
The Alpha of Alphas' Luna

"You know I am not spewing nonsense Karen. Yes, your wolf might not be there to witness within you that I am yours but you can't deny the fact that you are drawn towards me, somehow, somewhere within, you know!" Karen was breathing hard, she could not believe what she just heard. What Ralph said was the truth and that was why she had been trying to push him far from her. My mate??? "But there is no way to prove it" Karen said with her chest heaving up and down. "There is" Ralph said and his eyes were fixed on hers intently. "How?" Karen asked and her voice came out as a whisper. She was paralyzed by the scorching blazes of Ralph's eyes and the sincerity she could feel from his words. Ralph leaned into her without his body touching hers and took her lips in his. She wanted to push him off but the strength of his hands held her in place and he deepened the kiss. She surrendered and her lips soon followed the pace that his, had set. It was gentle, promising and sent fiery messages all over her skin. Ralph soon let go of her hands and placed his body by hers on the bed as the kiss continued and grew into something ferocious. Their tongues began to play tag and their lips sought dominance over the other. Her hands held unto his shirt and his hand lifted the hospital shirt she had on and began to caress the side of her belly. Karen pulled away from the kiss as she sought air. "Now, do you know how?" Ralph asked

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
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56 Chs



Taurus had told his uncle that he wanted to go horse riding with a friend of his. He had also mentioned to Ralph that he wanted the ride to be as grand as possible because he wanted to impress this friend of his. Alpha Ralph, in his many years of life and deals with women, understood why Taurus was telling him this almost unnecessary piece of information. Taurus wanted to ride the horse round the city and there were high chances he did pass through busy roads and parks.

It was illegal to ride horses on the road but with the Supreme Alpha's permit, most illegal things like this scenario, become legal.

"Yes you can, but do not go off hitting any person and most importantly children. That would most definitely be unpardonable! When you get this friend of yours,cut through the road and enter a clear field where you can ride easily and carefree."

"Gracias Tío!" said Taurus with a smile and for a second, he thought of hugging his uncle but on second thought, he realized that might be too much.

Early that morning, Taurus had sent a sky blue shirt, a pair of feminine breeches and a pair of black boots to her house. He knew that she would question how he knew her house but he hoped the joy of the ride would shut her ever active small lips.

'How do I know the shape of her lips? It is not like I have been thinking of it or something!'

During the day, he tried to do things to get his mind off the slow ticking of the clock as 5pm seemed an eternity away. When it was 3:30 pm, he began to put on his clothes which consisted of a black shirt, white riding trousers, a pair of brown boots and a black riding jacket. He did not forget to get hats and masks for the both of them. The hat for himself was for fashion and thrill but for Reza, it was to help protect her hair from scattering.

Meanwhile, strong girl Reza Williams has also not been able to concentrate on work and had pricked about two persons with needles, earning a needed shout from her supervisor.

"I wonder why you were chosen to go to the Supreme Alpha's mansion, when you are this unskilled! This better be the last time such a thing happens because the next time, a good referral might not be able to save you" said Reza's supervisor. Her supervisor was close to the door when she realised what the lady had said. A referral? She thinks the only reason she was able to go to the mansion was because the person to go was sick and she was the next in line that was close to a qualification.

"Referral? What do you mean by "referral ma?" asked Reza.

"Quit acting like you do not know lady. You were completely flirting with him in front of other girls the other day, you shameless thwart!" said the supervisor.

Close to tears, Reza said, "I still don't understand what you are saying!". The actions of her colleagues in her place of work towards her, had practically decreased and it was like there was never an existing relationship. Some persons had to do a lot within themselves before they responded to her and it was fully evident.

"Just stop playing dumb and ask the number one tracker in our pack. Ask Taurus Hernandez, stupid!"

Reza wanted to ask what Taurus had to do with all this but the door was shut on her and with the sound of the slam that the door made, came the realisation.

Before the day Taurus came to the mall with Lady Karen's look alike and the doctor, she had met Taurus at a grocery shop. She was selecting some pineapples in the fruit section and there was a particular small bag of apples she had been eyeing because it seemed that all five apples that were inside the transparent bag were big, in comparison with the other displayed bags of apples. But, as she was about to pick the small bag of apples, a bigger and faster hand reached out to it and got it.

"Oh, did you want it?" asked Taurus.

"You definitely know I did!"replied Reza with sass. "Well, you can have it if you are a little polite!" teased Taurus and he raised the bag above her head and far from her reach. It was a playful tease, to get to know the lady before him.

"You can keep it, since you choose to be inconsiderate!" said Reza and she walked away from him and moved to another fruit section.

'Whoever that guy is, he is just trying to pick a fight. He is so lucky I am in a good mood!' thought Reza.

'Who in the shenanigan hell is that? She just talked so casually and without an ounce of care, and for the first time in my life, I could not differentiate, if I liked it or hated it.' thought Taurus.

All Taurus' life, he has been used to people minding and selecting their language before him. He was of royal blood and his uncle is the Supreme Alpha…this was enough reason. He definitely needed to find out who that girl was. He rounded the corner where she should be bitten. She was nowhere to be seen . He went to the next and the next but she wasn't still there. He gave up and was disappointed!

Imagine his luck and surprise when he had taken Karen and Kate to the mall and the girl he was thinking of ways to track down…was there!

When Reza saw the persons that accompanied the boy she had ruthlessly bashed at the grocery shop yesterday, she asked her colleagues and they told her, he was the nephew to the Supreme Alpha and he was the number one tracker in Red Moon Pack…automatically making him the number one in all lycan and werewolf lands.

Reza was in shock and she did not know whether to apologize or act like she wasn't the one and that she has a twin who is the rude one. The thought was killing her throughout the fitting!

She had felt he was one of those rich spoilt kids that loved to fawn over the wealth of their parents anywhere they found themselves.

She had made sure to avoid his face throughout the time she helped with the fitting of the ladies and she could feel the burn of his stare at her back.

When the ladies were going, she had encouraged herself, more out of fear than goodwill and had gone to render a fake apology regardless. She became calm when Taurus had told her it meant nothing and that he could have done the same.

'He had referred me for the royal family? And he was coming to pick me up at work? Hell no way!'