
The Alpha Wants Me?

[Mature content and trigger warning] Jeremy stepped closer while Eloisee stepped back. His lips tickled up into a smirk, his fangs out for the world. “ You thought because he was here to take you, you'd be safe from me? How naive my little pet, you can never escape me, even if you go to the edge of the world ill still be here.” Eloisee’s eyes widened. The choice of words Jeremy used were the same ones he used before, she started to scream in her heart. Not in that room, anywhere but that room. “ Jeremy stop, n-not here.” She let her thoughts slip out her mouth while tears fell freely down her face. Eloisee's back hit the wall and a veined arm slammed on the wall beside her head. She looked at the red eyes trembling. “ Oh so now you can talk back, such a spine you developed.” Jeremy spat, his face distorted from spite. ********************************************************************** Pain is all Eloisee Eileen knew, abused and mistreated by her stepsibling and stepmother, she has aspirations to run away and become an omega without a pack, just as her dreams are coming true and she is close to escaping the pain, she gets the shock of her life. She is being sold off to the Bloodhowl pack Alpha Riviera Luminary, to be his treasured wife in exchange for the Silvermount pack getting an alliance and resources. Being the alpha’s wife, Eloisee has to navigate the treacherous path of being a wife in a new pack while fighting demons from her past and present trying to drag her to the depths of hell with them, while finding it in her to love her husband and mate.

Nika_Etominika34 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Riviera stepped out of the mansion and headed to his car which was parked not far. 


In his mind he was trying to make sense of the gesture from the new alpha and how he acted toward his wife. His behavior was odd in a sense, his eyes albeit hidden had a flash of jealousy in them.


Was he overthinking? But her response contradicted the conclusion he had come to, this was not a stepsister and brother relationship even a blind man could see that.


Riviera dismissed the thoughts as he got to the car, he leaned against the side and took a cigarette from his pocket. He lit the smoking stick and took one big inhale then blew out the smoke, his worries leaving with the smoke.


" Was she to your liking Riv?" a voice announced and the owner appeared from the driver's side.


Riviera puffed smoke again. " I won't say she was bad, but she's certainly not good, she is good looking but something about her…"


Ruid rounded to the side Riviera was standing on and leaned against the car, his ash blond hair swayed with the draft that had picked up. He stole a glance at Riviera and returned his attention to the mansion, they were just waiting for her to arrive.


" So what is wrong with her?"


" She seems timid, especially around that riffraff, I know she's strong, I saw her wolf earlier. Yet even with all that strength she cowers in front of an impure breed."


Ruid chuckled. " That makes sense but remember Riv not everyone is bold like you, we have our shortcomings even you have them too."


Riviera nodded in agreement, as his beta Ruid had him covered in every aspect. Be to motivate or advise him, he was not your simple beta he was his friend. 


" I know I know I was just saying." Riviera looked at his watch, it had been around 15 minutes since he last talked to her and with her luggage moved mostly, she should been back. "She sure is taking her time to come out."


Ruid looked at Riviera and shook his head. " You barely know her but you are this worried, you are kind under all that coldness, want me to check on her?"


Riviera shook his head and pushed himself from the car. " No need, I'll fetch her myself, I won't make you wait long." He waved to Ruid and entered the mansion.


Riviera rounded the corners inside, everywhere he passed everyone cowered in fear. Their submissiveness made him at ease, they weren't going to impede his search for his bride. He turned another corner and stopped as Leonora stared at him.


His eased face was replaced by his stoicism. He glared at the short woman. " If it isn't the lovely lady Leonora, can you tell me where I can find my bride?"


Leonora looked at the alpha with trembling eyes, she swallowed her saliva and calmed her breath. " She said she was going for a run first before heading out with you."


Riviera raised his eyebrow, she was going on a run and she did not inform him? That was weird, he could've sworn he had told her to pack her remaining things and meet him outside, was she trying to run away?


" Are you certain that is what she said?"


Leonora hesitated but a split second later nodded her head. " That's what she told me."


Riviera eyed her skeptically, she was acting strange, his ears could hear her fluctuating heart rate as if she was lying to him. " Thank you for the information ill be on my way."


Eloisee watched as Jeremy got closer until his mouth was forcefully against hers, she screamed and kicked but Jeremy's strong hand held her in place making her whimper.


Having no way to free herself from his grip, she bit his lips.


Jeremy broke the kiss after the bite, his lower lip bleeding. " You little bitch, have you forgotten who your alpha is? Who your master is?" Jeremy backhanded her across the face sending her crashing down.


Eloisee covered her bruised face,, her cheek stringing from the hit. She looked up at Jeremy, tears and fear in her eyes.


Just as she was about to resign to her fate she heard the voice of the alpha who was supposed to be her husband, she looked at Jeremy once more and decided to try something that would get her killed if it didnt work, her last ditch effort.


" H-helpp…" Her cry for help was muffled by a hand clasping her mouth shut.


Riviera's enhanced ears heard the plea for help and stopped, he turned around and saw Leonora pale as a sheet of paper. His eyes flashed silver and he darted past Leonora who was petrified with fear.


Riviera kicked open the door and the room went silent, the air became chilling cold. His silver eyes assimilating what was happening, the aloof persona he had built around him, crumbled to bits and pieces remaining was a livid Alpha.


In a blink, Riviera held Jeremy by the collar and threw him into the opposite wall. He disappeared before Jeremy could do anything and appeared before him in a burst of speed, Riviera buried his knee into Jeremy's stomach knocking the wind out of him.


He grabbed the younger alpha by the throat, his fingers digging into Jeremy's neck, drawing blood and causing Jeremy to cry out in pain.


Blood-red eyes met moonlight silver eyes riveting with hatred and anger. 


" What gives you the right to touch a wolf under my protection?" Riviera growled, his voice coming out as a deadly whisper.


Jeremy spat on Riviera's face, he smirked looking at the silver eyes. " She is not yours… yet, she will never be yours."


Riviera balled his free hand into a fist and he reared it back. " Is that so," He was about to throw a punch when a hand held his arm stopping him.


Riviera turned to look at who stopped him. " Let my hand go, he has to learn not to touch my property."


Eloisee flinched under the silver gaze, her hair hid her face as she lowered her head. She hated Jeremy with all her being but she couldn't let Riviera fight for her. " Please… Don't do it."


Riviera looked at the timid woman and sighed. " Fine but we are leaving now." He left no room to complain with his command and released Jeremy, letting him fall unceremoniously to the floor.


He shook his arm free from Eloisee's grasp and left the room.


Jeremy chuckled as he sat upright on the wall, his hand holding his throat as he took deep gulps of air having been denied oxygen briefly. " You think he's gonna love you? No one will, your father worked himself to his grave because of you, you are a curse and sooner or later, He too will be bored of you, when that time comes you'll have no choice but to come to me…"


Eloisee stared at the man, she turned around and bolted out of the room. Her ears registering the " The person who loves you" scream from Jeremy. She closed her eyes and ran forward not daring to look behind her.


Riviera came back to the car with a scowl on his face, Ruid caught onto his change in demeanor. " Did something happen? You are brooding more than usual."


Riviera opened the backdoor of the Sweden and entered without a word to Ruid.


The latter raised his eyebrow at the silence and shrugged, he turned his attention to the mansion and saw Eloisee running toward them. 


"We have been waiting, please come inside so that we can be on our way." Ruid smiled at Eloisee and slightly bowed to his Alpha's wife before heading to the driver's side of the car.


Eloisee nodded, not trusting her voice. She got inside the car and sat away from Riviera, not wanting to get close to him after she saw his other side.


Ruid looked at the two and shook his head. He turned on the car and drove off heading home.