
Super Elite

The time is finally here, Feiza ships are descending onto planet Namek, everyone looks worried, but, they have no reason to, now that is, you see, Arlic was going to let Canon play out, and let Goku kill Freiza, but, Arlic had gotten a notification from the system, about a week ago


[New Mission: Kill the Tyrant Freiza!]


[50,000 Shop Points!]

[Ki Color Alteration ticket x1]

[Random Anime Cooking Skill]


When Arlic saw this Mission he started to flip out, you see, he didn't have any problem killing Freiza, it's just he didn't want to do it before Goku and the others got here, but alas, Arlic will have to just wing it

'Hmm, maybe I'll just fuck around with Freiza, bitch slap him a little, ooh, I know I'll ask him if Cooler is alive, that way I can finally know if he's canon or no-' Arlic was thinking but was cut off as he since three other ki's. two of them were alright strength-wise, but the last one was pathetically low, feeling this Ki, Arlic knew, this was a human, he could only crack a smile as he began to think about how he was finally going to meet his nephew

"Hey Nail, I sense a few people over there, they have no evil intent, imma go and see what they came here for," Arlic

"Alright, just make sure you're ready for anything, you never know," Nail

"Understood, I'll see you in a bit," Arlic said as he flew off towards Gohan's and the others, after a few seconds he already arrived in front of the three, they were talking to a small Namekian who Arlic know's well

"Dende, who are your friends?" Arlic said as he landed on the ground shocking the others from his sudden appearance

"Ahh!!! Who are you!" Bulma

"Oh, Arlic! Good thing you arrived, these people are from a planet called earth! there here to use the dragon balls!" Dende

"Oh? well then, that'll have to wait," Arlic

"What, Why?" Gohan

"Because, if you couldn't tell, we're currently being invaded, now, I'll tell you what, help us fend off the invaders and well gladly let you use the Dragon Balls, whatcha say?" Arlic

"R-really! Ok!! it's only fair!" Gohan

"Good, now both of you, step forward," Arlic said causing Gohan and Krillin to be confused, but they did as they were told and stepped forward, Arlic then put his hands on their heads, then suddenly, both of them released an explosion of Ki

"There, I unlocked both of yours Potential, you both should feel much more powerful now, trust me, you'll need the boost, now about you," Arlic said as he looked at Bulma

"I don't want unnecessary casualties, make sure you stay close to someone who can protect you," Arlic

"Dende, come here," Arlic, Dende didn't hesitate to follow Arlic's command, Arlic then placed his hand on Dende's head and unlocked his potential

"Here, stay with this woman, try and keep her alive, if you need help just scream out, I'll be over in a flash," Arlic

"Right!!" Dende said as he went over to Bulma, Arlic then looked at Gohan and Krillin

"Come, we need to make sure no one has died," Arlic said as he began flying in the air, quickly followed by Gohan and Krillin, they all then started flying to where Nail was, Leaving Dende and Bulma

While flying back Gohan asked Arlic about himself, to which Arlic would answer, but then Gohan asked Arlic what he's doing on Namek, Arlic was about to answer, but his focus had gotten pulled in another direction as he sensed a fight going on, so he quickly changed his direction and headed towards the fight

Arlic and the others arrived and Gohan and Krillin immediately recognized one of the fighters, they started to panic, seeing this and who it was, Arlic couldn't help but laugh, it was Vegeta, Arlic noticed that he was losing the fight, and bad, so he decided to step in and help out Vegeta

"Why hello there," Arlic said causing the fighters to both look at him

"Who are you?" Zarbon

"Hmm? Oh, how impolite of me, my name is Arlic," Arlic said causing Vegeta to go wide-eyed

"So, this is where you were, I thought you were supposed to go to Earth?" Vegeta said causing Gohan and Krillin to be confused

"That doesn't matter, how about I help you take care of this....thing," Arlic

"Hahaha, oh please, as if you could harm an hai-" Zarbon was saying but he was cut off as Arlic blitzed in front of him, raising his hand, Arlic simply flicked Zarbon on his forehead

"What was that you were saying?" Arlic

"S-such speed," Vegeta

"H-how did you," Zarbon said as he tried to take a step back but noticed he wasn't able to move his body

"W-what the!! why can't I move!!!" Zarbon

"Simple, because I won't allow you, now tell ya what ima do, I'm going to give you one chance, tell me what you're doing on my planet, or else," Arlic

"W-what? you expect me to tell you anything!?!? Hahahahaha, then lord Freiza will definitely kill me!" Zarbon

"Yeah, but at least he would do it quickly, Little one, look away," Arlic said as he raised his hand and did a twisting motion, the next thing everyone heard was the sound of bones cracking, and that led to screams

Arlic started by breaking his legs, then he started to break his fingers, one by one, Arlic then broke his arms, Arlic then looked at Zarbon

"Now, I'll give you one last chance, what are you doing here, and if you tell me, I'll heal you," Arlic

"H-how do I know you can heal me?" Zarbon

"I guess you would want proof that I could, Vegeta!" Arlic said as he stood up from his crouching position

"W-what?!" Vegeta asked in surprise, he never expected Arlic to do something this brutal

"No hard feelings," Arlic said as he raised his hand as shot a ki blast at Vegeta completely disintegrating his right side

"Oh, My Kami!!!!" Krillin screamed as Arlic began to walk over, once Arlic got next to Vegeta, he crouched down and used his {Phoenix Touch} Skill, Vegeta's body then began to heal instantly, and in a matter of seconds Vegeta was back to brand new

"Yes, it's a nice desk, just send me to hell already!!" Vegeta shouted out as he sat up, he then looked at everyone, only to look at Arlic, and as soon as he did he felt a deep-seated fear implant it's self, Arlic only patted him on his shoulder as he walked over to Zarbon

"So, how about it?" Arlic

"Were here to get the things you call Dragon balls, now please, heal me!" Zarbon said, and to everyone's surprise, Arlic did heal him

"What are you doing!" Vegeta

"Thank you," Zarbon said as he began walking backward about to try and escape

"What do you mean what are you doing? I just gave you a present, enjoy that Zenkai boost I gave you, and have fun," Arlic said to Vegeta's surprise, Vegeta then looked at Zarbon, who began trying to fly away, but Vegeta was already on him

"Uhhh, what's a Zenkai?" Krillin

"Hmm? oh, it's a thing we Saiyans get when we have a near-death experience but manage to survive and heal but to 100%, it boosts our power," Arlic said causing Krillin to start nodding

"Oh, i see," Krillin was saying before his eyes snapped open

"Wait! You're a Saiyan!?!?!" Krillin

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I guess I didn't get to say earlier," Arlic said as he unwrapped his tail showing it to Gohan and Krillin

"Y-you aren't evil like the other Saiyans are you?" Gohan

"Well, seeing how I left my friend behind to protect that Woman, and how I unlocked your potential's, I'd say I'm a pretty decent guy," Arlic said causing the two of them to let out a sigh of relief, just then Vegeta appeared in front of Arlic

"So, your Arlic, the only other Super elite besides me and my father," Vegeta

"Yep, that's me, so what honor do I owe for having the prince of the Saiyans on my planet?" Arlic

"I need the dragon balls," Vegeta

"No," Arlic

"W-what?!?!" Vegeta

"You'd use them for your own self-gain," Arlic said as he turned around and used his {Telekineses} to lift the dragon ball Vegeta already had, he then looked over to Gohan and Krillin and motioned for them to follow him, the three of them then flew away, leaving Vegeta there speechless, until he snapped out of it, he then began following them as to hope to get the dragon balls, even though he knew Arlic could kill him

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