
The Ancient Game

A Random Omnipotent Being is bored with the way things go. All of his brethren reincarnate inferior beings with powers of their choosing in hope of quenching their boredom, but those don't last long. If the entertainment is only temporary, then why not maximize it? 100 inferior beings cruelly taken away from their friends and family, all to participate in a deathmatch, with only one standing in the end. All Deo wanted was to get laid god-damn it! ________________________________________________ https://www.deviantart.com/sakimichan/art/Rias-Gremory-716788383 Discord: https://discord.gg/4vWqZuT

MightyWriter · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The Dance Of Wolf And Devil

The werewolf against me didn't bother wasting time, he immediately disappeared from my field of view and moved so fast that I entertained for a second the thought that he teleported next to me. Even if my vision was way better than a human's, it seemed that I wasn't able to see people moving that fast yet. Fortunately, my reflexes were good enough for the monstrous being I was facing.

The sound of an abnormally strong hit landing on my forearm resonated, as I could feel my bone creak a little bit.

During that period, I could see the bewilderment on the old man's face at the fact that my smile widened when he hit me. " You crazy bastard. " he said in a deep and flat voice.

I didn't let the opportunity pass up though, as I grabbed his arm and locked his body in place. I then delivered a powerful kick to the side of his knee, aiming to reduce his mobility. Apart from the sound of flesh hitting flesh, the song of bones cracking did not play.

I retreated as soon as I heard my flesh cooking and the scent of my burnt hand hit my nostrils. " You can set yourself on fire? " I asked, even though it was not a question, with the same smirk on my face. Instead of answering me, he once again disappeared from my view, although this time I realized that my eyes were adapting to this sort of speed since I could now at least see in which direction he was going.

The scenario repeated, he was quite similar to the werewolf I fought earlier, although he was quite fast and had powerful fire magic, he was not that durable and certainly wasn't that strong.

We exchanged blows as he made sure to not get caught this time. Losing in speed, I failed to evade any of his fists and could barely block while he flickered through my attacks. The sound of flesh hitting flesh permeated the area because of the strength and speed behind each attack.

He backed away, seemingly content with the exchange since he was untouched while I certainly had taken a fair bit of hits. The smirk on his face didn't bother me. " You are weaker than I thought. Tell me inferior creature, with who's help did you kill my son. " he said, rage filtering his voice as the earlier flat tone disappeared. At his anger, the scent of a wolf increased in the area.

" Your son? " I smiled, realizing the situation. ' No wonder they were so similar in fighting styles. ' I thought to myself, undeterred by my opponent's strength.

" You should worry about yourself. After all, you will join him soon enough! " I roared as I closed the distance between us. He grunted in anger as a fur appeared over both of his arms as the bones in his hands shifted and dangerous-looking fangs appeared in his mouth.

The claws extending from his hands were boiling, the difference in temperature was palpable. I could not hide my power anymore.

The moment the burning claws of my enemy were about to hit my arm, a purple aura fizzled to protect my body. The atmosphere of the area immediately changed. The scent of evil attacked the old werewolf as soon as I used my ki instead of hiding it. He reflexively back away when he saw that his claws could not penetrate my protection.

I didn't let the fact that he destroyed a good portion of my reserve with this attack show on my face. Instead, I smirked and chased after him. " You were a devil! " he said which let me realize that he didn't know what my race was.

" It doesn't matter in the end. I will slay you and avenge my son! " he said as his whole body shifted instantly. His transformation into a full-blown werewolf was nearly instantaneous. When I entered his range, he was already ready to fight back. He clawed me, chunking through my defence as I pushed on because of his better range due to the difference in height.

The fight continued as we exchanged hits, relying on our physical prowess to kill each other. Similarly to his son, even in his werewolf transformation, he was less durable than me, although his strength increased by a good margin.

We traded blows for blows as my performance increased the more I fought. My cells were dancing in delights at the fight I was undertaking. My smile became slowly bloodthirsty even as the number of wounds on my body was increasing.

His expression changed the moment I got a good hit on his ribcage, I felt the sweet sensation of bones breaking under my knuckles as I took advantage of the moment to land a devastating blow. The demonic mana inside of me moved through and quickly became a red fire that burned through the werewolf's flesh.

He cried in pain and tried to grab the arm plastered on his torso to take it away when he felt his body being burnt. I took the opportunity to use one of the spells I could access in my School Of Destruction, and launched a fireball at point-blank the moment I dashed out of the old werewolf.

The spell exploded against his body despite his speed as he was unable to dodge. The wave of heat washed over me as I tried to look through the smoke that was the result of the spell. The ground was charred and all vegetation in the surrounding that had suffered from our fight became ash.

" YoU BaStArD! " his voice resonated through the woods, his vocal cords having taken the smoke in as his voice was coarse. He appeared from the smoke, the entirety of his front body blackened, his face ruined and burned. He roared with all of his might and dashed towards me furiously. He had abandoned any semblance to a human being and all that was left was a wolf that wanted to feast upon my flesh.

Unfortunately, faster than me or not, an animal was easier to fight than a human with the feats of an animal. He simply jumped into a full-body kick to his face. His movements became too predictable so I sought to end this fight as quickly as possible. Despite seemingly knowing that his fire would not work on me previously, he instinctively used his fire spells, burning everything around me in a flash of yellow, expect me.

" Hahaha, what was that, you animal, I thought you knew that your son paid for that mistake with his life! " I laughed at his attempt to burn me. The yellow fire was burning through the trees around us at an impressive speed, but I was standing still, with a ragged breath due to the injuries the old wolf delivered, but my body was rapidly healing.

He roared once again in fury and jumped at me. Since he could not move in the air, it was his worst mistake so far. I concentrated both my fire mana and my purple ki into my kick, creating something that I wasn't aware of, and landed a full-body roundhouse kick into his torso.

The old werewolf's claws didn't penetrate my body too much before he was sent flying through the woods. As the blood flowed from my two new wounds, I chased after his body, but relaxed when I received the notification from the system that he died.


Name: Deo Aellias

Race: Nordic Devilish Hanma

Age: 22 years old

Title: None

Job: Pyromancer (68)

Job Available: Apprentice Devil Slayer, Great Mage, WolfBane, Great Martial Artist

Level: 4

Job History: Jobless, Apprentice Devilish Mage, Mage, Martial Artist, Apprentice Soul Warrior

Passive skills:

- Hanma Body: Level 1

- Devil Mana Manipulation: Level 4

- Aura Manipulation: Level 4 (NEW!)

- Frost Immunity: Level 5

- Ki Manipulation: Level 7 (NEW!)

- Longevity: Level 10

- Fire Manipulation: Level 2 (NEW!)

- Enlarged Mana Pool: Level 1

- Devil's Charm: Level 2

- Fire Immunity: Level 1 (NEW!)

Active skills:

- Battle Cry: Level 1

- Devil Apparition: Level 1

- Ki Reinforcement: Level 5 (NEW!)

- Aura Concealment: Level 6

- Concealment Barrier: Level 3

- Superior Martial Arts: Level 9 (NEW!)

- Yvherd Aeos: Level 1

- Svkeryh Aeos: Level 1

- School of Destruction: Level 1

- Teleportation: Level 4

I closed my system's panel. I finished my Apprentice Soul Warrior job after killing the younger werewolf and chose the Pyromancer job, but I didn't expect that the experience the old werewolf gave me to allow me to jump to level 68 in one go. I gained the WolfBane job, probably from killing those two strong werewolves, but I had no interest in going this way, as it would be too specific.

The sensation I felt when I used both fire manipulation and ki manipulation was a one-time thing in the heat of the battle because I didn't obtain a skill for it nor was I able to reproduce it.

After cleaning all of my blood, by burning it with fire, I left the area and returned home. It was too late to do anything and since the surrounding area had been completely burned by the old werewolf's fire, it would attract attention from the supernatural world. I didn't learn anything from the killings happening in Teioh in the end, but I gained quite a bit from these fights. Still, I didn't know if these werewolves were the ones killing off the human population or if it was someone else, I could have simply walked into a werewolf controlled area and they didn't take my transgression kindly, though I doubted it.

I splashed my face with water, seeing that all of my wounds had already healed. I seriously underestimated my healing capabilities, since some of these flesh wounds were deep. The little discomfort left would be expunged by a good night of sleep.

There was still one problem haunting me from tonight, one that I only realized the gravity recently. I wasn't myself anymore when I entered fights, at least not completely and the prospect of good fights somehow chipped away my reason. What did I think when I simply ran across the towns to find the one that killed all of these humans? I had no information whatsoever and exposed myself unnecessarily, just for a little bit of adrenaline.

I sighed heavily as I looked into the mirror, the features of my face, the ones that I thought similar in the past now seemed vastly alien to me. I felt as if I was occupying the body of a beast, one that wasn't mine.

I had a dreamless sleep this night, but I was still plagued by what happened, set on finding a solution and finally obtaining my own body.

There shouldn't be a chapter today, but I wanted to write this fight as quickly as possible. My fight scenes writing skills suck, so if you have any idea on how to improve and/or criticism to give me regarding that, feel free to share your thoughts.

On the note of the OC peerage, it seems that a lot of people wanted me to just take canon people from multiple worlds, but that wouldn't make sense for reasons that I went over in the comments of the previous chapter.

As for the protection period, I've decided to change it to 3 years, which would make it so it ends right after DxD canon. I've already got good ideas for what other players would be like, how the Ancient Game will progress and what will be Deo's stance on the thing. It will be revealed later that there's a lot of things that weren't revealed to the players and could potentially screw them over.

I have a question since the peerage will have access to the same system Deo has, are you interested in me putting the panel of each member of Deo's peerage at the end of each chapter? Or do I create a separate chapter where I update each time the stats? Or do you want me to simply not disclose it and keep it to myself?

Thank you for reading!

MightyWritercreators' thoughts