
I Hate Managers!

Managers are the business end of the music, as a deejay on

radio I cannot have business relationships with artists, there

should be no quid pro quo, that is clearly a conflict of interest.

Managers should be booking their artists for shows, corporate

gigs in advertising and film – not sending WhatsApp messages

on behalf of artists. "Hi, this is Margret, I am MC So and so's

manager, I have his new song". That's just lame. A whole

manager dedicated to sending your WhatsApp message. Do

better artists and send your own messages. Cultivate your own

genuine relationships and stop allowing these guys to pretend

that sending a WhatsApp message is a big deal.

The biggest misstep by managers is to assume that throwing

money at it will solve almost any issue. DON'T PAY FOR

AIRPLAY! Airplay is free, just follow the guidelines laid out by

the radio station to submit your music and allow your hordes of

fans to generate interest in your music on any platform at their

disposal. Have challenges around your music on platforms like

TikTok and Twitter. Be creative in ways you can raise awareness

about your music, communicating always through your posts on

radio that your music is available – dispense with this coming

soon syndrome. Raising expectations with a coming soon post

only leave the audience underwhelmed when the material is

eventually viewed. Just drop the gauntlet and allow the music to

speak for itself.

How often have you seen a trailer to a movie and thought the

movie would be epic only to be disappointed in the end? I know

I have. I remember watching the trailer for Monster Hunter and Mortal Kombat, I thought based on the "coming soon's" that the

movies would be extraordinary but both pictures were grossly

overrated hinged on loosely bound scripts and flat characters.

Both movies are based on video games which I thoroughly

enjoyed yet these film expeditions were well below expectations.

Coming soon's do nothing to save a bad project. My point here

is don't do it, it's not worth it. If your song is fire, it will become

anthemic regardless of whether you post a trailer first or not.

Drop the gauntlet, let the music go free and get a response as

quick as possible before you invest in making a video.