
The Alpha of Alphas' Luna

"You know I am not spewing nonsense Karen. Yes, your wolf might not be there to witness within you that I am yours but you can't deny the fact that you are drawn towards me, somehow, somewhere within, you know!" Karen was breathing hard, she could not believe what she just heard. What Ralph said was the truth and that was why she had been trying to push him far from her. My mate??? "But there is no way to prove it" Karen said with her chest heaving up and down. "There is" Ralph said and his eyes were fixed on hers intently. "How?" Karen asked and her voice came out as a whisper. She was paralyzed by the scorching blazes of Ralph's eyes and the sincerity she could feel from his words. Ralph leaned into her without his body touching hers and took her lips in his. She wanted to push him off but the strength of his hands held her in place and he deepened the kiss. She surrendered and her lips soon followed the pace that his, had set. It was gentle, promising and sent fiery messages all over her skin. Ralph soon let go of her hands and placed his body by hers on the bed as the kiss continued and grew into something ferocious. Their tongues began to play tag and their lips sought dominance over the other. Her hands held unto his shirt and his hand lifted the hospital shirt she had on and began to caress the side of her belly. Karen pulled away from the kiss as she sought air. "Now, do you know how?" Ralph asked

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
Not enough ratings
56 Chs



Alpha Ralph and his pack of lycans soon reached Desert Sand Pack but before they reached, Stephan had raced ahead to scout the area and when he returned, he reported to the Alpha that the fight was already underway.

Just as planned, Aloha Ralph informed them to spread out through the mind link and attack when they get his signal. He raced into the field and slaughtered all that came in his way and when he reached the centre of the field, he gave a loud howl that resonated loudly and Stephan and the other lycans knew that was the cue. They charged to the battle field from different directions and the rogues were stupefied and frightened like a mighty army had come on them at a go.

Desert Sand Pack's Alpha, was so relieved because of their timely intervention as things immediately started going in their favour. Ralph spared none that had rogue scent on, any mercy as he reached for their throats and their guts splayed grotesquely.

These filthy outlaws had separated him from his little one and he had no intention of showing any atom of mercy. The leader of the rogues decided to flee the battle field and Stephan chased after him. Stephan ran as fast as he could and when he was some metres away from him, he leapt high up in the sky and pounded hard on him. As he had his body on the rogue, Stephan pinned him beneath himself and aimed for the wolf's throat but the wolf evaded Stephan's paw. The wolf wriggled under Stephan for a while till it was able to throw Stephan to the side. Stephan regained his balance and the wolf took its stance, ready to battle Stephan or so Stephan thought because in the next second, a human body came from behind a huge tree with a gun in hand.

Ralph had seen when Stephan chased after the leader of the rogues and he knew Stephan was up to the task but he wondered why Stephan wasn't back. The survivors of the Desert Sand Pack were separating the bodies of their dead pack members in sadness from the bodies of the rogues. They stacked the bodies of the rogue wolves who had turned into their human forms and set them blaze. As the fire crackled and mourning was slightly in session, Ralph decided to go after Stephan. He knew his Beta wouldn't wander off as he was even more organized and sometimes dutiful than himself and so he ran to the direction Stephan had gone. He ran and ran till got to a place where he heard groanings and painful growls some yards away. Someone was torturing someone and the person being tortured was a member of his pack as he could smell and distinguish their scents. He walked tenaciously to the direction of the voices and hid behind a tree where he could get a clear view of what was happening and what he saw had his belly coiled in anger.

Stephan was naked and tied to a tree and a man with a silver gun was pointing it towards him as another naked man interrogated Stephan.

"I know you are Stephan Stone, Beta to Supreme Alpha Ralph and I have just one question for you. I would ask it this last time and I need an answer, clear and sharp!"

"Long black hair, green big doe-y eyes and very beautiful but a little fiesty…is she the Supreme Luna?"

Stephan laughed and raised his head up and stared at the moon as he hoped Selene the Moon Goddess could see what one of her creatures was doing to another of hers.

"That is something I have no answer on and I know you know that"

"Well you have sealed your own faith Beta. You would be replaced like you were never there. Do it!" said the rogue and the man with the silver gun shot. Stephan closed his eyes as he waited for the pain of the gun as he knew it was no regular gun as it likely contained wolfsbane but it never came. He opened his eyes to see his Alpha at his front, in his human form as he looked for the knot of the rope that was used to tie him. Shock was evident on his face as he looked to the side and saw the lifeless heads of those that tortured him some seconds ago.

'This is the true power of Supreme Alpha Ralph'. Stephan was not always the Beta and was known as the Gamma about seven years ago until Ralph's Beta betrayed him and he was chosen. Betas get more opportunity to work alongside their Alphas almost every time compared to Gammas. He could have easily broken through the rope they tied him with but he knew that before he would be able to get to his assailants, a bullet would be buried deep within him.

As soon as he was freed, Ralph used one hand to hold the tree for support and the other, he used to clutch the side of his belly.

"Are you alright Alpha?" asked Stephan but Ralph groaned in response and Stephan immediately understood that something was wrong.

Ralph removed his hand from his belly and behold there was a bullet hole there. The shot gun had hit Ralph!

"Listen to me Stephan"

"Yes, Supreme Alpha!"

"I want you to get the strongest of chains from Carl - Alpha of Desert Sand Pack - and use it to chain me…well!"

"But Alpha…"

"I'm about to have an episode!"

Chills ran up Stephan's spine as he heard what Ralph said. The wolfsbane bullet would weaken any other werewolf but for Ralph, he would lose all forms of rational thoughts and act purely on his instincts…clearing all in his path!

"I'll be back Alpha. Please hang in there for us and if this would help..remember our Luna wouldn't like to see you like this" said Stephan before running to Desert Sand Pack.

'Oh yes! I still have to see my pequeño' thought Ralph and he smiled as he rested his back on the tree.

This was going to be a long night!

"I guess my favourite character so far is Klaus Michaelson," said Karen.

"Nope, my favourite character so far is definitely Noble Elijah. He is so understanding and…" said Kate but Karen cut her off, "and nothing! Klaus is definitely the only reason why my eyes are still on this movie"

Nanny Freya just looked at the banter going on between the both of them and smiled. It was good to witness such once in a while!

Kate rolled her eyes at Karen before focusing her eyes back on the movie - The Originals. All was going well till Alejandro burst into the living room, startling all present except little Eva because she was fast asleep!

"What is the meaning of such…?" asked Nanny Freya in between shock and anger.

"Dr Kate, Supreme Alpha needs you…Now! He is in the basement."

"Where is he? What happened to Ralph?" asked Karen with fear racing through her system.

"He is…he said we shouldn't tell you anything Luna. I am so sorry! Kate now!"

Dr Kate ran out of the living room and headed towards the basement but as Karen was about to go with her, Alejandro stopped her at the door.

"What do you think you are doing?" asked Karen as she gave Alejandro a crossed look.

"Alpha's orders Luna. I am so sorry"

"You are going to take me to him NOW! I demand to see Ralph this instant" said Karen as negative thoughts began to cloud her mind.

A loud growl resounded from the basement that shook the very foundation of the mansion.

"Is that…him?"

"Yes Luna!"

"What the heck are you guys doing to him? You can't have me here forever Alejandro and I promise you did be in a lot of trouble when this is all over"

Alejandro said nothing as he stared at the top of Karen's head - she was really a petite woman and he wondered how such a woman had almost absolute control on the Alpha that controlled all other packs. Supreme Alpha Ralph had given strict orders some minutes before his beast completely took over, that Karen was forbidden from coming close to him, till he recovered.

Another growl resounded from downstairs and Karen couldn't just sit while she could hear and partly feel his pain.

"TAKE. ME. TO. RALPH!" suddenly commanded, Karen and Alejandro could feel the tail of his inner beast within its legs. She was truly the Luna, whether her wolf could be felt or not. Karen walked to the door and Alejandro blocked her way and she tried the other side but he blocked her again.

She bent down and pulled at her hair in frustration. Alejandro could feel frustration as he knew how he would feel if he could not have access to his mate. Karen stood up from her crouched state and walked to the couch.

"Fine! If I can't go to him, maybe I can know what happened to him?" said Karen.

"He was shot…" said Alejandro and Karen's eyes widened.

"...with wolfsbane" completed Alejandro and her eyes almost fell out.

"Do not worry Luna, he is not just the Supreme Alpha because his father was. He is the strongest lycan ever and he would survive…trust me Luna, he has seen worse"


Karen was antsy, she had to go to Ralph but the mass of muscle standing by the door wouldn't let her. She had to look for a way to get out!

Suddenly, Karen asked Alejandro in a subtle and calm tone, "are you sure he is going to be fine?"

"Certainly Luna!"

"Well then, escort me upstairs so I can have some needed sleep and hope he would be recovered by the time I am waking up"

"Good choice Luna" said Alejandro and he smiled. Karen returned the smile and began to climb up the stairs and that was when she realized that Nanny Freya and Eva were gone.

'Nan must have gone to tuck Eva in! Perfect timing!' thought Karen.

As she stepped on the sixth step on the staircase, she suddenly turned around, coming face to face with Alejandro whose mind was distracted and had his face bowed.

"Sorry Alejandro" said Karen before launching a powerful kick in between his legs. Alejandro's eyes turned in pain as his face reddened and he rolled off the stairs, clutching his crotch.

Karen ran out as fast as her legs could carry her and she was soon out of the living room and was headed to the basement.