
The Alpha who Found M

All her life, Caroline used to belief werewolves are fantasy creatures until her step brother confessed to her that she is his mate and was made to join The Werewolf Academy Just when she started to blend into the new world she found herself, she found out that even she is a Lycan. Unfortunately for her, Lycan's are recognize as werewolf's mortal enemy and were wiped out centuries ago by the founders of the academy. What happens after Cara found out that her mate's grandfather is the one that murdered her parents? Although her mate is one of the leaders in the academy, what if other leaders did not accept Lycans? Will Caroline run from the academy or will she fight against them with her mate?

Loner_Hades · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

"Don't ever call us dog-like in front of other werewolves. It's a sensitive topic for us, especially Jake."

My eyes locked on Alex who was laughing, his low and slightly hoarse laugh made my heart jump in my chest. I might have a heart attack if this continues, I thought while trying to calm my pounding heart. Alex's laughter stopped when he saw the expression on my face.

"What is it?" he asked in a half whisper, as if he was aware of every change in my feelings-or maybe it was just my face that was too easy to read.

"There isn't anything."I replied before looking back up at the sky above us. 

"Today the stars are very beautiful, right? It feels like I haven't been up here in a long time, I almost forgot about this view." I muttered, trying to change the subject.

"But nothing can beat my current view." His answer made me turn back to him. Alex stared at me full ... I'm not sure, what's clear is that his gaze took my breath away.

The next thing I noticed was Alex's face getting closer, he stared at mine for a moment before his eyes shifted and locked on my lips. An expression I had never seen before shadowed his face. From this close distance I can see every detail of his handsome face clearly. His jawline was sharp, his nose was like Dad's, his cheekbones were quite high for a man. But my gaze stuck on my favorite partthe golden freckles that adorned his brown eyes and thick lashes. It seemed unfair that Alex had thicker eyelashes than me-

"Caroline."he whispered calling me, making all the thoughts in my brain stop at that moment. That was the only warning I got before Alex closed his eyes ... and kissed me.

A burst of pleasant electricity traveled from my lips making my eyes close tightly. Alex's hand rested on the roof beside me while his other cupped my face, eighteen years I've been alive and this is the first time I've ever felt a kiss ... a real one. His warm and soft lips move to awaken the nerves in every corner of my lips that I never realized existed before.

Alex broke the kiss after ... I don't know, I can't remember how long.

"Wow." Was the first word he said, his hands now cupping my cheeks while his elbows resting on the roof. "I-I should have done it a long time ago." he muttered annoyed to himself, Alex's warm breath whistling on my face. I was too stunned to reply, my brain wasn't even fully functioning yet. Alex looked at my face closely, maybe trying to read my current expression then a smile slowly appeared on his handsome face.

"Wow." he repeated gently before kissing me again, and this time he used his tongue too.

This time I agree with Alex.



My heavy eyes opened slightly then closed again as a bright light attacked. My warm and comfortable bed makes me want to go back to sleep, I can't remember the last time I slept this soundly. My hands hugged the bolster next to me tighter, my palms automatically spread to a broad chest ... wait a minute, my bolster doesn't have a broad chest.

Then suddenly my body froze, my eyes suddenly opened.

"Morning Cara." Alex's voice that was hoarse from waking up made my eyes widen. Automatically my hands pushed Alex away. I can still feel the warmth of his body in the palm of my hand-Whoa! I was wrong, his body felt much warmer than normal humans.

Still with a sleepy face his forehead wrinkled towards me while one of his hands resting on his head. Even when he wakes up he looks perfect. Alex rubbed his face with his hands and then leaned his back on the pile of my pillow, part of his body still wrapped in my blanket.

"Alex ... What are you doing in my bed?"

I stood by my bed looking at Alex and waiting for his answer. I folded my arms across my chest in annoyance. Then with an innocent face he looked up. "Well ... there's no bed in my room and I can't leave you for too long. After all, you let me in when I asked you yesterday." He replied while rubbing his face again, he looked still sleepy.

"I allow you?" I blush. I allow it? I can't remember what happened last night, but after talking on the roof I fell into a deep sleep. And we kiss.

Oh God.

I can still remember his lips on mine, and his warm breath on my face.

My face flushed even more as I remembered last night's events. I kissed Alex, my brother ... Ew, no-He's not my brother anymore. I repeated to reduce the disgust that was starting to eat away at my senses.

"Cara, listen, we're not doing anything okay? Just sleeping." Alex said after noticing the change in expression on my face. He raised his hands, "I swear."

"OK" I replied while avoiding his gaze.

"After all, it's not me who hugs tightly like an octopus all night." he said with the stupidest smile on his face.

"S-shut up!" I shouted with difficulty before stepping into the bathroom as fast as possible and closing the door tightly. I couldn't lock my bathroom after Alex broke into it yesterday.

My hands gripped the rim of the sink tightly as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Messy hair framing my face which is currently a little red. I tried to catch my breath and calm my mind, then splashed my face with cold water.

When I returned to my room, Alex had disappeared. I opened my wardrobe and took a t-shirt to change into my pajamas. Just as I was taking off my pajamas, my bedroom door opened suddenly followed by Alex's head popping out from behind the door. Reflexively I took my shirt and covered my body that was only wearing a bra.

"Alex!" I shouted, "Close the door!"

"Ah! Sorry!" He answered while closing his eyes and then closing the door to my room slowly. I quickly put on my shirt and quickly left the room. Alex was standing next to the stairs with an annoying grin on his face.

"Sorry" he repeated. My feet stepped angrily towards the kitchen followed by Alex.

"Doors were made for knocking!" I hissed at him. We took seats opposite Dad who was reading the paper, Mum was standing not far from us cooking something.

"What's wrong Cara?" Mum asked without taking her eyes off her cooking.

"Alex opened my bedroom door while I was changing!"

Mum takes her eyes off the fried egg, a scowl on our face.

"Alex ... "

"I just wanted to tell her for breakfast." Alex groaned defending himself.

"You know that thing called a door that you have to knock on before you enter someone else's room?" I asked in annoyance. Dad laughed at me then folded up the paper again, he seemed to enjoy watching me and Alex fight.

"Ow. Cara, I didn't see anything. We had a bath together a few years ago anyway." he said, spooning the cereal into his bowl.

"I'm eighteen Alex! Not another six." I grumbled. Mum suddenly slammed down the plates she was holding, making us jump a little.

"You two stop yelling! And Alex! Next time knock on the door first." Mum sits in her chair massaging her temples.

I smiled broadly hearing Mum take my side, she always takes my side when we fight. Alex rolled his eyes and pulled my hair. He always does that after losing to me, I hit his arm quite hard with annoyance. The electric current that flowed when we touched made me surprised myself. Alex pulled up a corner of his lips when he saw my expression. I pulled my hand as soon as possible away from him, I guess I'm still not used to this change. Mum gave us both a murderous look that silenced us both for a moment.

Alex insisted on taking me to school. His flashy new car had several of the kids at my school looking up with curiosity as we pulled into the school grounds.

"You're going to pick me up this afternoon?" I asked before getting out of his car.

"Yea-No, I can't pick you up today, Cara." He replied with a tone of regret.

I shrugged my shoulders half indifferent. "Okay. Bye Lexa." I said aloud before getting out of his car. Alex is always annoyed every time I call him with Lexa, his sullen face is the last thing I see before closing his car door.

Jen walked towards me while watching Alex's car drive away. "Alex walked you? Wow, if I wasn't having a boyfriend I would have chased him." Jen said with a laugh, I didn't laugh with her. I suddenly felt jealous that didn't make any sense.