
The Alpha with the kiss of Death

TRIGGER WARNING!!! The second half of this book contains everything rated 18+. If you are not into dark romance, please do not read it in the name of everything holy. ***Excerpt*** "I own you, Reyana. You are mine... Mine to torture... Mine to claim... Mine to punish... and nothing will ever save you from me. Not even death!" His words were heavy and true. He meant every word that came out of his mouth. *** Alpha Randall, the most ruthless Alpha of his time was a god among men, rich in power, strength, wealth, achievements... No one comes close. He was the envy of all. Wherever he went, he was sure to leave a trail of death and darkness and no one ever prayed to be mated to such a monster, but fate had a different plan for him. Beta Aldric and Reyana, who were madly in love, felt their worlds crumble when they found out Alpha Randall was Reyana's fated mate. Reyana's doom began when Alpha Randall, who hated her with so much passion, refused to claim her; neither was he willing to reject her, not only because he had a mistress, Visha, whom he loved so much... He had other reasons. Torn between two women, Alpha Randall never knew that one of these women was meant to be his downfall while the other was his blessing. How would he find out? Let's find out in this heart-racing piece filled with suspense, Steamy romance, and betrayal.

VelvetDesires · Urban
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Chapter 5

The cold night made Ria shiver as she hurried down the dark path leading out of the pack.

Ria was just an Omega and she was happy she had a drama-free life, compared to that of other Omegas she'd heard about in other packs.

Although she sometimes wished she wasn't just a lowly Omega who had to do all the chores around the pack. She wished for a normal life every time, just like tonight.

It was so cold at night, yet she had to go to the stream despite that. She had spent most of her time consoling her friend that she lost track of time, making her lag behind in her assigned daily chores.

It was quite quiet and she contemplated going back to the pack to continue tomorrow. But, of course, the fear of Azura is the beginning of good behavior. She couldn't afford to get punished by that wicked witch.

"Who's there?" Her small voice called out in the direction she heard the faint rustling of leaves.


"Is anyone there?" She panted as she panicked, regret washed over her instantly. She should have just stayed back at home.

Suddenly, a huge, muscular figure appeared behind her, grabbing her by her arm.

Ria turned abruptly to see who it was as she was about to let out a scream, but she felt his large palm cover he mouth to stop her from alerting others.

"Shhhhh... It's me," His husky, throaty voice said as he firmly held her fragile body from hitting the floor.

Ria struggled to catch her breath when he finally let her go, "By Selene's name!" she felt her heart race increase as she quickly averted her gaze, "I... I am sorry, Gamma Kellan, please forgive me. I was scared," she apologized feeling nervous and scared.

For some time now, she'd been avoiding the Gamma because of his weird behavior toward her. He'd been giving her really unsettling stares that made her scared, almost as if she had been stepping on his toes.

Now, she was face to face with him alone at this odd hour. Only the Goddess knew what he had planned out for her.

"You don't have to be scared, Ria." He said, taking a step toward her, but she took three steps backward.

Kellan, just like the Alpha, was a tall man of about six feet and 3 inches in height in his late twenties. His muscular body and broad shoulders hinted at his dedication to the safety of the pack.

His beauty made a lot of girls drool while having sinful fantasies about him since they couldn't dare fantasize about their Alpha, as he was way more handsome than Kellan.

Alpha Randall, Beta Aldric, and Gamma Kellan were the demigods of beauty in the pack.

"I... I am sorry," she bowed, "How may I serve you, Gamma Kellan?" She asked, just as they've been taught. They were Omegas and they were born to serve.

Kellan's gaze turned dark for a split second as he felt a small twitch between his legs as he imagined so many sinful ways she could serve him at that moment, but he kept his cool.

"I would like to discuss something very important with you, Ria," he said, after a brief silence.

Ria was right... She knew she'd done something to offend him, "have I done something to offend you, sire?" Her soft voice asked, making him chuckle.

"Not at all. You've done nothing wrong..." The only thing she had done wrong was steal his heart and wanting to go scot-free.

"When and where would be convenient for you, sire?"

"Tomorrow night. After your chores," he replied, sensing her discomfort.

Ria swallowed a lump in her throat, "But, sire... We are not allowed anywhere near the fortress... I'd be punished if found out."

"No one would punish you. Just tell anyone who asks that I sent for you to do some chores for me, okay?"

She reluctantly nodded, nervously drawing her lower lip between her teeth

Kellan held back a growl as he watched her do that. He gently reached for her chin, tilting it up to meet his gaze, "Are we good?"

Her big, brown eyes met with his ocean-blue ones, sending a shudder coursing down her spine.

"Yes, sire," She nervously averted her gaze from his.

"Good girl," a smile tugged the side of his lips, "I'll see you tomorrow. Do take care of yourself, Ria," he added before disappearing into the darkness.


Reyana paced the dark woods in panic as she prayed earnestly for things to go as planned. She couldn't help but feel worried.

She looked around her anxiously but there was still no sign of Aldric. She was scared. She was far away from the pack and she felt a bit vulnerable. Out here in the woods, a young girl like her could be a victim of rogues who wander around at night looking for wolves to pry on.

"Reyana..." A little worried voice called out to her from within, "Are you sure we are making the right decision? I am worried," Mia, her wolf asked with concern.

"Yes, Mia. This is the best we can do for now. Else, we'll die at the hands of the Alpha," Reyana replied, convincing herself.

"But you also have some doubts in your heart. Why don't we do the bidding of the moon goddess and see what fate has for us?" Mia suggested.

"No, Mia. What if fate wills us to die at the hands of our mate? We can change that fate," she reassured.

"But you know it isn't as easy as you think. We have been mated to one of the most powerful Alphas to ever live. Running away won't change our destiny. As long as the Alpha hasn't rejected us yet, we still belong to him and we can never be mated to anyone else unless we severe the bond. You know this, don't you?" Mia cautioned, hoping to bring Reyana back to her senses.

Reyana was silent as she pondered over this. Mia is right. She can only be mated to another man when her bond with the Alpha has been broken. And even if the Alpha is being stubborn about it, only an Alpha stronger than Randall can claim her, with or without Randall's rejection.

This only meant one thing... No matter how far they run, she can never be mated to the man she loves.

She didn't have enough time to process the risk of all she just thought about when she finally heard footsteps from afar, followed by the loud cry of a twig.

Reyana quickly hid behind the large Oak tree, waiting to see who it was. Even though she thought it was Aldric, she had to be extra careful.

The footsteps grew closer and closer, but strangely, it wasn't coming in her direction.

"That's weird," she thought as she peeped from behind the tree to see who it was.

She felt her heart stop for a moment when she saw the figure approaching the small path that led to the border. It was a feminine figure covered with a long black cloak.

The figure moved hastily, as if she was in a hurry to catch up with something.

"Who could that be?" Reyana wondered, her gaze following the figure until she walked passed the Oak tree where Reyanna hid.

Reyana made sure not to make a sound. Although she didn't know whom it was, but whoever that person was, was definitely from the Blood Crescent pack and was definitely up to no good.

Her curiousity got the best of her and she decided to follow the strange person to see where it all ends.

Reyana had always been the brave one among all her peers. She was a risk taker and she had the strength of a hundred women. Some people thought she was special, but others thought she was just favoured by the Moon Goddess. But in all she does, she was sure never to let her strength and abilities be known to so many people. She never wanted to be recruited into the pack army.

Reyana stopped abruptly in her tracks when the strange woman also stopped. She quickly hid behind a small tree, hoping she hadn't been found out yet.

She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath to calm her pounding heart. By the time she opened her eyes, the strange woman was gone.

Reyana looked around in horror, "Something isn't right," she said to Mia.

"I felt a dark energy around that stranger, Reya. Let's leave, now," Mia urged.

Just as Reyana turned around to run off, she saw a figure standing behind her - the strange woman.

Reyana panicked, "Who... Who are you?" She managed to ask, her eyes wide in horror but the woman was silent, her entire body, including her face was well covered that you could never tell who it was.