
The Angel Spoils Me On My Way To The Top

Haruto Watanabe a person who failed to achive his dream in being a pro volleyball player gets another shot in the world of Haikyuu. Will the spark that he lost be re-ignited and reach the top or fail once again. Maybe an angel will be the one that will help him reach the top to be the best. [I don't own anything except OC} [Cover art was found on google] (This is my first time writing so I may not have the best grammer but I will try my best to improve)

_Kirirei_ · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

Set Me

"It's going to their left side again!"

Nishinoya, who was ready to receive the ball, went down low and called out after their opponents managed to keep the ball up after getting one of their serves.

Everyone in the back row began to shift themselves according to what they noticed throughout the first set and waited for Hyakyuzawa to hit


Haruto spoke out to Daichi and Hinata who was with him at the net and they nodded their heads, while they carefully watched the ball.

Watching Hyakyuzawa go up, they once again tried to match the timing of their block so their hands could reach the highest point during the time he would swing.

So far they haven't been successful in blocking him but stopping the momentum from the ball was something doable for them.


Haruto yelled out and he turned his head back to see the ball fly off high towards Nishinoya's direction. Seeing the ball was an easy one to receive, he passed the ball high so the team could get enough time to transition from defense to offense.

Kageyama noticed the high ball and felt his fingers twitch when he had his hands beside him as he was about to set.

Using the ball everyone on the court started to slowly move and ran at a 1st tempo speed. Kakugawa's players near the net tried their best to follow the ball but their middle got fooled by the bait.

As they got up to block Haruto they failed to notice Asahi who was hiding right behind him in the back and got a backrow hit in, earning them a point.

"Stop wiggling your hands like a pervert."

"...Is this payback?"

Kageyama glared at Haruto after noticing how he saw him wiggling his fingers after he gave the set to Asahi and just told him to go and serve.

"They seem to be fighting well against that giant on the other team."

"I guess so."

Yachi who was at the spectator area by the top, was peeking her head over the railing, spectating the match from high up.

Mahiru was also with her since the bench only allowed for one manager to sit with them and they decided for Kiyoko to take that position.

"But I feel like that number 9 still has some advantages due to his height."

Yachi quietly spoke as they continued to watch the ball get passed around with Kakugawa trying their best to at least have the ball in the air after receiving Haruto's strong serve.

"Get the ball at least up!"

Kakugawa's libero yelled out as they scrambled to get the ball high up in an attempt to get a set in for their ace.

"Here Hyakuzawa!"

Fortunately their setter made it in time and did his best to push the ball to his left side. Hyakuzawa looked at the set and jumped up trying to hit the ball as hard.


The ball quickly came down like a cannon and hit Nishinoya who tried to lift his hands up to attempt to catch the ball coming his way.

"My bad I'll get it next time."

"Don't worry about it."

Even though he was ready to anticipate where the ball was going to go, it didn't mean he could guarantee it would land directly in front of him so he needed to try his best and adjust himself when necessary.

Kageyama, who had his fingers by his side, felt them twitch once again and thought in his head that he might be having a good day and went up to Daichi to say something.

"I feel like I can do it."

"Do what?"

"The minus."

Once he said those words, Haruto and Hinata quickly turned their heads and looked at him with sparkles in their eyes.

"Really then can you set me one first."

"Why you? I should be the one since I hardly get set."

"You do get set a lot, it's just you never get any points off them."

"Bastard! "

Hinata gritted his teeth at Haruto's words and felt like chasing after him even though they were on the court.

"I'll see who's in good positions first."

""Yes sir!!""

Haruto and Hinata playfully saluted hearing Kageyama's answer and the rest of the team didn't know what to say feeling like they are always attuned with each other.

Karasuno separated after their quick discussion and went back to their assigned spots with two people in particular feeling happy to potentially hit the satisfying minus tempo.


The whistle snapped them out of their thoughts and once again turned their attention to the server in front of them.

Karasuno stood in place as they waited for the other team to do their serve and easily got it up since it was just a standard overhand.

Haruto, who saw the ball coming to him, passed the ball high up and quickly adjusted his feet to anticipate the possible set coming his way.

'Let me give it to Haruto so he can fix the ball in case I overshoot the distance.'

Thinking in his head, Kageyama felt the ball enter his palm and fingers and slightly arched his hands back.

He noticed that Haruto had already jumped up past the attackline due to him being in the back row and pushed the ball towards him.

'Yay it's me first~'

Haruto smiled brightly in the air and matched his arm swing to hit the ball down a hard cross. The ball quickly went over the net and bounced high, confusing the blockers at the front since they hardly had time to react to the ball.

"It still confuses me how you're able to make a set like this."

Landing steadily by the net, he whispered to himself and noticed the confusion from the people on the other side of the net.

"It just happens. Anyways, the distance was good, right."

Kageyama seemed to have heard his words and Haruto just rolled his eyes, but still answered his question regardless.


"It looks like Karasuno is doing well playing against someone with that sort of height."

Near Yachi and Mahiru who were watching the game unfold, an old man with gray hair and a short beard suddenly arrived and smiled seeing how Karasuno was playing.

"Ukai-sensei! You decided to come and watch."

"Yeah, those two who came with the Shrimpy that one time, really made me curious to see how Karasuno ended up turning into."

"Are you sure it's not because your cute grandson is the one coaching this time?"

"That's not why."

Ukai scoffed at the guy's words and continued to watch the game unfolding before him. He noticed that some of his students from the elementary school he taught also came over to watch as they were acquainted with Haruto, Kageyama and Hinata.

"Ukai-sensei! Those three guys that came last time did a really fast set earlier. It went zoom!"

"Oh did it now." Ukai chuckled, hearing the little boy next to him speak about what happened.

Ukai looked at the score board and noticed that it was [23-16] on the first set with Karasuno winning in their favor.

"Haruto get those points alright."


He heard the voices of Hinata and Haruto talking to each other after Haruto made his way to the service line.

Haruto bounced the ball for a while before placing the ball near his forehead to take a deep breath. He heard the whistle and took a second to throw the ball in the air.

The ball seemed to spin quickly in the air and as it came down, Haruto contacted the ball with his arm fully extended creating for a nasty serve.

The ball spun forward as it crossed the net but it curved inwardly at a fast pace catching the people who moved off guard as it hit the space between them.

"Hoh I didn't see all of his skills from before but he sure does have a nasty serve."

Ukai smiled brightly and continued to watch the game. Haruto did his serve again in an attempt to win the first set quickly and did the same serve.

This time the serve curved out and Kakugawa tried to get the ball. They were semi successful with getting it up, but the ball came right back onto Karasuno's side giving them a free ball.

Hinata saw the free ball and noticed that Haruto was running the same approach as he was and the two jumped up in the air anticipating the ball.

The blockers at the net tried their best to watch where the ball would go, but that ended in a failure when they saw Hinata slam the ball right in front of them.


"I wonder how far this team will go compared to the previous Karasuno..."

Ukai mumbled under his breath as the sounds of people cheering roared around him, seeing that Karasuno won the first set against Kakugawa.


I'm trying my best to avoid Fontaine spoilers since I haven't gotten the chance to even download the update (T▽T). I hope you enjoyed it. Peacu.