
Everything's messed up!

Trying to concentrate, I grabbed the cable so hard, I slid down. I was in the lower elevator, I opened the elevator and looked down, but it was empty. The

officer who was with me was still in the last elevator. I closed my eyes to concentrate and find the location of the elevator. It was so hard to do because there were so many lifts.

But then I finally found the direction of the voice, It came from the right, from the lower elevators, So I told the officer to come down. he stretched out his hand to me,

Therefore I told him where the voice came from. So we slid into another elevator and then I tried to refocus, but suddenly there was a bomb explosion in the elevator corridor of upper unit

, the elevator exploded and fell, destroying everything in its path. The person in the elevator found out we were there. So he blew the elevator counter. The officer said, "What are we going to do now, he knows we're here, he can blow up those elevators any time." "But it's not possible to put

bombs in every elevator, maybe I can find elevators with bombs, I'm pretty sure he's close by, maybe he can hear our movements," I said. "Ah, what's the plan now?" he asked.

"Well, I have a plan, but it could be dangerous," I replied. "Tell me we can't come back from here, so tell me your damn plan," he said. So I told him the plan, the plan was dangerous, but he agreed to do it, so he gave me his communicator, I told him which elevator had the bomb and he was going to check every elevator. But I didn't know that the terrorist could also have weapons with him. I was just afraid of it and also endangering a person's life. So he hung onto the cable and slid down. And I closed my eyes, this time I tried to locate the bombs, the sounds of the bombs were so low, so it was really difficult, but I tried my best. I found an elevator that made a strange noise. It was right next to the officer, so I told him to move away from that elevator. So he stepped into another elevator, slowly opened the door, then pulled out his gun, but it was empty. So he moved to another and then suddenly another elevator exploded, but it was far away. I told the police where to go and where not to go. I was concentrating hard, but then Rachel suddenly came to mind and I was out of the situation, not concentrating. I was worried about Rachel too because I left her alone and told her I'd be back in a few minutes. I thought about it and then suddenly I heard a sound. It came from the elevator where the

employee was, it was also the elevator where the terrorist was. and also heard the sound of the gun reloading. But before I could warn the officer, the terrorist fired a shotgun at the top of

, but the officer dodged it, I was gone for a moment, and at that moment I messed everything up. The terrorist fired another shot, the officer moved to the side of the elevator, he tried to jump into the other elevator, but he couldn't get it right and just came to the side of it and held it with his hands and tried. . pull stand up The terrorist kept firing back. The officer was in danger and I had to do something. So without thinking I jumped off the elevator but I no longer had my superpowers so I hit myself but I was in the lower elevators I got blood on my arm. But I had to save the officer. So I quickly moved from one elevator to another. I no longer had my power, but I was more powerful than ordinary people. So I was very close to the elevator of the terrorist, He stopped shooting. I jumped to the top of the elevator and the terrorist was there, he was not like the

terrorist, he looked like a 40 years old man. I then jumped into the elevator, but he had a gun and pointed it directly at my head. "Don't try to do anything stupid, get down on your knees and put your hands behind your back," he said. I did what he said. Everything was messed up.