
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 20

Abel and Lamia had had their mating ceremony on the ship. They had their real one just a few days ago. But he could not bring himself to fully consummate the mating. He had pulled out and spilled on the floor with both ceremonies. No one even noticed. He pulled out before the deed was done.

Lamia's mark never changed from a wolf because of this. As long as she was mated with him, she may never get the heart stone. He could not explain it, he just could not get himself to fully go through with the ritual. Lamia's mark was well hidden too. She could not even see it. It was on her bra line under her arm. It would be some time before she would figure him out.

On top of everything, he could not remember a relationship with Lamia. He could remember going on dates, swimming, car shopping, and dining out. But the woman's face was always a great blur in his memories. He knew he had been forced into accepting his current mate. He was definitely having some feelings about that.

Then the woman that Lamia had struck on the ship? Her smell was so intoxicating when he had shifted. He wanted to mount her instead of Lamia at the mating ceremony. If Prince Yuan had not stepped between them, He might have embarrassed himself by humping her leg. It is a good thing Prince Yuan is such a good friend. The woman was also Prince Yuan's. He had been friends with Prince Yuan since they were cubs. He would never do anything to harm Prince Yuan. Besides there was no spark when they kissed! No spark, means no connection.

That is as far as Abel had been allowed to go with his thoughts. Lamia kept him busy around the clock. He was either working in his office, eating, sleeping, or working out. Lamia put him on a special schedule to optimize his sperm production. Lamia was all about making babies now. They even had designated time in the office for them to liquidate their assets, and have a meeting of their minds. Her terms for making a baby.

Abel did not like sex in the office. It was bad enough everyone knew he was fucking the secretary. She was his wife after all. But did they have to be so obvious? They were screwing like three to four times a day. When once would have been just fine in his book. She was really beginning to make him dislike the activity. No man is supposed to dislike sex!

On top of everything, their wedding gifts have begun to arrive. Prince Yuan sent a model of the ship that they were first married on. Wasn't that thoughtful. His parents had given them his and hers ear pieces they could wear as wolfs. So they could stay in contact while hunting. However, Lamia was not much of a hunter. In fact, she never hunted, or ran. Not even as a wolf. Lamia only wanted to make babies and veg out. She insisted though that he stay in the best shape possible. Everyone around them told her to rest as much as possible. Because carrying a baby will take its toll on the body.

Abel would end up running off his frustrations into the night. He would stalk anything that would give him a good chase. He was beginning to feel the toll that marriage would bring. He was just hoping he was man enough to deal.

Abel and Lamia had been married now for nearly three weeks. They have been following the schedule that Lamia had created for them. Abel was in the best shape of his life, physically. But he was drained emotionally.

Lamia was not the trophy wife you would think she was. He did not know her as well as he thought he had. He had given her a budget to remodel the house to her liking. She removed all the wooden furniture. His mother stepped in and put all the vintage furniture into storage. Otherwise, Lamia had it all thrown on a bonfire she had built up in the field behind the house. Lamia did not like wooden furniture. She preferred modern furniture.

She went to a modern warehouse to refurnish the entire house. Not only did it cost more than the house itself. Most of the furniture was made of particle board. Not even real wood! Lamia had a major thing for Leppard print and black and white checker board. Which she incorporated into every room. She also carpeted the entire house with red, teil, blue, and green carpeting. It was very clear the woman could not color coordinate.

However, Abel was willing to put up with practically anything if it would make his mate happy. But his last straw came in the mail today. In a simple little box marked fragile. Today is Saturday so they would be home, liquidizing their assets all day today. He was actually physically ill, from all the physical contact. He was avoiding Lamia at all costs. He found the box by his front door, so he took the box up to his office where he hoped he could hide out and open it.

As he was walking through the house though he happened on a conversation. It was Lamia. She was on the phone with her father. She was veged out on the couch and had the speaker phone on. Abel stayed out of sight and listened in to the conversation. He knew it might be wrong, but he just had a feeling he needed to hear what was being said.

Lamia: Good morning daddy!

Mr. Fisher: What is it now Lamia?

Lamia: My mark still has not changed daddy?

Mr. Fisher: It does not matter. You are married. Everyone watched you two at the mating ceremony.

Lamia: Daddy if he does not except me, I cant get pregnant right?

Mr. Fisher: I can have a talk with the boy. But I think you should just give it time.

Lamia: Daddy he still wants her.

Mr. Fisher: What do you mean? He does not even remember who she is.

Lamia: Daddy he talks in his sleep.

Mr. Fisher: If you are awake, why aren't you riding him in his sleep.

Lamia: He thinks we sleep together to often as it is. If I ride him at night he gets onto me and tells me he needs his sleep.

Mr. Fisher: You must not be doing something right.

Lamia: Daddy the last time I tried he called out that bitches name. Daddy I want her dead! If she is dead then there will be nothing to miss.

Mr. Fisher: I am not killing our allies bride! Their mating ceremony is in three days. I have it on a good authority that they are spending nearly every waking minute together. He is even teaching her the language. If she was to turn up dead, it would be an international incident. Do you understand! We are not going to cause an all out war of the packs. You almost caused one when you merely slapped her. The biggest problem being she was in the right and you knew it. If they would have shot you right then and there you would have earned every bullet. Prince Yuan is infatuated with her. She may end up being the key for better shipping and commerce. You might do well to take a lesson from her.

Lamia: DADDY!

Mr. Fisher: Okay, I understand your ego is to big. Look the doctor assured us, Abel can not remember Joyce. Until his memory of her comes back, or his memory in general. He will not have those feelings for her. I believe they transferred to Prince Yuan. She will mate with Prince Yuan. Later down the road if needs be, we can use Abel's infatuation with her to our advantage. Maybe even hook them up later. Right now, your main goal is baby making. Even if that means sucking him dry, spitting it into a turkey baster and shoving it where it belongs. Is that understood little girl.

Lamia: Daddy, it might be easier to just sleep with someone else.

Mr. Fisher: Do you feel nothing for your husband!

Lamia: No

Mr. Fisher: Good! Keep it that way. If you two never truly mate, than divorce is a option in the future. Until then, make your man happy. Feed his every desire. If you don't get pregnant in a year, we will file for divorce for you. Then I will find you a man worthy of you. But stay in shape will you. I have seen how lazy you have become lately. Also, I am going to send an interior design expert. Someone has to fix that preschool coloring disaster you call a home. Call it my wedding present to you. You are not Elvis Presley or Elton John. God child! Show you have some class. That house was beautiful to start, and now it looks like some drunken, trailer trash, hobo live's there. That is unacceptable!

Lamia: Yes daddy!

Mr. Fisher: Now enough of this. I have to get back to work. You get back to the baby making. Put on some sexy underwear. Shake your butt. Do what ever it takes! Use a turkey baster if you run out of options. Understood!

Lamia: Yes daddy!

Lamia hung up her phone. She pulled the blanket over herself, and began reading a book. Abel snuck past her door. He quickly hurried to his office. He shut the door behind himself and locked the door. He sat down at the desk, thinking over and trying to process that entire conversation he had overheard.

He pulled out a letter opener and opened the box. Inside he found a perfectly wrapped glass music box. He unwrapped it to find a red gazebo made of hearts. It looked like a crown with a red heart crystal setting in the middle of the hearts. Underneath the gazebo of hearts was a glass couple. The male was dressed like the beast from beauty and the beast. But it had his face. The girl was dressed like bell from beauty and the beast. But the face was not Lamia's! He did not recognize the beauty's face. But he thought she was lovely.

He opened up the music box, and found a beautiful wedding SET (rings). It was not Lamia's because they bought hers after the rescue. Also, the inlaid stone! It was Ruby red. Lamia's was Yellow. He took out the rings and found a little card underneath. It read:

To my mate:

This music box plays Perfect by Ed Sheeran. I would like you to listen to the words my love. Think of me every time you hear this song. I love you this much!

I found a love for me

Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

Oh, I never knew you were

The someone waiting for me

Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening

To out favorite song

When you said you looked a mess

I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, darling,

You look perfect tonight

Well I found a woman

Stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope

That someday I'll share her home

I found a love, to carry more

Than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children

of our own

We are still kids but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl. I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening

To our favorite song

When I saw you in that dress

Looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this, darling

You look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening

To out favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel

In person, and she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight.

Abel wound up the music box and let it play while he looked at the wedding set. When he took the wedding ring set out he noticed more odd things. The rings were two small for his Lamia. She had rather beefy fingers. These rings were made for smaller fingers. Also, the rings were golden and Lamia would only wear silver. Inside the rings they were engraved. The engraving said, to Joyce Adalwolf with love Abel Adalwolf.

Abel's head had begun to hurt so bad. He stood up to go get himself a drink. He could not make it to the liquor cabinet. Everything went black when he got to the other side of his desk. He knew he had fallen somehow. Then he had lost all consciousness.

He woke up the next day in the hospital. He still had a ringing head. He reached up to his forehead. He found his head was wrapped in bandaging. Lamia pulled his hand gently away from his head, and called for the doctor. Lamia said, "Honey! Everything is okay! You fell in your office. You hit your head. But everything is okay! You are going to be just fine."

Abel looked at her and in a calm whispering voice he said, " Get out!"

Lamia looked shocked, "Abel why would you want me to leave? I am your new wife."

Abel put his other hand up to his head and spoke plainly and calmly, "Woman, if you do not get out of here, I am going to tear you to shreds. Now get out!"

Lamia looked truly scared, "Fine I will tell the doctor you are hurting. Maybe some pain killers will help."

Abel sat up in bed and flipped his legs over the side. He did not have it in him quite yet to stand up. But he raised his voice, "Pain Killers! Is that how you tricked me?" He shook his head as she looked at him in terror. He continued, "For the first time I am thinking clear. My memories are rushing back in. I want to feel this pain. It feels good. You know what does not feel good. YOUR PRESENCE! I do not know how you did it. But you tried to erase my memories. I remember you injecting something into my IV after the bat incident. I do not know what you did, but it will not happen again. I am going to have them test my blood. If you do not get out now, I will tell the pack. We will let them decide! If you have any objections to this I will talk with the pack. My guards are right here." He pointed at his two guards standing by the door to the room. "They see and can hear every word I am saying. They will not be leaving my side." He looked her dead in the eyes and screamed at her frozen body, "NOW LEAVE!"

Lamia tripped over her own feet as she ran out of the room crying. Abel got on the phone quickly. His first phone call was to his lawyer. His second was going to be to find Joyce! He was not sure if he could fix Joyce's problems with Prince Yuan. But he knew he had to fix his problems with Lamia right this very second. He wanted his house back and her out of it. With all the crap she had bought. Then he was going after his mate. His real mate! He did not know how to apologize to her. He did not know how to explain. But it was happening, and it was happening ASAP.

His guards came in just as he was getting off of the phone. "Is that bitch gone?" Both guards nodded. He nodded in return. "Good! Get me plane tickets to Yinchuan Hedong international airport immediately. I have some personal business to attend to." One guard pulled out his phone and began making phone calls. Abel looked at the other one, "Now here is what we are going to do…."

What do you think his first moves should be? It sounds like he may have a whole plan already. I know what I think should or could happen. But I would like your openion. What or how do you think he should handel this particular situation?

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!

Joy Phoenix

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