
The alter universe

Vanessa and her sisters had a tough life to begin with , being orphans and getting bullied at school and orphanage doesn't help much either but they did not give on them and just when everything was settled they were thrown in some unknown world , where they were targets of every strongest creature living there . And what happens if love bloomed out of such odd conditions? "we can bring the world to you , but the entire world itself can't take you away from us."

Vanessa_Green_2137 · Urban
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26 Chs


Natasha's view:

"well than hurry up sir, we have no time to waste " I said trying to get down as the doctor stopped me and the gates got open . as we entered the area . after good 45 minutes the doctor came out .

" nothing to worry mam, the patient just fainted due to lack of energy and blood , she got some stitches on her back and we treated her wounds on her chub. she would regain her consciousness in good 30 minutes" the doctor said making us sigh in relief.

"thank you sir " Jenny said

" can we see her..!?" asked Sara .

" yes mam , you can even take rest where the eldest madam has moved too . Arrangements have been made for all of you to rest " he said

" wow , surely the royalty has its own standards ."

" but how did you know she's the eldest.!? " Jenny asked breaking the ice .

" I could tell by the way she took responsibility for all of you " the doctor said smiling, a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

" you know what happened inside .?!" Sara asked .

" yeah the women who came out first gave in the details" doc said . ok

" I suggest all of you take some rest , it was a rough couple of hours for all of you " we gave in .

as we entered we saw Vanessa in deep slumber , in her own world, with some blood bags connected to her one hand , some bandages on her body and she was lying on her stomach as we could see some dressing done on her back after stitches got done, with a bed sheet covering her till her neck. ouch that must hurt , we sat surrounding her timidly , as the aura of the room made us feel so small, Of course we are in royal mansion .

But as we started noticing the details, the room was nothing less then royal , though the mansion was huge I didn't expect it to be furnished like this . of course I thought it would be nicely decorated as in with the modern furniture , but the decoration just blew my mind. it has all the modern furniture but gave a vintage aura. more intimidating then I would like to agree , I mean it's not even their main palace . the room had a big king size bed on which leaving me and my sisters , three more people of our size could fit . It looked as if was prepared for some large animals , the room was colored with cream and brown color , with a soft brown carpet and a large T.V what looked something near 70 inches, I don't know, I'm not so sure . it had a sofa set with a table and large cream and brown curtains . If we start explaining the description never seemed to be ending.

" awww, that hurts like bitch. " everyone of us seemed to be broke down of their trance which we were in , by the weak voice as we notice that Vanessa started gaining her consciousness.

" please tell me all of us didn't die again and time travelled to some 19th century this time with the same faces" we all let out a laugh with her fear . obviously she would think so after looking at the room .

" no we didn't, let me call the doctor ", Sara said starting to move . as she reached the door to open it , some maid beat her doing it.

" lun- I mean madam , is there something you would want or like to have .? " she asked bowing down. Sara got flabbergasted and started looking in all directions , when she had her mind in the right track she started talking

"yes, our sister regained her consciousness , it would be nice if we could find the doctor " she said bowing down and next moment the maid bowed down again and the maid who was standing beside the maid (who just left to find the doctor) came forward.

" I bought some juices for you , just in case you would want some mam" Jenny understood that Sara was overwhelmed with all the royal attention they were getting so she dived in to save the day.

" oh , that's so nice of you . just what we were thinking to have." Jenny replied smiling back and the maid came in served us drinks and ran back with a blush in one instant . It got us laughing at her cute behavior . we laughed until Vanessa decided it was time to tease Sara.

" Cat got your tongue huh....?!" Vanessa.

" Try being in my shoes , I'm pretty sure you would eat your own tongue." Sara

. " yeah, yeah sure thing" Vanessa .

we all started to giggle enjoying the juices in our hands with Vanessa also sitting with some help and enjoying her own juice as Sara was sulking . just then the door opened , as we were expecting the doctors to come in. But in came , four nice looking men all looking very muscular . and soon enough they growled together which startled us


Vanessa's view :

Now my heart was at ease , I could see all my sisters fine and in flesh . I don't care for the world if I could have all of my sisters around me . we were happy and chilling , drinking the juice the cute maid bought. But all of a sudden the door opened with a loud thud with a presence whom I assumed to be the doctor ,but no . There came 4 men standing all by themselves with a powerful and dominating aura around themselves . Not gonna lie , it sent me a tendrils down my spine by the way they were looking us , it was rather attracting , sexy and powerful at the same time . It screamed dangerous and then they screamed.

"MINE" good lord , what is theirs .!? . I don't even know who they are . Just then Jenny did something that was enough to make us shake in fear.

" your highness" she stood up suddenly and bowed in front of them, Sara following the gesture. while it took a minute for me and Natasha to register the situation , but we showed the gesture nonetheless . yes congratulations on my zero knowledge on society . ooh that is what they meant by theirs . I stood up in an instant collecting Natasha who was still in trance and also Sara , who followed my cue. now , I am going to die young because the stupid mistake the doctor committed

" Sorry sir, I mean your highness we didn't know this was your room . the doctor just said this was the room allocated for us , we will leave this room at once . Forgive us for the disrespect and mistake we have caused without knowledge" I started ranting , as I was tensed and started colleting my sisters who were collecting their belongings in a jet speed to flee from the room , and in no time I started walking to the exit holding my blood bag and sisters and in hand as I was half way at the room , 'THE ROYALTY' came towards me holding my hand stopping me in my movements .

The situation was freaking the living shit out of me , just then the savior who was also the culprit of the situation walked in.

" Sir , you told us this room was allocated to us , but this seems to be the prince's room . " I said frowning , embarrassed and scared at the same moment. who wouldn't.

"Alpha " he said and bowed in front of them ."what are you doing madam , if you move like this your wound might get agitated . you got 9 stitches on your back , and lost 350 ml of blood . "

This made one of them growl , why are they growling ? how could human growl like that or are they human!? . Just then I felt one of them staring at me , stares that were piercing me like daggers , he was so ethereal , black locks that were adjusted and slightly wet falling on his forehead covering just enough of his eyebrows , his Australian sky blue eyes holding way too many feelings as he stares at me giving different sensations to my body which I can't seem to identify myself . he wore a white shirt which stuck to his body giving away too much of his muscular body for my liking. he is way too tall for a normal human being , if I had to look at him every day I'm sure I will have a sore neck . he has a sharp jaw line with sharp features. he is basically a Greek god on earth.

If I were in my old body I would have felt insecure with my looks by the way he was staring at me , but my new body is good looking so I don't feel too bad. oh right !!!, we are not on OUR earth that means there is a chance this Greek god to be a real god . Just then I broke the eye contact only to find that I was dragged back to the bed in the same position while my sisters are in their own staring contest with one of the prince's . I internally sighed .

' No need for a DNA test, look at this . drooling and eye fucking the prince's ' I thought . I cleared my throat bringing my sisters down to earth from the nirvana they were in. They all looked at me and I gave them a confusing look which matched that of Natasha , unlike that of ' the wits ' , yeah that's what I and Natasha call them , considering they are street clever as they call us 'the dumbs' not that they are wrong or we complain . all of us came close to each other due to their strong aura .

They Neared me and Natasha

. " are you sure they are human .!? " I whispered .

" yeah , they are too hot for them to be human , are you sure they are not Greek gods " Natasha whispered joining me. as I nodded . I could see both of them turning red and then face palming in unison . I noticed that the doctor left the room.

" why , you were literally eye fucking them a minute before " Natasha whispers as a matter of fact

" fair point ", I joined the secret conversation. I heard a series of giggles beside us , only for 'the wits' to turn even red . we were in dark as we couldn't understand the situation yet.

" you need not whisper my lady , you can ask that out loud and clear , cause even if you whisper we can hear loud and clear and you will recover good but , need to rest , the doctor just informed me " did he now , how come I didn't notice that. the one I was staring said looking straight into my eyes with a smirk playing on his lips.

" And as of your question , we are not Greek gods ,but werewolves my lady " said the other staring straight into Natasha's eyes , making our eyes wide . oh no that means they can hear us .

" And don't be embarrassed about eye fucking us , we would not mind it at all " said another right in Jenny's ear.

" right Ezra " said the last one staring straight into Sara's eyes. ok we are going to get a earful. Damn this is embarrassing as fuck . wahh , let's just drown . I want the holy mother earth to swallow me right now. I met eyes with Natasha who held same expression as me . only to turn and find out Sara and Jenny are throwing daggers to me and Natasha . I held my face in my hands only to find fits of laughter from Mr. handsome.

" I could see that some of you don't know us , which is rather shocking and amusing at the same time. we must say we are offended ." he said .

we started panicking, as they were expecting some kind of reaction from us which we couldn't give , cause we were trained for it . you mess a debate ,wait for' the wits' and you mess a fist fight wait for' the dumbs' . though we both are dumb when coming to conversations , our brain tends to work fast , when we needed to use fists.

" I apologize for their stupid behavior , their social knowledge is from (slim ) less to none . we didn't mean any sort of disrespect with the stunt they just pulled, those are just some indiscreet words came from utter foolishness . please excuse our rude behavior and thank you for the hospitality you showed , however we made a mistake of entering your room without knowledge . it was entirely due to miscommunication . we are completely ok with the security staff , checking our phones of today's movements while we are on stand by . " Jenny stepped in showing her professional covering skills which she developed in all these years of covering up for me and Natasha .

" Before we move any further into the conversation lets go to the introduction section shall we .!? " .

I looked at Jenny only to get a nod from her.

" It's a pleasure meeting you , your highness . My name is Vanessa . Vanessa green .I am the eldest among us four siblings. I apologize for the indiscreet behavior I showed a few minutes ago" I started . Jenny once told me if we were to meet Royals by chance we need to speak as formal s we cold and when it comes to introduction the eldest should always introduce themselves first and sit as quiet as we could for the rest of the conversation with simple yes and no, only when spoken to.

" I am Jenny green , second born of us siblings ." our spokesperson introduced herself

" I am Sara green , third born of us siblings " the wings person followed .

" I am Natasha green , the youngest among us siblings ." my ally finished .

" nice meeting you ladies , I am Noah , Noah Edwards the first born king of the entire werewolves irrespective of their authenticity as we brothers rule together . " WOAH , we messed up big

" Ezra , the second "

" Hayden , the third "

" Simon , the youngest "

" and about the thing which we called ours was not the room but our master piece of decoration which we were trying to find from some good amount of time" King Ezra started. ok so I didn't touch anything of this room , so all of us looked at Natasha , she nodded her head a no , in denial that she didn't touch anything. we looked at each other confused , only for them to giggle again .

They laugh way too much for werewolf kings now don't they. but their aura tells otherwise.

" we were talking about you" KING Noah said looking straight at me to which we all gave a questioning look.

" you siblings are our mates " KING Hayden said . did I hear it right . I look at Sara for confirmation and her eyes just confirmed my doubts . this is big, what are we supposed to do right now .all of us sisters formed a mini circle just staring into each others eyes , without speaking a word the kings who now were our newly found mates long forgotten . we were running our heads at maximum speed to understand if we would accept the situation or run for it .

Apparently we were taking way too much of time for the king's liking as they started speaking , siting on four chaired sofa set .

"why don't we sit and talk " Ezra said, right I don't wanna faint and have fresh wounds with the newly found information. as we were on our way to the large sofa to squeeze ourselves and adjust , there was one nice kick at the sofa by two youngers making it break into two, leaving us startled. and within 3 minutes 5 men came and picked up the sofa .

" now sit " Simon said making my brows crash in confusion , don't tell me they are the type to see women down to men and asking us to sit down, if yes, they can dream on

." what are you waiting for " Hayden asked and before I could ask them something , Jenny got pulled so she landed right in Ezra's lap .

" they are too tactless for them to understand our gesture " Ezra said only for me to find that Sara and and Natasha were pulled into Hayden and Simon 's lap . and before I could get a grasp of the situation I was pulled into Noah's lap .


Just then I found Noah putting his head in the crook of my neck and sniffing it . " Finally " he mumbled and I could hear some mumbles come from others as well . I was shifting uncomfortably in his lap .

" be good and sit straight , we don't want to cause a accident now do we .!? " he said getting incredibly near my ear lobe as if wanting to bite it.so I sat straight feeling a different sensation in my body. as I sat straight , the other 3 to be in the same condition as me . and all the men smirking , of course they would . they could hear each others dirty comments.

I cleared my throat then looked at Jenny . she took the cue.

" so..." before she could say anything Ezra put his arms around her waist pulling her closer and nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck .

"uhmm " he responded as if daring her to continue , knowing well enough that she cant. I never knew that one day I will witness such a thing . ok so their plan is not to let us talk or is it all of us or just the wits ? . considering the amount of time they saw us , they would definitely think it is safe to let me and Natasha to speak .

I Looked at Sara as in asking her to start talking she got wrapped . ok

" your highness " I started nothing happened confirming my assumptions .I looked at Jenny only to find she batted her eyes twice signaling me to continue

." we would like to talk about the mate thing " I started

" what about it " he responded with his husky voice. this I misdirection but I ain't falling for it. I looked straight at Jenny as she gestured towards her hand as she was scribbling on it . ok read out loud whatever she writes.

me : we would want some time

Noah : for what

me : to think

Noah : about ...!?

me : everything

Noah: and

me : come to a decision.

Noah: why does that matter ..!?

me : pardon ..!?

Noah: your decision wouldn't matter , either way you are staying here and accepting us . we would leave to go to our home in 2 days . the only hold up is your wound so don't bother . this wasn't supposed to be this way . you know with all the disaster that just occurred our possessiveness just magnified, you know we are the king wolfs that means everything about us emotions get magnifies, normally we would have tried to think about it , after at least keeping you with us for 2 days but now that we almost lost you there is no room for a conversation . especially you , I don't want as much as another needle touching you.

me : how about...

Noah : we don't take a NO as an answer.

with that he lifted me up tucking in the bed kissing my forehead ,where I could see one after the other my sisters piling upon the bed. " take rest"

" And remember , we could bring the world to you , but the world can't take you away fro us" and just like that they left.

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