
The Alpha & The Barbie

"It's nice to know the name of my mate, but it's disappointing to see you letting another man touch you, mate." I shivered in delight at the deep, rich voice as I turned to meet the man I'd been searching so long for. As my eyes met his deep blue eyes I shivered again before I realized who he was. "Shit! You have to be kidding me! Pardon me I have to go!" When you spend most of your life the size of a barbie doll, interacting with people who seem like giants in comparison can be a bit complicated, to say the least. When you then add a werewolf soulmate who hates your people and thinks you are weak due to your size into the mix it tends to complicate things even more. For Kendra, though, that is just a day in the life of an elven werewolf. This is a short story of only 24 chapters. It is now complete and it shall remain free to read forever. This is not my best work as it was written over a decade ago, but hey! Free is free!

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Two

Kendra's Point of View

I was going to meet Amerest's family. I think I faintly remember him saying he had one sibling, a little sister. I don't think I know anything else about him or his family, though.

"Do you remember the last time we were here? I said I had a little sister. Her name is Anieca and she's six years old tomorrow. For her birthday she told me all she wanted was to meet my mate, you. So, while I'd let you wait to meet my family until you're ready, I have to ask. Will you go with me to Anieca's birthday ball?"

Aww.... that's so sweet!

"Of course I'll go and meet your sister! She sounds so sweet. Besides, who else would you go with?"

I teased him a bit and, without my wolf, the familiar twinge of longing for Ashton wasn't there. It's still strange, though, how I almost expect it.

"I'm not sure I'd want to go with anyone else, especially when I have someone so beautiful and perfect that I'd prefer to take."

I smile a bit and lean into him.

"Who would that be, exactly?"

He leans in a bit, pecks my lips and replies.

"Why you, of course, love."

He frowns a bit as he stands up.

"I'm afraid I've got to go, love, but I'll be back at six tomorrow night."

He opens the door and let's in Rain who immediately blushes and ducks her head as she curtsied.

"I have the misses dinner, Amerest."

He smiles as he opened the door for her to pass.

"You two have fun now, good night, love."

Then he was gone.

Rain walked over and sat the tray down beside me before joining me.

"I hope you like what I prepared. I tried to have as much variety as I could with your limited diet, but I'm afraid there wasn't much I could do and it wound up being mostly dessert and breakfast foods."

Aww... Rain is all flustered. This girl tries way too hard to impress me.

"I'm sure whatever you made is fine. Besides, I'm used to eating just plain chocolate chips and occasionally some nuts. So, you can't possibly have less variety than that."

Looking at the tray, I saw pecan pancakes, a couple different types of chocolate chip pancakes, a slice of chocolate cake, and some milk with chocolate syrup in a container to the side. "This is perfect! You even have enough for us to split it, two glasses of milk even! See now we can hang out, eat dinner, and watch scary movies! You do like scary movies, don't you?"

She smiles brightly at the compliments and nods her head.

"Scary movies sounds good and I'm glad you like it."

Yep, it's official, we're best friends now!


"Fine, ignore me! Just don't come crying to me when you get lonely!"

Then he stormed off leaving me stranded in an empty hallway. I turn around and watch his back as he disappears. I instantly feel remorse, regret. I feel as if my heart seems to rip apart and I feel as like there is a gaping hole where my heart once used to stand.

Amerest was walking away from me and I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't tell him to stop, to wait, that I was sorry. No, I couldn't say anything as I watched him leave me. All I knew was the pain as my tears overcame me and I began to sob.

Rain took me into her arms and I felt as my body began to shake violently and my sobs began to grow louder. I felt completely and utterly broken. He was my last chance at love and, if I lost him now, I don't think I'd be able to make it another second.

I suddenly pulled away from Rain's arms and took off running, down the hall, a left turn, and then straight into my room. I then searched frantically, almost desperately. I took the sharp dagger into my hands and I sunk to the ground, weeping with a fresh set of tears as I contemplated my choice.



"You're going to look amazing! You'll be spectacular and you'll win everyone's hearts! Especially Amerest's little sister, not to mention the fact that Amerest won't be able to resist you!"

Rain was trying to calm me down, I was extremely nervous and panic was beginning to set in.

What would they think of me? I wasn't just meeting Amerest's little sister, I was meeting the whole kingdom. This wouldn't be simply a birthday celebration, it would be my first public event where I'd be presented as Amerest's mate.

Tonight was huge and it had my vision blurring, I was that stressed. Still, Rain had picked out a gorgeous light violet dress and had spent hours curling my hair. Then, with a touch of make up, I was ready. I had to admit, she is really good and I looked amazing.

Too bad there was no more time.

"I'll distract Amerest for a few minutes, you try to compose yourself. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be amazing."

With one last brief look at me, she was out the door. Not more than a moment later, there came a knock at the door. I opened it to see no one there. I walked out into the hall and glanced frantically around, searching. Still, I could find no one. So, I went back into my room, convinced the stress must really be getting to me.

That's when I found it, wrapped up in a blood red cloth on my bed. A dagger that was sharp enough to cut a piece of grass in half. Sharp enough to cut through flesh and possibly even bone. Made of a beautiful looking, shiny steel with a black handle that had intricate engravings.

It was beautiful, but where did it come from? With no time to think about it, I hear the door handle begin to turn and I drop the knife back on the bed, turning and dropping it behind me. I'm greeted by Amerest's beautiful smile. As I take him in I realize he looks hot.

The way his dark hair is tousled ever so perfectly, the way his dress shirt fits over his wide, well muscled chest, and his sexy smirk is enough to make me melt. Definitely enough to almost make me miss what he says.

"Ready to go?"

I stand, continuing to stare for a moment before realizing what he said. I then blush, duck my head, and nod as I walk forward. We intertwine our arms and then we begin our trek down the hall and towards the ballroom.

We were finally at the ball and, as I stood off to the side watching everyone interact, I couldn't help but watch Amerest. He was engulfed by the crowd and seemed so alive and friendly as he greeted each and every guest. You could definitely tell he cared for his people.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind me.

"You really love him, don't you?"

I laughed lightly, shaking my head.

"I'm sure you'd love for me to tell you I do. That I loved how large his hands were, so firm and reassuring. How I loved the way I feel so safe and warm as he holds me in his arms. How I can just imagine kissing his warm, tender lips or running my hands through his beautiful, silky looking hair. The idea of running my hands across his large, firm chest..... It's all enough to make a girl melt, but honestly..... I don't know that I can love him."

I didn't even bother to look behind me as I confessed all this to the sweet sounding voice of the young lady behind me. Too bad I didn't because when I did, I regretted ever opening my mouth. Standing behind me was..... Amerest's mom.

She was frowning deeply and didn't seem happy.

"I guess that's too bad. There are tons of girls that would give anything to be in your position. I'd change your mind before someone takes the choice from you."

With that last comment she walked away leaving me feeling guilty and remorseful. Too bad that was only the beginning of my bad luck.

Later that night Amerest's little sister was found shrieking and crying. When I rushed to the scene I found Amerest trying to comfort her as a little girl's body lay mangled in front of us. She looked to be hacked to death with a knife and it was a horrifying sight for anyone, much less a poor little six year old girl.

A young boy walked up to Amerest and touched the young girl's shoulder.

"Aneica? Please, look at me!"

She immediately stopped her wailing cries and looked up at the boy. She suddenly jumped out of Amerest's arms and jumped on the boy hugging him. To

"Riese! Oh, Riese....."

He patted her on the back as he hugged her back.

"Shhh, shhh, I know, I know, shhh....."

Amerest stood up to face his mom.

"Mom please, watch after them, guards please see the guests out and see to it this young girl's funeral is properly arranged."

They all nodded, somberly begining their tasks. Then he turned to me.

"Come on, Kendra. Let's see you off to your room."

We began walking down the corridors and the silence and grief was almost like a thick barrier between us, keeping us apart.

When we got to my room I was horrified by the sight in front of me. Stuck onto the door was a note held up by the dagger I had seen earlier, but now covered in blood. Amerest pulled me into him and I inhaled his scent.

"I'm sorry, so sorry. I'm sure tonights been difficult for you, but don't let it get to you. You won't will you?"

I couldn't do anything but shake my head as I sank to the floor. The note was a warning, a warning to stay away from Amerest. Saying that I didn't deserve him. Aneica's friend probably died for the same reason. Maybe I didn't deserve Amerest and maybe fate just hated me. All I knew was the next thing I know Amerest is mumbling about me ignoring him and walking down the hall corridor. I watched his back as he walked away and I couldn't help but feel guilty, I was shutting him out again and we were both stuck being miserable because of it.

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