
The answer 'I DONT NO'

Winnie_Yoo · Teen
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5 Chs


In the morning as the sunlight hit my face i woke up in a mess has i didn't get any sleep thinking about the night i had! and I'm very sensitive to things that happen to me when i sleep even a slight noise could wake me up.I saw to the other side of the couch if kat was still asleep sitting, she wasn't there! i hair messed up with my sour eyes i walked to the washroom! Then it hit me how am I suppose to react if I see him! Do i act like nothing really happened or talk about what had happen. I kept banging my head on the washroom's mirror until i decided i will run when ever I see him or try to not see him at all! that was the best decision i could come up with for now. so i brush and went to eat my breakfast! i slowly got down the stairs peeping if he was there, if he was there i planned to run back and sleep! He wasn't there i was a little relieved, all the other's were there expect for him. I should have know he was a 12 to 12 person,gets exactly 12 hours of sleep! I went down and sat on the dinning table waiting for my breakfast! I asked kat when did she wake up as when I woke up she wasn't there! she told me she woke up around 5 am and slept in bedroom with Ken and Sam! I nodded my head and started to eat my breakfast, as I finished my breakfast I got up and went to the kitchen! my bad luck my aunt told me to wake him up! like really? these people won't even let me be near him when I want to! but when I've decided to run from him they want me to wake him up! Ken brought his plate as well, this was my chance.I told ken to wake him up and made a excuse up that i had to take a bath! i didn't want to take a bath so since i told i him i had to take a bath! went up took a shower. As I went to unlock the door i heard her voice! Dammam!! I lyed my ears on the door to confirm if it really was his voice or it was my head playing tricks! DUM DUM DUM!!! knock on the door i freaked out, took a deep breath and planned to act natural and run! I opened the door ~ "GOOD MORNING! The weather is so good i should go get some vitamin from the sun byee". I tried to run as soon as I told that! ~ " okay so ur gonna act this way! looks fun" he said with a smirk and went in! I knew that smirk was evil and he was gonna enjoy every chance he had!