
The Ametrines of Allurion

Synopsis: Upon coincidental encounters and already established friendships, a group of 6 friends and their own friends are unified by a force of opposition. The story follows the Ametrines gang around along on their goofy but sometimes serious adventures that they go through together. It’s never known what they’ll get themselves into, and often times the issues they get into are accidentally provoked while others have hidden reasons. Follow them and see what’s in store for The Ametrines of Allurion. join in my discord to see whats going on also https://discord.gg/3B9xaA6KZN

_Sesame_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Unstoppable Duo

Upon the unstoppable duo coming to be, they had some fantastic successful missions, slowly but surely bringing down beginning corrupt groups unable to flourish in this tainted land. Crozz and ash did wish to move up to higher targets seeing as though Many lower-class beginners were too scared to even try crossing the line. They discussed and sought out their next prey. Crozz had many enemies looking out to have her dead before getting to them first. Bored with looking for so long, they went back down to end those that were getting too comfortable with her absence, believing that they had to ability to do wrong since they've heard no interference from Crozz. Upon returning to their bittersweet city, they quickly got to work, showing that any new corrupt leaders could not expand in on the city and make it worse. Crozz wished for more action, and ash wished for more precious items to add to her collection. They didn't have enough to fulfill their appetite. Crozz remembered stealing a file from this one facility full of nothing but traps and some weird piece of clothing that she disliked so much in the middle of the room; she deemed the owner of that place innocent and let them carry on with their business to her everything seemed ethical. Still, she couldn't leave empty-handed, so she took a flashy flash drive that was on the desk just because she needed one and was too lazy to go out and buy one. What she didn't know at the time was what was stored in there was grand. She had plans to tackle the objective set up in the flash drive, but that goal was soon forgotten by the introduction of her new partner in crime ash. Crozz brought up the flash drive to ash and explained that they could both get something out of this mission. This time, ash was intrigued, so they went back to upload the file. For the most part, the file had designs of clothing, some questionable and some very nice looking, but the last one was the golden one for both. They examined the file and quickly concluded that this was a sort of hit-list, but the strange thing was that there was only one man on this list. In fact, it seemed more as though it wasn't a list but a complete examination of the man himself from the person who had this before them. The man moved far away from the city they were in but still worthy of Crozz and ash's time; Crozz was intrigued by this man for the disgusting things that she read about him, the man was known to throw people down into the deepest parts of caves in the hunt for something, and most of the times the excursions were left unsuccessful with many innocent people dying under his hands and him just covering it up to avoid having to pay for the damages done, this had Crozzs blood at boiling point. Ash, on the other hand, was intrigued with this item he was looking for; it was said that he obtained the item he spent his fortune looking for and now had it for himself, the item itself was an artifact, one that many spent their life looking for for a few centuries now. And now ash wanted it for herself; she didn't know what it did or why it was special. She just wanted something big to add to her collection. Thankfully this file had him tracked down well, and finding him was not an issue to the duo. But they both were led to a confusing place upon discovery. Upon entering his luxurious one-of-a-kind mansion, they were met with…. Nothing, just pure silence. The two were confused as to how someone with such a valuable thing would have their place so open and safe for others to come in. As they searched the place, both for different reasons, they were hit with a feeling of doom and worry. Of course, that wasn't going to stop them from reaching their goals. They both entered the last room all the way to the end of the mansion. Certainly, this was had to be it. The room was dark, which was very confusing since they entered when the sun barely came up, and cold and felt very uneasy with the little bit of light entering through the hallway. They could make out a silhouette behind a desk sitting patiently still and quiet. Crozz, nervous and uneasy, made herself known to this figure, sitting still, not making any movement. No response was given to her, and after repeating herself a few times, she grew impatient and angered that she was getting no response. After letting out an agreed sigh, she threw her knife at the figure, angered that she wasn't getting the satisfaction that she so craved but still not allowing him to get away. The knife landed a direct shot in the chest; soon after, the place began to rumble and the door behind them shut; the panic was quickly filling both the girls, and with nowhere to go, they began accepting their fate. Soon after the rumbling started, a cold and chilling laugh appeared from the corner of the room. Out of nowhere, light from the outside world began to seep through the windows almost as though a black-out curtain was being raised, followed by the rumbling began to come to an end slowly. Once it all stopped, In front of them stood a man, a man that looked exactly like a copy of the one behind the desk, which was now on the ground who was slowly being covered in pure pitch black. The man standing in front of them was responsive, which to the girls was more chilling than the man who wasn't; they both knew this wasn't natural and knew they were face to face with a great danger. The man just stood there examining the two young ladies, then he grinned, followed by a wave. Then began to change appearances right in front of their presence. Once done shifting, he introduced himself; this man who certainly wasn't an ordinary man called himself David. Angered but confused more than anything, Crozz exclaimed what happened and what all of this was. Her question was quickly answered, and David explained to them that he had to teach a lesson on "what happens when you steal something from me" the girls quickly knew that this thing was the owner of the artifact the man on the ground possessed. David laughed and explained that though the piece itself wasn't that important to him, he didn't like the idea of someone stealing from him and thinking they could get away with it. After many conversations, the duo noticed that he was not from here and had many questions for him. But unfortunately for them, they would have to hold those questions as, after some time, David waved goodbye, laughed, and disappeared along with the lifeless body on the ground. All that was left behind was a box with a smiley face drawn at the top in some black gooey substance with a note in front with duos name on it.