

I Rewrote this FF In Naruto : Reborn with Nen link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-naruto-reborn-with-nen_23397520005263705 Thank You

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 13 Becoming as Bounty Hunter

Just couple km away outside the Fire country there a Black bounty market branch where on daily basis many rouge ninjas and Bounty Hunters come to pick up missions which generally can't be Assigned to Shinobi village.

These Missions Vary from Assassinating VIP's like nobility, A complete authority related family, rouge Shinobi, Enemy Country Shinobi, and this even includes small country Daimyo.

These missions also include From Kidnapping, to hiring rouge Ninjas for escort, cannon fodder etc.,

Mannn in simple terms you want something just post a mission in Black market, and at the end of week there you'll have your mission done if there is enough price,

Another thing is this black Market is jointly run by Five Great Countries and so no one dares to do anything here because he/she will be blacklist from all shops and make he/she life a living hell, but this is different matter if you exit black market, If you got nice goods or Ryo with you expect few rouge Shinobi Attacking you.

Don't say that Bounty hunting is a nice for living, there is fierce struggle for low level mission among rouge shinobis because each easy mission completion means you get a months worth income.

Ren transformed Himself into his past life image, Blackhair , 6 feet tall, blackeyes , and he wore his custom made black clock and wear his Black mask , (Similar to masks in tokyo Ghoul) after that He shushined towards black market to register himself as Bounty Hunter,

According to what Ren remembered, the 2nd Ninja war will probably be over in 1 to 2 years so during this time, many shinobi village will hire rouge ninjas and even some nobles who feared their lives will hire bounty hunters ‌because they were very vulnerable during wars.

When Ren was within 5 km range of blackmarket , he stopped and found a good spot for sniping and made a clone which shushined towards black market.

Few minutes later…

"Hello mr how can i help you, would you like to post some missions, we provide variety of services….bla bla bla"Attendant#1 kept on pestering Ren , in hope to get to know some useful information from him or if he's some rich guy, get some Ryo's from ren's pocket.

Ren ignored her and went to bulletin board and picked up 10 - 15 missions which he was interested in doing in his free time, His behaviour attracted lot of curious eyes on him, because they probably knew Ren was new here, and taking so many missions at once means either He is Strong or a excited newbie or Moron, Some of them were even looking farwards to show which usually happens when some newbie picked over 3 missions at once.

"Help me Register these missions in the name of Vanisher" REn told to mission collector, who was in charge of managing missions.

"Ok boss , sure just wait 2 minutes."Collector told as his motion others rouge shinobi, it was sign to probably engage combat once Ren went outside blackmarket, This Attendent particularly Hated these kind of arrogant rouge hunters who think that he's slave to them and all he's do is just to manage some missions information,

Well that true but in his field of work, he learned how to behave , only those who are famous rouge hunters like kasaku, scorpion etc, he fears those type of hunter and now imagine that a nobody like Ren came to him with 10-15 missions and arrogantly told him to Register in NAme of VANisher , Just this codeName is High enough for him to send Ren to heaven, but he controlled his anger and responded to Ren in a professional manner like he does to other hunters.

Afterall Collector himself is Jounin level shinobi, he just got this position after bootlicking many nobles and if Ren just leaves like this then he can say goodbye to his promotion he is working hard for many years, maybe he'll get demoted so he motioned his minions to follow after Ren.

"Here boss, I am done and here are the mission details, these Mission altogether have total bounty of 400 million ryo's, Boss do you really want to do those mission, it's not like I am not doubtin.... this this Muthrfukr lets see if you continue living after today"

Collector continued to persuade ren to give up those mission and planned to make fun of Ren afterwards, but Ren simply ignored him and continued walking towards exit, collector simply kept gawking at ren who ignored him, this was first time when he was feeling so humiliated, when he snapped from his dazed look He cursed Ren, He simply lost his temper.


Just after he cursed ren, immediately afterwards a Kunai pierced his throat with high speed, went through his neck, broke his spine and then got stuck in the wall behind.

Collector just kept looking at Ren in disbelief and his audacity. He never imagined that someone would attack in the black market and him at that too.

"Never curse someone you know nothing about maybe he will decide to send you to YAMA, well whom i am talking to you are probably have nice talk with YAMA" Ren said to him in slow and low voice which was imbued with chakra, this was another technique he made a low grade version of telepathy and continued walking towards exit.

"Thud" Collector's eyes slowly lost light and his body fell down with thud and blood kept flowing out which soon painted floor red. This brought many rogue hunters from daze, who were just enjoying the show.

Now they labelled Ren aka Vanisher as Lunatic, and vigilantly looked towards vanisher back.

All this just happened in 1s after collector cursed ren.

Few Minutes later.....

After Ren clone came to a suitable distance from black market, He reverse psyched all scrolls back to his ontology and released his clone. Afterwards Ren looked towards scroll information In satisfaction.

"Who wants to be Bounty Hunter, it's just a Trap identity for me to shift blame to this identity in case some lunatic time manipulators or Time travellers or divinators happen to search for me. I can easily lure them out and snipe them HAHA"

"My real goal was always Finance Minister Of Fire Country, who Holds control of trillions of Ryo's capital FLow and Super Rich, Once I replace Him, I won't have to worry about money for my future experiment and I can even force others to give their research for some million ryo HAHA i am genius, this Identity is Just perfect Not too high and not too loww for me, and Now 2nd Ninja War is still going on so one will pay attention to this scared cat even if someone discovered abnormality in his behaviour, do they really have guts to say to others, * humpp* I will let them know what ecomomic crisis really is HAHA "

"Hmm just when i was having trouble thinking how to infiltrate his place, This idiot posted a mission to hire rouge Jounin, good thing i found about it what if someone has same idea as me, NO NO got to hurry up this is god sent opportunity, God is simply favouring me" Ren keeps shushing towards Minister's PLace after looking through mission Information

*Need Jounin Hunter for protection – will be examined those who fail will be disposed*

* salary – 80000/- Ryo monthly*

* Examination will be held on 4th November, Konoha Year 34 in Ministers Place*

Ren 9 Yrs Now

This is about Shinobi war time period

4th Ninja war when Naruto was 17

minato just became hokage just after 3rd ninja war

so 3rd ninja war ended around konoha 47 year

duartion of 3rd Ninja war > 5 years

so 3rd ninja war started at around konoha 42 yr

Gap between 2nd and 3rd is approximatly 6-7 Years

So in my fic 2nd Ninja war will end in Konoha 36 Year.

Novel_Gurucreators' thoughts