

I Rewrote this FF In Naruto : Reborn with Nen link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-naruto-reborn-with-nen_23397520005263705 Thank You

Novel_Guru · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 1 Prologue ( Awakening )

"Ahh aaahhhh so much pain" cried out baby as he fainted.

Few days later..

"Where am I"

"Why are my hands so small"

"I remember last time i was doing IT work on my laptop"

"Why do I feel so powerless"

"What are those extra fussy memories in my head,"

(A/N: I will use it later where world travelling begins)

"What are those vision i see it's clearly not a movie or anything I have seen before,"

Many questions appeared in his baby mind as he tried to analyse his present situation until he sees door open with a loud sound "Bang!" and a seemingly Japanese man enters the room.

"waaahh waaah" [that sound scared the hell out of me & why is my hearing so nice] thought the baby as he question himself how did his voice changed so much.

"!@%@ !^$ !#&$@"( Let me see my son. )

"1%@**!#$ @#*! $&#$" ( You will be called Ren Hyuga from now on. )

"#@!& !#&$# !@#&!$" ( Take care of him. )

"What are they saying, why can't I understand a damn word so frustrating ahh" though the baby as tears started coming out, cause of their voices and he looked towards the couple and few people with dressing sense same as male couple who were rushing behind them.

"Why i do fell so sleepy and tired"thought baby as he closed his eyes and drifted towards his beautiful sleep.

POV change

"HAHA I finally became a father!" said the male couple as he looked gleefully towards his baby who just fainted after his birth.

"Take care of my lovely son, inform me as soon as he wakes up" said the male couple with a commanding tone to the nurse as he walked out of the room in big strides not before looking toward his wife who was tired from her labour.

"Hmm now I am at special jounin and I can finally apply for an elder position HAHA'' thought the male couple after he shusined towards a tall building in the clan compound..

Few minutes later..

"Father hm ah Elder I am here to apply for my Elder Position, Rise and I had a baby and according to clan rulebook any special jounin couple can apply for elder position "said the male couple to his supposedly father with a hint of longing and envy towards this Elder position.

"'snort'.. You are not an elder yet so keep your head down. It seems you have forgotten torture of curse seal 'snort'. I will take your application and bring this matter in next clan meeting" said the elder coldly to his son before taking his application.

" Try to become jounin before sitting on elder seat, If you can I will find a way to let you sit on logistics seat and ‌send that old bastard to Pure Land hehe"said the elder in low voice creepily which scared the male couple as started looking fearfully towards his his father.

"Father, I will try my best to become jounin before time" said the male couple to his father fearfully while restraining hint of joy in his eyes, not considering the fact that his promotion will kill someone.

"If you are not promoted to jounin then you will just be responsible for safeguarding clan techniques" said the elder

"Now GET OUT I have seen enough of your lousy face oh and remember to take care of my grandson before cursed seal ceremony happens if situation that should not happen appears then you can say goodbye to elder seat heehe" said the elder creepily which decided our MC dark childhood.

Help me out with character naming of MC father & his grandfather and logistics elder one.

Also comment on any grammar mistake or any improvement will be appreciated.

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