
The Antagonist's Revenge

The Antagonist was killed by the protagonist but his soul was reincarnated back to 3 years ago. "Now then...how should i take my revenge..."

S_Takeshi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 10

A boy yawns as he gets up from the bed. He looks outside the window then looks to a particular device in his hand. Seeing the contents of it, he says:

"Maybe it's about time I warn Akuma."


I wake up to a certain tapping in the room.

I help myself up and notice a boy in the room, he is sitting on the chair and tapping his finger against a table.

He has an extremely average look with black hair and eyes.


I get off the bed and prepare for combat.

"Who are you!?"

How did he break in??!! I enhanced the lock of the windows and doors using a tier 10 magic circle! This guy is dangerous!!!

"Me? I'm Kizuma, Minatsu Kizuma. Don't worry I'm not here to kill you or anything. Besides, if I want to kill you, can you stop me?" He says, releasing an outburst of mana and aura. I start to cough as the air around me starts to become very thin and the pressure is inhumane!!!

Even for my current self three years later, I am still no match...

"Hahaha!! Sorry about that." Says Kizuma, retrieving his aura back. "Anyway I'm not supposed to interfere with this world in any way but this time, I must step in."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Nothing really, just want to inform you that you should be careful of Adam. After all, he will be Kiznas in the future."


What!!?? Kiznas!!!???

Kiznas is one of the strongest antagonists out there. all I can do is leave a scratch on him before he completely dominates me.

That guy is the strongest villain I admired?!!!???

"Correct." Says Kizuma, as if he can read my mind.

"Anyway, that's all I have to say to you. I will be going-"

"Wait!" I say. "Who in the world are you and what's your reason for telling me this??!!"

Kizuma looks at me and smiles. "I am just an ordinary boy and as for my reason, if I don't, you will die. I guess you can call me your "plot armour", well then. I will see you some other time."

After that sentence, he vanishes into thin air. No smoke, no visual effects. Just sudden disappearance.

Damn it....hahahaha

Since when was there such a strong monster in this world!! Kiznas, no...even if everyone in this world unites to fight Takeshi...it will be completely useless!!

I smirk and laughs.

For the first time, I am afraid of someone.


So Adam is Kiznas...huh. I need to find out the secret to his strength and for me to do that, I will have to...

Become his friend.

Arghhh!!! Such a pain the ass!!!!

I exit my room to find everyone in a panic. I receive a call from Lupus telling me to go to Jame's office.

I arrive and ask what is going on.

"Even I don't know. But a sudden being with intense mana and energy appeared all of a sudden. Though that monster disappeared after a short while. Its presence still interrupted our energy balance so it will take a short while for the system to reboot."

Fucking hell.

I smirk as my body starts to tremble.

Really...who in the world are you? Kizuma...i can't wait to meet you again!