
The Alpha of Alphas' Luna

"You know I am not spewing nonsense Karen. Yes, your wolf might not be there to witness within you that I am yours but you can't deny the fact that you are drawn towards me, somehow, somewhere within, you know!" Karen was breathing hard, she could not believe what she just heard. What Ralph said was the truth and that was why she had been trying to push him far from her. My mate??? "But there is no way to prove it" Karen said with her chest heaving up and down. "There is" Ralph said and his eyes were fixed on hers intently. "How?" Karen asked and her voice came out as a whisper. She was paralyzed by the scorching blazes of Ralph's eyes and the sincerity she could feel from his words. Ralph leaned into her without his body touching hers and took her lips in his. She wanted to push him off but the strength of his hands held her in place and he deepened the kiss. She surrendered and her lips soon followed the pace that his, had set. It was gentle, promising and sent fiery messages all over her skin. Ralph soon let go of her hands and placed his body by hers on the bed as the kiss continued and grew into something ferocious. Their tongues began to play tag and their lips sought dominance over the other. Her hands held unto his shirt and his hand lifted the hospital shirt she had on and began to caress the side of her belly. Karen pulled away from the kiss as she sought air. "Now, do you know how?" Ralph asked

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
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56 Chs



They were seated at the end of the field, on a medium sized rock where three persons can comfortably lay on and were cooling off from the ride. There was a small tree close to where they were and Taurus had tied the horse to the tree.

"That was amazing!" said Taurus as he gulped on the second bottle of water, after giving Reza one, and his wolf whispered within him, "or her hands around you!".

"Yes it was. Who taught you to ride so well?" asked Reza.

"My uncle" replied Taurus.

"The Supreme Alpha?" asked Reza with her eyes widely opened.

"Yes! Why do you seem surprised?" asked Taurus.

"Duh! Everyone knows the Supreme Alpha is the most busy person in the world. Some say, that is the reason why he has not found his mate. I'm just wondering when he must have had the chance to teach you that well. He must like you a lot!" said Reza.

"I guess, but I know I like him a lot." said Taurus and there was a form of silence for about four seconds before he took a deep breath and continued.

"My uncle is the only family member I have. I never got to meet my mum or my dad. You asked the reason why I'm always on this purple scarf right?" asked Taurus as he pointed at the scarf he had on his neck. Reza nodded in affirmation.

"Well, this was what my mother used to wrap my body. I just do not know how to let it go, even for a second and…and…"

At this point, Reza saw he was getting a little emotional, so she held his hand that was on his knee and intertwined their fingers and this gave Taurus the urge and courage to continue.

"I'm sorry if I'm ruining the moment" said Taurus.

"You are definitely not ruining the moment. If anything, you are giving it more life" said Reza with a small smile.

"My dad's pack was raided and my dad was killed. My dad had taken my mum to safety before the people could reach her, by placing her on a horse. She rode until she was close to my uncle's pack but before she could reach, she got into labour. She gave birth to me and I heard that she had lost so much blood. She died shortly after but not before leaving a message for my uncle through the fire arrow method. You know the method right?" asked Taurus as he removed his eyes from their hands to her face, the first time he had since she held him. When he came to where my mother and I were, he said I was a finger close to death. The medical equipment then were not as advanced as now and they were only used to traditional treatments. The traditional treatments didn't work and do I died. My uncle could not watch the only child of his sister die and I was told he had performed a very serious ritual, against the customs of werewolves and lycans, just to save me. The ritual had worked but I had to be asleep or should I say remain dead for half a century. I woke up eighteen years…"

"Hold up, pause, re-wine and take a breath. Are you saying you are or you are supposed to be about sixty eight years?" asked Reza.

"I guess you can say that, though I wasn't really alive"

"Damn! That's a whole lot of information! But, doesn't a part of you feel it is quite early to be telling me deep things as these about yourself now?" asked Reza.

"A small part of me does but the greater part believes it is safe with you!" said Taurus with a smile and Reza smiled as she looked ahead.

"Well since, you have told me one of your biggest secrets, I think it is only right I tell you mine" said Reza.

"I'm all ears!"

"Everyone calls me a William but in truth, I was not always a William. I was known as Reza Tubrik. My family was a nice and amazing family with only me as the child. My biological mother, the sweetest woman I have ever known in my existence. She had gone to help out with those that were injured from the raid in Jade Head Pack and she had not known that those freaking rogues were still lurking around. Well, who knew? They had re-attacked and before the defence from this pack could come, my mother was killed. My father could not take it and he became very violent towards everyone around him, including me. He was hurting but he made sure he passed the hurt to…" said Reza and her voice trailed off as she felt tears at the rim of her eyes. Taurus tightened the grasp on her hands slightly to reassure her and she smiled as a lone tear finally fell off her eye.

"One day, he came back home very drunk and began to hit me so badly. To escape the unending blows, I had to use everything within me to push him off. I know he hit his head on a nearby stool but I don't know what happened to him from thence forth because I ran out of the house to the arms of some neighbours who had heard the noise and we're coming to our house already. I went to an orphanage where my foster father adopted me. They had no child then and had been barren for a while, hence their reason to adopt but when I joined my family, they began to have pups like crazy…" said Reza with joy.

"So you feel like some lucky charm or something?' teased Taurus.

"Definitely not feeling, I know" replied Reza and they both burst out laughing.

"Seems like life has not been fair to either of us, but we won't relent in surviving, we'll keep surviving because we'll keep getting stronger. Delays and trials may come but we won't still turn back or give up, because we have been given this life so we can be joyous and also bring joy to others." said Taurus.

"You are giving some Shakespaerian vibes right there," said Reza.

"Oh you, I was actually being very serious but you just had to ruin the mood" said Taurus and he reached out to her sides and began to tickle her.

"No! No! I…" said Reza in between huge laughs as she laid her back on the grass and tried to use her hands to cover her sides that Taurus tickled but her hand was too small and would reveal some parts and Taurus would repeat the process all over again. He straddled her so he could tickle her more and then he saw tears roll out of her eyes…they were happy, laughing tears.

He decided to rest his fingers and give her some time to calm and gradually her laughter reduced as she got herself back.

"You should not do that again" said Reza as she came down from the last bout of laughter but Taurus said nothing nor did he show any form of emotion as he just looked down at her.

Taurus was looking at her. At her beautiful hair that was splayed on the grass, the blush that tainted her cheeks red, her eyes…those eyes.

"Is there something on my face?" asked Reza and she touched her face as Taurus continued to stare.

"Guapo!" said Taurus, barely above a whisper.

Note: Guapo means pretty!