
The Angels of Dawn

Once upon a time there were two holy angels in the Land of Dawn,Rafaela and Argus. Rafaela was to cure wounds while Argus makes sure that evil will not harm the Land of Dawn.Argus, Rafaela,Kaja and Uranus were the guardians of the Land of Dawn together they protected the Land of Dawn from harm.While still having fun in the Celestial Palace. Rafaela has feelings for Argus but Argus does not know that Rafaela loves him. Argus possessed extreme personalities, he still established the Temple of Light to show the people of the realm that was more to the world than war and conflict while Rafaela is capable of miraculously healing everything. It is said that when she appears all wounds will be healed and pain flees. Argus has long been watched by the Lord of the Abyss who caused crimes to push Argus to his corruption. In order to win himself he sent his most powerful servant to bait Argus with knowledge of an ancient seal of power. Argus saw a sword that was sent by the Lord of the Abyss to manipulate him into his own servant. Argus lost his mind when he picked up the sword and changed his personality. Argus is now consumed by evil and changed his looks. The Lord of the Abyss ordered him to destroy the Celestial Palace so that he can conquer the Land of Dawn with his evil minions. Argus arrived at the Celestial Palace with anger. Kaja and Uranus saw the evil inside him. Kaja restrained Argus using his lighting laso while Uranus is calling Rafaela to help heal Argus from evil. Argus escaped the laso and use his sword to stab Kaja in the chest. Uranus fought Argus but Argus was too powerful and defeated Uranus.

Rafaela arrived but it was too late, the Celestial Palace has been destroyed by Argus. Argus saw Rafaela crying and wanted to kill her but Argus stopped himself from killing Rafaela because Argus felt the love by Rafaela. Suddenly the Lord of the Abyss showed up and wanted him to kill Rafaela. Argus said "Enough!!, I will never kill the one that I love." Argus kissed Rafaela and he cried and said "I love you." Then Argus flew to fight the Lord of the Abyss. The fight lasted a few minutes until he saw the Lord of the Abyss' weakspot but it was too risky. Argus knew that it would kill him. But he Flew up and saw Rafaela and he decided to sacrifice his life to save her.He stabbed the Lord of the Abyss with his sword and the Lord of the Abyss exploded and killed Argus. After the explosion, feathers were falling from the sky and his sword was shattered. Rafaela looked for him and there was no sign of life in the battlefield. Rafaela can revive Anyone but only if she has the body. She revived Kaja and Uranus, but cannot see Argus' body anywhere.

Five years later and the Celestial Palace has been rebuilt and a statue of Argus was built in the center. Rafaela always guards the statue hoping that he will return.