
The Ametrines of Allurion

Synopsis: Upon coincidental encounters and already established friendships, a group of 6 friends and their own friends are unified by a force of opposition. The story follows the Ametrines gang around along on their goofy but sometimes serious adventures that they go through together. It’s never known what they’ll get themselves into, and often times the issues they get into are accidentally provoked while others have hidden reasons. Follow them and see what’s in store for The Ametrines of Allurion. join in my discord to see whats going on also https://discord.gg/3B9xaA6KZN

_Sesame_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Heist of the Decade

"Okay, we will start to head out now. Hopefully, it won't take long for us to get in and grab the gem that is needed." Crozz said as she started to grab her bag. "I'm right behind you, Crozz," said Ash. They both made their way up to the top of Lens place to get a clear view of the path they were going to take to get to the museum. "Uh, what are you two doing up here?" Said Tommy, who was just relaxing on the roof cleaning the airplane that was up there "oh h-h-heyyyy Tommy, long time no talk there, cutie," Crozz said as she tried to act cool. "Ugghhh, focus on the mission, please Crozz" Ash said as she pulled Crozz out of her dreaming state "what mission, if I may ask?" Tommy said, "anything for you, handsome," Crozz noted, "we volunteered to go and find a certain gem for the people inside since we are the ones most best for the job since that's what we did before," Ash said "yea I've are guessing they must have one in the gem section of the city's museum, so that's where we are heading. We are just trying to see what's the best way to go to it," Crozz said, "well, the museum does have a landing pad too; I could take you two over there?" "Can I sit in the front with you, cutie?" "Uh, sure?" "Okay, awesome, let's go then" the three get on and make their way to the museum. "Okay, we are here," Tommy said "sad that we must be separated," Crozz said, saddened "omg, let's go, Crozz" Ash said, frustrated "ow let me go" said Crozz was being pulled by the arm. "Okay, so everything should be closed by now, so we have to find a way to get in without being caught" Ash said "well, the vents might be the best way to get inside then" Crozz replied, "true, okay then let's go and find a good place to go to then." The two made their way into the vents and looked around for the best place to get out of the vents and begin their search. "Well, I hated the fact that there were so many spiderwebs in there ew" Crozz said, very disgusted "you'll be fine, Crozz" "you don't know that" Crozz replied back to Ash "moving on from that, let's find the gem room and look for the ametrine and get out" Ash said "well that's not that hard" Crozz said as she pointed to the sign that pointed to the direction of the gem area "hm that's funny, better for us the sooner we find it, the faster we can leave" Ash said. They made their way across the museum, following the signs that led them to the gem area. "We are finally here. Holy shit, how big is this fucking museum" Crozz said. Ash opened the door just a tiny bit and noticed that the guards were in there moving the gems into a truck to transport them out. "Oh, shit, that's right, the Gem Show is a few days from now. They must have taken these to put them on display or something" Ash said, "Look! There's the ametrine right there" Crozz noted as she saw the guard putting the glass box with the gem inside the truck. "Okay, we are going to have to find a way to get into that truck before it gets to where it's going" Ash said to Crozz. "Yay does this mean we are going to do a heist" Crozz asked excitedly; Ash nodded, "YAY IM SO EXCITED" Crozz whispered out "we just have to let them finish loading in the rest of the gems" Ash said "we should go back with Tommy and have him follow the truck" Crozz said. The two ran back out through the vent that they came through. "Tommy, we need you to follow the truck that's having things loaded into it over there; they are carrying the gem in there for some gem show or something" Crozz said as she got in "it's leaving now let's get going" Ash soon followed "okay got it." They followed the truck until it got to an empty road, which was the perfect time for them to strike. "Okay, Tommy, get closer to the truck. It's time to land on it" Ash told Tommy "you got it, get ready to get off from the back door on the airplane. I'm going to go to the side enough for you two to quickly jump out, okay?" "Got it" the two said as they ran to the back. Ash opened the door and waited for the signal. "Now!" Yelled Tommy, and soon after, Crozz jumped out, then Ash successfully landing on the top of the truck. "Okay, allow me to make an entrance for you Crozz." "Am I going in on my own?" "Yea Crozz, I'm not going to fight; I'll stay out here and watch your back and give you any heads up in case of anything" "okay, okay, leave the rest to me." Ash pulled out a torch and began to burn through the top for Crozz to enter. "Okay, Crozz, it should be enough to where a little bit of weight can make it fall, so whenever you're ready, go for it" "perfect move away; I wanna enter with class" Crozz said. Crozz goes to the end of the truck and begins to run to the spot; hallways there, she jumps up into the air and does a flip, landing on the area and falling through into the truck. She was soon surrounded by a bunch of confused guards. "Hey, boys, ready for some fun? I know I am" Crozz said as she tried to maintain her excitement. The guards quickly pulled out their weapons; some held a gun, others a baton, and some a taser. Crozz began to run around and attack her first victims, killing almost each one, all while having a big smile on her face. It wasn't long until the screams and scattering ended, and Ash was ready to come inside. "Wow, you made a mess in here, Crozz" "it was fun to do so" Crozz said back as she was cleaning her hands off with some wipes she carried. "Okay, let's look around for that ametrine and get the fuck out of here" "yea, on it." The two began searching through all the glass boxes full of pretty colors, "FOUND IT ASH!" Crozz yelled, "awesome!" Ash said as she picked up the box and shattered the top of it to grab the ametrine "nice job, Crozz, now let's leave this place" "I mean, we could leave, ooooor we could take some souvenirs?" Crozz said to Ash with a mischievous smile, "You know what, why not. We are here already" Ash said back with the same smile on her face now, and so the two began to break the tops of the boxes and pick out the nicest, biggest, shiniest gems they could lay their eyes on and put them in their bags. "Okay, I say this is enough; we can't be too greedy," Ash said "yea, I think so too. Let's get off before they actually notice that we are in here; we've been so quiet this whole time, let's not ruin it now," Crozz said. Ash went to the side of the truck and began to burn it too, and after some time, she kicked the wall and exposed the exit she had created for the two to jump out of. "So are we just going to jump out like that?" Crozz asked, "you bet, let's go" Ash responded before jumping out and rolling onto the grass at the edge of the road; Crozz followed, trying to hold on to the bag full of gems. "Not our best exit but definitely one of the funnest ones, I think" Crozz said as she brushed off the grass from her hair; how are we going to get Tommy's attention- oh wait, never mind" Crozz said as she turned around and saw Ash with a flare gun pointing up to the sky. Not long after shooting the flare, Tommy lands on the side of the road and picks them up. "How'd it go? Did you two girls get what you needed?" "Yes, we did!" Crozz said, jumping up and down "we surprisingly didn't get caught by the ones driving at all" Ash said, "Hey, that's better for you two. Now where to?" Tommy asked; the two responded back, "back to Lens place, please."