
The Angel Spoils Me On My Way To The Top

Haruto Watanabe a person who failed to achive his dream in being a pro volleyball player gets another shot in the world of Haikyuu. Will the spark that he lost be re-ignited and reach the top or fail once again. Maybe an angel will be the one that will help him reach the top to be the best. [I don't own anything except OC} [Cover art was found on google] (This is my first time writing so I may not have the best grammer but I will try my best to improve)

_Kirirei_ · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

Surprise Meeting

"Ehh, Haruto you were here too?"

"Geh, what are you doing here?"

Haruto gave an unimpressed look seeing the person in front of him. She had long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail and wore a black bikini. She lifted up the sunglasses she had on her face and squinted her eyes to see the face of her brother.

"That's not a nice way to greet your older sister, you know."

"I swear you said this exact sentence before…"

"Eh, don't sweat the small stuff."

Akane placed the sunglasses she had on top of head and walked towards Haruto to see how he was.

"So what made Miss Hermit Crab leave her room and visit the place of normies."

"First of all I'm not a hermit crab, I just prefer to have my alone time every once in a while."

"Yeah the alone time that lasts days without seeing the sun…"

"I'm right in front of you so I could still hear what you say even if you whisper."

Akane gave an annoyed face as she saw how Haruto turned his head and started to whistle after hearing her retort. She gave out a sigh and started to speak about the real reason she was here.

"Well my volleyball team said that they wanted to go somewhere to relax and they all anonymously chose the beach. I wanted to refuse but they dragged me saying that they will excuse all my penalties if I came."

"Why do you even have penalties in the first place?"

".....I might have missed the first day of my training camp since I was too busy playing games…."

Haruto saw how her eyes started to dart around as she struggled to whisper the last part of her response. Haruto gave out a big sigh and grabbed her nose to squeeze it tight, making her flinch.

"H-Hey you c-can't blame me! There was finally a new area released and I needed to collect all of the chests!!"

Akane struggled to release herself from Haruto's grasp and once she got away, her nose was bright red. Akane glared at Haruto and rubbed her nose gently trying to sooth it.

As she soothed it she heard a small giggle prompting to see where it came from. There she saw Mahiru that was hiding behind Haruto, with a big smile on her face.

She felt her body freeze as she felt her image as a reliable older sister break into tiny small pieces.

"Akane!! Where did you go?"

"Do you think she ran away to hide somewhere?"

"No, she's right there near the line."

Laminating at her failed image, loud voices called out to her. Haruto looked over Akane and saw a few girls in bikinis and sweaters gradually approach..

"Wheew Akane I thought you ran away."

"You have to be careful being alone. There are sleazy guys everywhere at the beach."

The girls looked at Akane and tilted their heads in confusion as they saw her nose bright red. They wondered if she suddenly got sunburn and noted to give her lotion later.

"Sorry I was just talking with my brother since I coincidentally met him here."

"Your brother?....."

The girl who led the other people turned her gaze towards Haruto and her face got stunned in place. Haruto tilted his head as he saw how their cheeks suddenly turned crimson red.

"Akane, you never told us that your brother was this hot?!"

"I think it might have been reasonable since she's a beauty herself. But that's only if you minus her weird personality."

"I don't know if I should be happy or sad by your words…"

Akane's teammates pulled her to the side and whispered, while also taking various glances at Haruto.

"Ahem I am Ririka Hirai and I'm the captain of Shiratorizawa's girls volleyball team. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"As you have already guessed I'm Akane's brother, Haruto Watanabe. Thank you for taking care of my hopeless sister."

The two of them shook hands while Ririka looked at Haruto's smile in a daze. She leaned forward trying to emphasize her assets, which made Mahiru who saw Ririka's actions narrow her eyes coldly.

'Mahiru don't worry, my brother won't fall for my demon of a captain!'

Akane said in her mind as she saw Mahiru's expression and tried to relay it to her as best as she could without saying a word.

Haruto held a calm gaze at her deliberate actions and spoke a few formal sentences with Ririka, with the latter taking the chance to send an invitation to him.

"If you like, would you join us for lunch?"

Ririka said while staring at Haruto. The other girls behind her were also staring at him with a hopeful expression.

"Sorry, but I currently have plans to have lunch with some other people. I appreciate the invitation though."

Haruto moved a bit to the side and placed his hand on top of Mahiru's head. The other girls finally took notice of Mahiru who was beside him.

They widened their eyes in surprise, wondering how they could have missed seeing this beautiful blonde girl standing near them.

Haruto gave a wry smile as he noticed a tugging feeling on his sweater during the time Ririka gave her invitation.

Mahiru smiled at the girls looking at her, but a tiny blush on her face indicated that she was a little embarrassed by the fact that Haruto had made her the center of attention at the moment.

"Ahem let's go get the lunches we brought. We shouldn't bother him too much since it looks like he already made plans with his friends."

Akane after hearing Haruto's rejection in joining them for lunch, stepped in to help him out and convinced the girls to return back to their spot.

Being convinced, they reluctantly look at Haruto and turned around to get the lunches they already bought. Akane, who was the only one left, went up to Haruto to say something.

"I forgot to mention that I found two volleyball nets near the end of the beach. It's near our spot so if you decide to play, just call me since I would like to join."

"Oho? I wonder how good Miss Hermit Crab's volleyball skills really are."

Haruto smirked as Akane just stuck her tongue out at him and turned around to catch up to her teammates. Haruto shook his head at her actions and looked towards the quiet Mahiru.

"Come on, let's go get some of that Yakisoba I told you about."


Haruto said softly at Mahiru who replied while quietly staring at his right hand.

"Haruto stay still for a moment."

"What's wrong?"

Haruto watched as Mahiru went to his right side and took his right hand into hers. She intertwined her slender fingers with his and leaned a bit of her body onto his arm.

Haruto stiffened up as he felt incredible softness on his right arm and wondered what made Mahiru want to suddenly hold onto him.

He noticed Mahiru's triumphant expression that contained a hint of redness on her cheeks and wondered why she made such an expression.

"You were fast to reject their invitation."

"Of course, I hardly knew them plus I'm currently with you and the others so I would rather have lunch with people I know."

"But they seem to be very eager to know you."

Mahiru whispered with displeasure as she recalled Ririka's actions when she shook Haruto's right hand. Haruto looked at Mahiru's pouting face and chuckled wanting to poke her soft cheeks.

"Don't worry, none of them even catches my attention."

"Are you sure?..."

Mahiru looked at Haruto's face with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Of course because….I promised to keep looking in a certain person's direction, so I have no need to look at others."

Haruto leaned over and whispered in Mahiru's ear making her feel a shiver down her spine. Her face blew up with such force that it looked like a kettle heating up that Haruto was worried he overdid it.

"Please..don't do that so suddenly…"

"My bad."

Haruto scratched his neck and went silent as Mahiru hid her hot face onto his arm, trying to calm down her racing heart.


They were finally able to get their food and found the area where the rest of the people were sitting. They enjoyed their small lunch and when they were about to finish up, Haruto told them about the nets Akane told him about.

"I want to go!! You can't complete a trip to the beach without playing beach volleyball."

Bokuto stood up fast with a glimmer in his eyes after he found out there were volleyball nets.

"My leg strength will definitely improve if I jump in the sand right…"

"Haruto, you corrupted Kageyama now. Look he's making that perverted face you always make."

""Who are you calling perverted.""

Haruto and Kageyama glared at Hinata who turned his head to avoid their gaze. They cleaned up and made their way towards the nets Akane told him about.

When they reached the area they found out that two people were already using one of them. One was a short girl with a bowl cut and the other was a tall girl with short hair.

"Kanoka, are you sure you want to keep playing with just the two of us?"

"Well how else can we play when it's only us two…"

The short girl Maiko gave out a sigh as Kanoka pressed her fingers together wanting to play some more. They were about to continue their conversation when they suddenly heard a group of people approach them.

"Hmm? Is that the person who picked up my wallet back then."


I hope you enjoyed it. Peacu