-No... it's not what you think-"

"Kazuki?...what are you doing?"

Says Yuki.

HERE IT COMES!!! The most important person in his life will create his most traumatic experience!!! YESSS!!! DESPAIR!!!!

Kazuki...slowly let's go of the dagger and backs off.

His body is shaking and he slowly looks at me, lying on the floor.

I look back and smirks.

"!!!!!! AKUMA!!!! YOU-"

"That's enough!! Please...stop Kazuki...i didn't think you are this kind of person so... I know...AKUMA, YOU DID SOMETHING DIDN'T YOU?" Shouts Yuki.

I speak in a frail manner.

"No...in truth, my rank is SSS and when I tell that to Kazuki...he...was afraid that I might take his position of a hero so..."

I slowly take out a card from my coat and passed it to Yuki.

"This...you are SSS rank..."

Everyone is shocked. Even the knights.

"This trash...is an SSS rank?!?" The knights exclaim.

They suddenly start to tremble.

"That's why I tell you not to pick on him! You idiot!!" One of the knights says.

"That's your fucking idea for picking on him!! Now we are dead-"

"You are the one who is dead! I am not involved in that!"

They started to argue with each other and to gain my favour, one knight went up and say "Kazuki! You criminal! How dare you do that to the true hero!!"


Hahahahahahaha this...is intoxicating!!! Yes!!! The despair in Kazuki's face!!! Ahhh!! How I long to see it!!! Finally!!! FINALLY!!!!

"No...no!!! Kazuki will never do that!!" Says Yuki.

She pushes the knights away and stands in front of Kazuki.

Tch, you are still not convinced huh...

"Wait! I have proof that Kazuki is trying to kill Akuma!" Says a familiar voice.

"Princess Lupis??!!"

What?... Lupis that bitch, what is she doing here??!! And she has proof? What is going on? Don't tell me this bitch is trying to...

Lupis takes out a phone and plays out a recording to everyone.

"Akuma!!! You kept your rank a secret!!! No...no...at this rate you will take over my spotlight...i must kill-"

The recording ended there and nobody moved...Yuki's wide eyes slowly turn to look at Kazuki.

The voice in the recording does sound like Kazuki...i know it's a fake voice and I have no idea how she created that fake evidence...but that voice...i feel like I heard it somewhere...not from Kazuki but...

Ah!! That's the butler's voice. The butler speaks differently from how Kazuki usually speaks. He speaks a bit slower and more fluently than Kazuki.

Does that bastard have the skill of a voice actor??!!

I look at Lupis and she exchanges a glance with me, smiling a little before ordering the knights to arrest Kazuki for attempted murder.

Yuki is left stunned and she falls to her knees. Not saying a word, not moving a single muscle.

A group of healers and doctors came and healed me while the knights try to disperse the crowd. Everything is cloudy after that as I slowly lose consciousness.



An unfamiliar ceiling...and a sweet fragrance.

"You are finally awake...Akuma."

I look left and Princess Lupis is sitting on a chair beside the bed.

This bed seems to be hers, why is she-

"Say...how do you do that?"


"What do you mean," I say with a smile. "I don't understand."

"Stop pretending." Her aura and the atmosphere change. "There is no way a Z rank can go up to an SSS rank within 3 days... it's forged isn't it?"

...heh...guess I will play along.

"Yeah, it's a forged card so what?" I say.

She smiles and starts to giggle. Who is the true antagonist here?

"I see...i like you. I like people like you the most." Says Lupis.


"Scheming people that is."

Only because you are one yourself?

"Alright, I will let you become the hero and I will train you. Your fighting capabilities suck but I love your character so much...ah..."


For the first time in my life. I'm scared and disgusted at the same time.

But, I also know your dirty character, dear Princess...this bitch is trying to use me no doubt.


Alright then, I will play along in your little game just a bit longer. After all, this bitch is scheming and smart but there is a limit to that. Because I know, in the future, she will be overthrown by her sister. Her sister is the complete opposite of Lupis. She is kind, beautiful, caring but at the same time, scheming and smart. I guess you could say she is the most perfect princess...

Oh, wait!!!!


her sister, Lupus. I will conquer her first before I conquer Lupis. Everything will come into place.

I will create the perfect plan!

That day created a huge change in history. It is also a day where a man, feared by both demons and humans alike, is born.