

*You are coming home after your school*

Y/n: Ah, today was a tiring day! I wish there was no tution for me today.

Y/m: Oh no naughty, you are going to your tution and your exams are on their way.

*Y/n starts showing her puppy eyes to her mom*

Y/m:NO not that!not again....You really have a one kind of weapon.


*with that you went to your room, and take a shower*

*Time skip-After tution*

Y/n POV:

Why did I had to tease the new boy? All I got in return is a 1 hour detention!And it's getting dark(Time:6:00pm).I think I should take the shortcut to home. Well the shortcut is in a remote area but its okay as long as I reach home fast.

*You take the shortcut*

As I was walking through the forest I saw an old wooden house. I felt a chill through my spine but I shrugged it off and started to walk away.Then I heard a little girl cry. I knew she was inside the old house as the voice was coming from inside the house.I walked to the entrance of the house and knocked

*end of Y/n POV*

Y/n:Hello (knocks)

*As I knocked on the door I felt that the door was open and I pushed it open*

Y/n:I'm coming in....

*As I opened the door and walked a little I found a little girl crying while swinging on a rocking chair.I came near the kid and knelt to her level*

Y/n: Hey cutie (low soft voice)

Y/n:Why are you crying? where is your mom?

Little girl:M-mo-m sh-she (sobs)

Y/n:What is it?

Little girl:(extends her hands and meet yours)

*The little girl gave you something in your hand. You open your hands and find a beautiful amulet with a picture of red blood moon in it.

Y/n:aww is it for me? Thank you sweetie.

Little girl:(She does not reply but slowly stops sobbing and continue swinging on her rocking chair)

Y/n:Umm I guess you are okay now (I look out through the small window full of cobwebs and find that its dark already)

Little girl:(She moves her hand from the rocking chairs arms and points at some picture frames placed on the walls)

Y/n POV:

I did understand that she meant to look at the frames.Well looking at others frames without permission is not nice but the girl said so, I think a small peep won't harm.I walked towards the frames. All were family photos.One by one I viewed them all. The last frame was shocking.I suddenly turned around and looked at the little girl but....she was not there but the rocking chair was ....r-ro-rocking on it's o-own!!And her shadow was visible without her body.

I thought it was an animal's eyes and soon I felt dizzy and my sight became blurry.

I open my eyes and see a ceiling, then I heard my mom calling out my name

* end of Y/n POV*

Y/m:Y/n!! Y/n!! Wake up!! open your eyes Y/n!!

I can see her teary eyes letting drops of tears roll down her eyes.I slowly look around and found out that I am in the hospital.

Y/n:Mom calm down.Why are you opening up your two wells?

Y/m:Why did you roam around in the woods?(playfully and slowly slaps your hand)

Y/n:Mom what happened to me?

Y/m:Don't you remember anything?

Y/n:(shakes your head as a no)

Y/m:You got hit by a car and the driver bought you here and you were sleeping for 12 hours!

Y/n:(You get relaxed thinking all you remember was a dream.) (sighs)

*Y/n POV*

ahhh one long and weird dream it was...(you think about the last frame you saw in that house)Well really weird ! The last frame I saw was the name, birth date and death date of the little girl. Well.. I was really scared to death. The little girl so called 'Alice' had died a day ago from today(also the day in your dream).

* end of Y/n POV*

(I sit up from the hospital bed and my mom was helping me)

(The T.V was been playing all along )

Y/n: Ahhh....news I hate it!

Y/m:Should I tell them to change?

Y/n:Nah... I'll adjust

Y/m: You lay and watch the news while I bring your food.

News: Todays headlines-An unknown girl was found murdered near the alleys of the woods. Doctors say she was murdered a day ago and the cause is not concluded.If any information is found please report us and we will be the first if to give you news if any information is found.

Y/n: Is-Isnt she...(You notice the little girl/Alice was the one murdered and shown in the news.She was wearing the same clothes you saw her wearing in your dream)

*Suddenly you feel something in you pocket as you were slightly sitting on it*

(You check your left pocket and...indeed! there was something!I took it out)

Y/n:(Your breath becomes uneven and you started to shake)

Y/n:I-Its t-the....AMULET

To Be Continued...

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