
The Ametrines of Allurion

Synopsis: Upon coincidental encounters and already established friendships, a group of 6 friends and their own friends are unified by a force of opposition. The story follows the Ametrines gang around along on their goofy but sometimes serious adventures that they go through together. It’s never known what they’ll get themselves into, and often times the issues they get into are accidentally provoked while others have hidden reasons. Follow them and see what’s in store for The Ametrines of Allurion. join in my discord to see whats going on also https://discord.gg/3B9xaA6KZN

_Sesame_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

A Knowledgeable Experience

"What do you suggest?" David asked, "well, we can go to the major library; there must be something there about all this?" San said, "Um, do you not remember that we aren't allowed in big things? We are looked for?" Len said to San, "I mean, we are looked for, but they don't know who we are anymore; they're looking for the old us," San said as he motioned to everyone's new appearances. "He has a point," Dev says as he tries not to gag from agreeing with San. "Well then, let's try going. Then it's not in this realm, though do you think those two are safe to go through with us?" While staring at Crozz and Ash, David said, "If we die in the process, oh well, but you guys are not leaving us, I want to go to a new realm!" Crozz exclaimed, "I'm not on board with dying, but I too want to go, so fuck it let's try" Ash followed. "Should we make them sign something?" Molly asked, "Eh, who's going to miss them?"

Len answered as she smiled at them. "Well then, let's try going out to the Relicia Library then, hang on," Dave said. He created a portal under everyone. Landing in front of a massive building held up by an even more enormous cloud, "Holy shit, what is this?" Crozz said, mesmerized, "This is the Relicia Library, a place far from earth heck some workers might not even know what earth is here, letting you know because I know some people think they are the center of the universe," David says "it's also a very boring place," Dev says very assertive "Yea for someone with just one brain cell on life support, I can see why it would be," Len said "Ouch!" Len just winks and walks to open the door. "Get in, losers." The Library stretches far beyond their eyes. "Now I see why it's the great library, damn," Ash says as she looks around. "Do they maybe have some fanfics?" Crozz asks, "Of course, you'd want that" Len sighs.

"What? I like reading certain things when bored" "you like doing so much when bored." "Okay, guys, let's not forget what we are here for; look around for things about stone tablets that can have inscriptions," David tells the group. "No," Kit says. Kit is very unenthusiastic and walks towards the comic sections. "…okay then, the rest of you are not allowed to walk out. Pick out a section and look things up," David orders. The gang nods and heads to different sections and gets to work; hours pass and none of their sections yield any results.

"Have y'all found anything about it? "San asks the rest who are quietly reading at the table, "Nope," Len answers, "Nothing," Crozz answers, and the rest just shake their heads side to side. "Dev, have you not finished your first book?" Len asks with a concerned face, "wait, we're reading? I'm just looking at the pictures of the book of divination" everyone just groans, "Man, you're bright," Ash tells Dev. Dev just flips her off while turning the pages of his book. "There's nothing about it here. Each book leads us to a different dead end," Molly says as she closes her 80th book "Yea, same here," David says while finishing his 5th section, "there must be something more aimed towards this, or is there no?" Crozz asks, "No, that's it. "Molly answered back; there's nothing else here that can be more specific to this topic," Molly answered back. "WAIT- there is!" San yells out then remembers where he's at "The dark sections, they have more restricted things that might be more pinpointed to our subject" "Yea, but good luck getting in there, not even I can," David says "Yea, but unlike you, I was an essential member of the legion, and if one legion member doesn't work we have a second one that was of the same position as me- or more like took my spot, we have the power to open it, and plus we have a high-status atrocity here too that mixed with us must let us in. We just have to distract the guards; if they catch us, one snap of their fingers and we will be strips of skin on the ground." "True, but how will we be doing that?" Molly asks. "Well, one of us could maybe ~distract~ the guard," Crozz says, "but who?". Everyone goes quiet for a bit, then suddenly Len screams at the top of her lungs, "AH OMG RATS AHHHHH!" then proceeds to let three rats go from her bag and orders them to go to the guard's desk. The guards begin to freak out, trying to throw anything they can at them in utter fear and disgust. "Okay, done, let's go quickly!" Len says to the group, who right now are full of questions and confused but nonetheless surprised. They all make their way past the guards and to the entrance of the dark sections that were closed with chains around the door. "Okay, Molly, Len, grab my hands," San said, and the three stood in front and closed their eyes for a bit, and sure enough, the chains disappeared, and the doors opened. "Hurry, get in yall," said one of the three. "Woah, this is sick," Dev said, "there's nothing better than breaking the rules and being in the restricted section of things; we can learn all the secrets of the universes!" "Sadly, you can't, even you couldn't handle things like that with that head of yours, you'd melt immediately, so don't," Len said. "Plus, we can't make too much of a mess and just pick at random sections, we are here for one thing, and there's a section for it. We do not leave that section," San said to Dev. "Or else what, you got balls trying to tell me what to do," Dev said. "Must I remind you who let you in?" San said as he got closer to Dev "Yea, but you weren't the only one dipshit don't come acting like it was just you, and if you're expecting thanks, I would recommend to not hold your breath," Dev said as he got closer "Yea I know it wasn't just me smart ass, but I was one of them, and I'm saying you ain't doing shit" "I agree with him" Molly said "Same here, don't go around snooping. And stop being a bitch will you?" Len said, "I had no part in this, but I too say you aren't going to do that" David said, "Look. I don't want to make more of a mess than there already is and much less draw more attention to us. Just don't go around the sections you don't need to be in?" San said in a calmer tone. Dev just glared at him and pushed him out of the way, and walked over to a chair. "Okay, moving on from that, which section would this land on?" David asked, "I believe it to be the prophetic section" San answered, "Okay, then let's go there" "it shouldn't be too much since there haven't been many prophecies around" "This whole section has about 2 million books on prophecies. HOW'S THAT NOT A LOT!?" Crozz yells out, "Well, there's no such thing as time here, so sit down cuz we are going to take a tiny bit," Moly says; Crozz just groans in anguish. "Okay, I'll start with this little file," San says. "I'll take the bottom one," says Len. "I'll take the one on top of you," Crozz follows. "Okay, so the rest of us go to the next little portion and find out file to start picking from," David says as the rest move on to the next one. More hours pass, and nothing. "Man, this is tougher than I thought," San says as he puts back his last book from his file "Anything from any of y'all" "Nope," the group replies. Some time goes by, and Dev jumps up and says, "Guys! There's something about us in this book! It talks about a group of people destined to make a change, two from the earth and the rest from other realms full of troubles. And something about a slate of stone" "Alia the Great?" Crozz reads out confused, "Wait, wasn't he a wizard from earth?"

San asks, "Yea he was, he was executed for his barbaric claims," Ash says "We learned about him in school, though we were told he just had hysteria and wasn't actually a wizard-like he claimed" "Oh, that's very wrong, he was one of the best wizards of the time, he wasn't human though. He might have been a part of a legion or an atrocity. There was never any confirmation," David told Ash. "And this is why I don't trust schooling," Crozz said. "You sure it's not just cuz you didn't like it?" Len asked. "There's not much about this prophecy, though; it created such a panic and fear that he was sent out to be killed," Dev said as he skimmed through the book. "That's the only thing there is about this, and no other book has anything, and the ones that brought up some mention of it have main pages ripped out of the" David said "yea I noticed that too" Molly followed "So we all noticed that?" everyone nodded. "So now what?" Crozz asked, "We could always go back in time?" David said, "We'd use up so much of our energy" Molly responded, "Yea, but we would know a bit more of this if we go." "We'd be vulnerable, though" "We have Kit. Three of us should be enough to open a time portal". "How about we first prepare for it a bit? I agree with Molly; you three will be vulnerable, so we have to prepare and be ready to camp out for the first day upon arrival," San said, interrupting the two. "We won't be able to go far with you three barely being able to stand up when we get there" "He's right," Len says. "Not just that we need to find out where he was last at and where we need to go. It's better to find out in this current time just to have somewhat of a destination to go to instead of just wandering around over there," San says. "Plus, we also might have it easier to go when the moon is full; things like this are enhanced with a full moon, it might help you three out in trying to open up a time portal" "That's smart" David said "Fine we wait a bit then go" the group agreed. "Now let's get out of here before we get caught." They put everything back in place and started to walk out. "Wait you guys look, it's about you three." Ash said as she stopped to point at a book on a shelf labeled "Legionites: A book on how" "We should take it, if it's in the restricted section it must be important" Len said as she grabbed it and threw it into a shadow orb to hide it "Since when could you do that?" San asked "I just found out a few days ago" "Oh cool, okay let's get going." The group was able to go back to the regular section passed the guards who were still fighting the rats. They casually walked down the walkway leading to the exit in a line. Len whistled, and the rats scattered away. "They'll meet us outside, one said Kit is outside already" "wait, what?" San said. They exited the Library and found Kit sitting on the grass in fox form, taking some sun while napping. "Kit, we're back," Crozz said as she nudged him with her shoe, Kit woke up and went back to human form "Hey," he said, still very unenthusiastically, "what are you doing out here?" David asked "I got banned and thrown out for gluing pictures of Devs face on women characters in comics" the group just blinked blankly not knowing what to say, David broke the silence "Hell yea hahaha!" Dev stood there looking fed up. The group giggled for a bit. "Okay, let's go back home, yall," David said as he made another portal. "Agreed!" said the group as they walked in.