

Outside the HQ tower of Silver Sable International, the city of Aniana hustles its bustle. Below, the employees of Silver Sable work hard, to create a better Symkaria today, and to make the next best addition to the Wild Pack.

In her penthouse, Silvija takes a nap. It strikes her employees as unusual, that she'd ever take any days off. Good thing, though; she usually works so hard, that she's virtually accumulated three years' worth of days off. Plus, she's merely there to INSPIRE her own company to work; most of her responsibilities are optional.

She sleeps topless. With a hand clutching her pussy, it seems she's VERY horny. This is rare. She hasn't been this horny since...Dr. Doom.

Atop her nipple, Peter shares her beauty sleep. He's hard for her. Every now and then, he rolls over on his back. Deviously, she uses one finger to bop him on the dick. At first, Peter woke up, when she did this. Alas, he's lost in a beautiful dream.

Sad; he once had this dream with Morgan Stark in it. Alas, he's so lost in his dream, he can't even suspect that Morgan's been lost down a villainous path...

All around, ostriches forage. Peter dreams that he and Silvija are somewhere in Africa...somewhere far from the monotonous concerns of life.

They're both normal-sized. In the background, the "morning" part of Amilcare Ponchielli's Dance of the Hours plays. Peter and Silvija are both in ballet attire. They have this dance.

Incessantly, Peter spins around, like a top that doesn't know how to draw a line. At last, he starts to get dizzy, and staggers. As the music slows, he leans against a boulder, and rests.

From atop the boulder, a pair of klipspringers watch him. They seem underwhelmed...

As the music starts back up again, Silvija makes her entrance. She's been cast as the Silver Swan. She spins around in circles, too...moving as she goes along.

She dances over to Peter, deviously prances up behind him, and slaps him on the ass. He stands, shoots a web at her, snags her, reels her in, and embraces her. She lies in his arms, and spreads out hers. Above, like a dorsal fin, Peter spreads out his.

Around, the ostriches stare. No doubt, if Walt Disney had been born yet, they'd be inspiring him.

He moves around. Using him like a pole, she dances around him. They leap away from one another, flapping their hands like butterflies. They join hands, and dance here and there, in ballet baby steps.

She leaps over him, doing the splits as she does so. He chases her around. She mounts a male ostrich, and rides around. Peter mounts a female one, and chases her.

They slow, and face one another, still aback their birds. Like twin cobras facing each other off, they match one another, as they move about.

Their ostriches imitate swans, bow their necks, and caress beaks. They resemble two swans making the shape of a heart.

Still ostrich-back, they ride through the African countryside. Soon, a belt of short trees separate them. They play peek-a-boo with one another, through the gaps between the trees.

Exploiting gaps between the trees, they spontaneously switch places. They do this several times.

At the end of the belt, the ostriches start courting one another. Peter and Silvija flirt with one another, as this happens.

The ostriches run around, in an S-shaped motion, playfully. Doing gymnastics, Peter dismounts. Silvija spreads her arms, and leaps off her mount. Peter speeds beneath her, and catches her...ballet-style.

He lowers her. They embrace... They join hands again, and tip-toe/dance across the plain. Around them, other ostriches still watch...

Still dancing, they circle one another. They join hands again, and tip-toe/dance some more, in S-shaped movements.

She leaps again. He catches her. Light on his feet, he spins her around, while holding her up. He's Spider-Man; this isn't hard for him. He sets her down. They revolve around one another, and pause, victoriously...

From a clearing, a pair of cheetahs ambush them. They both run/dance, to evade them. They switch places with one another, as they run. So do the two cheetahs.

She slows, and leaps again. He catches them. Around them, the cheetahs surround them, and raise the hump and fur on their backs. Like a distorted helicopter rotor, Peter spins her here and there while holding her up. Indecisive, the cheetahs revolve around him...in perfect rhythm.

He sets her down. She kicks them both in the head. They both come back. She claps her hands. Painted wolves arrive, and chase the two cats away.

Now both surrounded by big rocks, they dance more. She dances in circles around him. He does gymnastics. He shoots webs, and ensnares her in them. He beds her in them, and cuddles up with her in them. She pushes him away, and dances/runs. He shoots webs, and swings from the rocks, chasing her.

He hangs upside down, from one of his silken threads. She rushes up to him, handles his hair in her hands, and caresses both sides of his face, alternating fingers for each side. She waves her hands in circular motions, over his chest muscles. She slaps him in the center of the chest, and runs off. At some point, she loses him.

He flips, and lands in front of her. She stops, and runs in the opposite direction. He sews up a fence, with his webbing, and traps her in with him.

In these hoops, they embrace. Her arms are spread out. One of his arms is raised, like a dorsal fin.

She leaps out of his embrace, and lands on a silken thread. Using this as a slingshot string, she leaps off it, and continues her flight when her feet hit bottom.

She stops, to behold a fancy web that Peter's just put up, between the rocks, high above her. Letters in it, like Charlotte's Web, say "PETER (heart symbol) SILVIJA."

From out of nowhere, one of Hawkeye's arrows flies. It spears the heart...right where a Valentine's Day heart would get the same shot from Cupid.

Silvija covers her mouth with both hands, and mimics a coy smile. She runs off. Peter leaps, shoots a web, and swings down towards her, from behind. He grabs her, and swings them both up to a bluff above the canyons.

Atop here, they finish the "morning" sequence of the Dance of the Hours. They orbit one another, and come up behind one another. They join arms, and create arches, as they dance around one another. They face one another blissfully, while doing so.

From above, some more klipspringers watch. High above, the sun moves closer and closer to the noon position...

To top it off, Silvija falls back, in one of Peter's arms. Peter holds her with one hand, and his other arm out. They maintain this position, until the "morning" part of the number commences.

Below, the ostriches have left. They...probably started fighting over a cornucopia full of fruit, in Peter's and Silvija's absences...