
It was me

I was holding the officer in my arms and then rescue force arrived at the scene. They saw him in my arms, he was bleeding from the knees. They took him to the ambulance.

Now that the officer was safe I went off to find Rachel. I didn't know where she was. She must've been with the crowd, I thought. So, I hurried towards the crowd

I reached at the front exit, But after looking everywhere, at every corner in the building, She was nowhere to be found. I started to worry, Very dark thoughts

started to enter my mind. What if something bad had happened with her, when I was gone, I was thinking all that stuff. But if she was not inside the building,

she could also be outside, what if she also evacuated with others. That could also be a possibly, So in that hope I ran towards the exit door, I was outside

I looked right and left but she wasn't there either. I stated to ask people about her, "have you seen a woman in a red dress, little less taller than me, black

hairs", but nobody had no idea. I was trying to find her here and there. I was worried and scared. And then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder from the back

I turned back, And It was none other than Rachel. " Where were you, are you okay?" I asked in a worried voice by grabbing her arms. " I can ask the same question"

you know?, You said that you were going to come back in a minute and then you were nowhere to be found, So I left with others" She replied. " Oh, you did the right thing,

I said. " what, Right thing, what is going on with you, you suddenly disappear" ( she looked at my abdomen area, I was bleeding, It was a little wound)

what, are you bleeding?, what happened, we gotta call the ambulance" She said. I just denied her, It was not that big wound, she just overreacted to it. But she was not

listening to me, She was worried. So I calmly made her understand that it was just a small scratch and I will take care of it, when we reach home. Then she got little calm.

So we called for a car to pick us up, and we reached at my house. We entered inside and then Rachel did my first aid. And then we sat together and she started talking about

what happened today. It was traumatic experience for her, She was still scared, I could see it on her face. Then I turned on the TV and there was news about

the attack on the mall. The terrorist was successful to escape and everything they were saying on the news, then they showed another news, it was about the officer,

It was something like that how a officer saved a civilian's life. It was like, the officer named Clark jones saved life of a civilian who was taken hostage by the terrorist

I think they were talking about me. The officer got shot by the terrorist trying to save the man's life and then they showed the picture of the scene and it was my picture on

the TV. And then they started saying that the civilian was none other than the founder of the Allen enterprises. Rachel saw my face and she was shocked by hearing that. She said

worryingly " It was you, Are you okay, did he hurt you" she asked that much questions at the same time. It was hard to answer all of them, but I replied that I was okay and no

he didn't hurt me, he just took me hostage and I was saved by the officer. " Thank god" She whispered by looking up. The officer became popular after that incident, he was clearly

the talk of the town. He also won a medal for his braveness. But his knee was fractured so he wouldn't walk like before. Whatever now after that incident I don't know I wasn't scared

but I was feeling more alive. I was so close to death but I think that's what living on the edge means. That's what being a human of earth feels like. Being a human feels more better than

an angel of the heaven.