
The Anomaly Container

In the infinite worlds in the all encompassing omniverse, there is a world that is ordinary like the rest until one day…rifts appear in every dark corner of the that world and with those rifts came out monsters…beings with great amounts power, beings that holds power of the elements, and beings with incomprehensible control and power to warp and manipulate reality itself…one day a man reincarnates into this world with the blessing of the system granted by god of creation and destruction…. Watch as that man uses his god granted gifts to contain, research, and use the anomalies of the rifts and with it watch as that man gets caught into its mystery that leads to the mysteries of the omniverse and beyond

Phantom365 · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Chapter 83 Knight Commander

"The ranks of the Winter Highland forces starts with Knight then you move up to Knight Commander, then Knight Captain, then the highest rank an individual can obtain is the rank of Sentinel, only second to the Winter Priestess" said The Warden

"However, there are more ranks an individual can obtain, such ranks are called Special Ranks" said The Warden

"First we have the Prison Officer ranks" said The Warden "it starts with Guard, then Floor Guard Commander, then Section Guard Captains, and finally the Three Heads of the Prison which is the Head of Security, Head of Staff, and The Warden" said The Warden

"We also have the rank of Jailer" said The Warden "they are prison officers that are ranked equal to Section Guard Captains, they are sent out of the Winter Highlands to catch criminals that have done great crimes against the Winter Highlands, there can only be three Jailers"

"The second special rank is the Diplomatic Ranks" said The Warden "it consists of three ranks which is the Ambassador, Head Ambassador, and Winter Priestess herself"

"There can only be one Head Ambassador and three Ambassadors, both are present in diplomatic missions to other forces, The Winter Priestess will only initiate diplomacy if it concerns the Winter Highlands at the highest level"

"The last special rank is the Inspector General rank" said The Warden "it's a rank equal to the Sentinels"

"Like the Head Ambassador, there can only be one Inspector General, their job is to inspect the management of the Winter Highlands' Fortresses and be a helping hand in diplomatic missions in terms of security"

"The Head Ambassador is the right hand man of The Winter Priestess while The Inspector General is her left hand man"

"What rank do i start in?" asked Kurai

"Either a Floor Guard Captain or a Knight Commander" said The Head of Security

"I don't want to be in prison" said Kurai

"Then Knight Commander it is" said The Warden

"What are it's benefits?" asked Kurai

"Well first is obviously freedom, second is 15 Gold per month, third is free equipment, and lastly should be some authority to lower ranks" said The Warden

"How can i become an Inspector General?" asked Kurai

"If chosen by the Winter Priestess herself" said The Warden

"I guess i'll take the Knight Commnader rank" said Kurai

"Very well!!" said The Warden as he stands up and claps his hands

"I believe you won't be disappointed by your decision" said The Warden

The two shakes hands and returns to their seat

"So what happens now?" asked Kurai

"We wait until you are accepted by the fortress leader, Sentinel Tigreal" said The Warden "he's going to come here later"

"Hmmmm…..ok then" said Kurai

"Guard!!" shouted The Head of Security

The guard enters and salutes "Yes sir?"

"Take Mr. Kurai Himitsuno back to his cell until further notice" said The Head of Security "this time without the cromsteel cuffs"

"Oh i have to wait at my cell" said Kurai

"We don't have extra accommodation rooms" said The Head of Staff "this is a prison not a hotel"

("They got hotels in this world!?" said Kurai "i don't think this is a medieval fantasy world anymore")

"Fair point" said Kurai...

End of Chapter