
The angel bheind the Devil

A universe with many powers, the more you're strong, the higher level you increase. Jennifer Williams is here just for that.

RyanzBSD · Urban
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Robots and God.

*A normal and calm night for the streets of Limba, a far away city near New York. The streets are quiet and occasionally some cars pass by. In a dark hallway near the coffee shop, sits a girl on a bin, smoking some cigarette, steps echoed trought the area but she didn't care.*

«About damn time» she says

«Why did you left me there? I could've get caught you know.» the male says

«pft! like they could catch a sneaky dude like you! i knew youd make it, you aint weak!»

*She says finally jumping off the bin, Messy long wolf-like pink hair, with a yellow mash on it, stripped dark blue oversized pants and a green crop top covered with a gray jacket, on her back a Slice, Yellow-golden eyes and a sharp teeth smile. Jennifer Williams, most known "criminal" of all New York. And his working partner, Max hondel, a boy with short messy brunet hairs, dark red eyes that glow in the dark, a ear piercing and a bull nose piercing. A black blue and black shirt with jeans and some nike shoes, on his back an ak47 and on his waist a belt with silencers and a pocket knife.*

«Still, i you're as annoying as usual.» Max says sighing an exhausted sigh

«Pft! Hahah! thats a funny one, lets go get those damn robots shall we?» *Jenny says with a smirk as she starts walking before jumping high and landing on the building roof, Max following.*

*something unique about this universe is that everyone has some power, there are many types.spawned with different chances.

•Electric= 30%



•Dark magic=13%



•Fictional= 0.5%

Yep, Fictional. Wanna know whats that? A very rare type of power that has a 0.5% chance to be given to someone, And those who have it are Obviously Jenny and maybe, someone else. Fictional grants the power to erase anything that comes in their way, making it dissapear completely. Its perfect for defense but it also grants great stamina and speed, You'll almost never get tired. On the other hand, Msx has Dark magic. A power that grants him to create shadows and creepy creatures to attack or distract the opponent, it grants those who have the power to dissapear in purple-black dust and it grants great strenght and great IQ.*

«Where are we headed?» *max asks a little confused

«I told you! We are gonna kill some of Mr. Jon's robots not like he gives a shit anyways~» *Jenny replies with a jiggle, shes never been serious.*

*Max shrugged his shoulders, a little annoyed. The night wasnt so funny for him, there were less chances to fight other opponents and gain one of the best places in the history of powers. Yep, in this universe not only there are powers, but the most agile and strong ones could get a chance to be elected as great powerfull people, increasing your populairty, luck, money and respect. Altrought some people dont care about that, many others wants to win the great spot, i mean who wouldnt want all the power?*

«We're here!» *Jenny says with a grin as she pulls out her slice and then she sprints and jumps raising her slice in the air before throwing it on the floor, making a loud thud and evreything trembles. She Quickly lands down and grabs her slice once again as She sprints towards the robots, one by one she quickly destroyes them all. Max was in no mood for fighting so he just sat down on the edge and stared, ocasionally throwing some dust on the robots to make them disoriented.*

«J! Stop your stupid game right now!» *Mr. Jon shouts*

«Come one old man! their great for training!!» *Jenny shouts with a huge playfully smirk as she fights the robots over and over.*

«Let her be, she wont stop until satisfied.» *Max says as he jumps down too before aproaching Mr Jon calmly*

«Unbelivable, its the 10th time i tell her to stop.»

«Can you blame her? Shes insane She has no simpathy for anyone She could even kill someone close to her if someone proposed something she absolutely love.» *Max replies as he pulls out a cigarette, turning it on and blowing some smoke out of his mouth.*

«...Why is she like this?» *Mr. Jon asks raising an annoyed eyebrow*

«...i dont know. But something im sure of is that its something with God.» *Max says*

«God, huh?...thats interesting. Whatever lies bheind that crazy girl, for sure is nothing else but a broken soul.»