
The Alpha of Alphas' Luna

"You know I am not spewing nonsense Karen. Yes, your wolf might not be there to witness within you that I am yours but you can't deny the fact that you are drawn towards me, somehow, somewhere within, you know!" Karen was breathing hard, she could not believe what she just heard. What Ralph said was the truth and that was why she had been trying to push him far from her. My mate??? "But there is no way to prove it" Karen said with her chest heaving up and down. "There is" Ralph said and his eyes were fixed on hers intently. "How?" Karen asked and her voice came out as a whisper. She was paralyzed by the scorching blazes of Ralph's eyes and the sincerity she could feel from his words. Ralph leaned into her without his body touching hers and took her lips in his. She wanted to push him off but the strength of his hands held her in place and he deepened the kiss. She surrendered and her lips soon followed the pace that his, had set. It was gentle, promising and sent fiery messages all over her skin. Ralph soon let go of her hands and placed his body by hers on the bed as the kiss continued and grew into something ferocious. Their tongues began to play tag and their lips sought dominance over the other. Her hands held unto his shirt and his hand lifted the hospital shirt she had on and began to caress the side of her belly. Karen pulled away from the kiss as she sought air. "Now, do you know how?" Ralph asked

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
Not enough ratings
56 Chs



Layla was joyous as she assisted in washing the children from the mud they had on, drying their bodies and putting on a different outfit for them. The school had a new set of clothes for the children and each child was able to get a new set of clothing. As Layla bathed some, some splashed water on her dress and the topmost part of her dress was wet but she wasn't concerned in the least.

When they were done with the children, Layla felt a lot confident, free and happy and as Hector drove them to the mansion, she tuned in a song from the radio and sang all through till they got to the mansion.

"I can never believe four and five year- olds could be so troublesome and I'm glad we won't be going there any more, " said Sara.

"Why won't we be going there again?" asked Layla with her arms crossed in front of her.

"Because…because…do you still want to go there again Luna? After all those children did to you!"

"As you saw today, the teachers and attendants there are not enough to run that place. So starting from tomorrow, you, Hector and I would be lending our hands to the children" declared Layla

"My Lady, it is too dangerous!" chipped in Hector and Sara was glad he spoke up.

"When training with swords and daggers, you never for once said a thing about it being too dangerous but now you suddenly advise me on danger when it has to do with…CHILDREN!! It is settled, my lovely Beta's mate. You should go home and relax for the night while I do the same because by 8am, we have over hundred werewolf children to teach some manners''

"Alright Luna!" replied Sara with sadness heavy in her voice.

'I was the one who thought going to the school would be a splendid idea but now I see I thought wrong. What sort of circumstance is this!' thought Sara.

"I have to see the Alpha and I would leave once I am done" said Sara to Layla and she began to head inside the mansion. As they got inside, they were met with shocked stares from the maids and some guards around who tried to drink in the appearance of their once hot Luna and Beta's mate.

Beta Kent was seen walking downstairs with his hands in his pocket and as he saw them at the base of the stairs, he jogged down. "What in Selene's name happened?" asked Kent.

"We were attacked…" said Sara and Kent's eyes grew.

"Where? How? Are you hurt?" he asked, bombarding them with questions.

"We were attacked by children Kent. Do not pay any mind to your overly dramatic mate. She took me to the preschool for werewolf and lycan children and there we helped stop the children from their gremlin acts" said Layla with a small laugh and a small 'O' left Kent's mouth.

It was late evening and the Beta took his mate to their home as Hector escorted Layla upstairs.

As they reached the front of her door, Layla turned to Hector, "thank you for helping out today. You are making my stay here not be as sad as it was"

"Anything for you Toots!" said Hector and Layla hugged Hector. Because he was taller than her, Layla was stressing her back and spine and Hector bent into the crook of her neck so she could relax as he returned the hug. This scene was what Elias met as he came upstairs.

"She is mated, you know?" said Elias, startling Hector and Layla.

Hector found his bearings as Layla unclasped her arms from around him and he missed her warmth.

"Deeply sorry Alpha Elias. I just got a little carried away"

"The next time you get carried away like that, you might actually get 'carried away' to your grave. Understood!" yelled Elias.

"You have no right to scold Hector. I was the one who had hugged him" said Layla.

"I know you are shameless but I wouldn't let you allow your shamelessness to ruin this household. I have a legacy to uphold!" said Elias, coldly.

Right about that time, a lady came out of Hector's study at the far end of the hall, in an all black lingerie. She seemed frightened like something was pursuing her as she ran out of the room and on seeing Elias at the other end of the hall, she ran towards him and held his hand as she pointed at his study and chanted the word, "bee! bee! bee!"

"We know who is shameless now!" said Karen before she pushed open her door and went in. Hector wanted to go after Layla but he knew Elias

could see that as a good enough reason to throw him out of the mansion.

As he was about to pass by Elias and the lady holding onto him, he said, "if you do not want anything to do with her, you should tell her outrightly and stop toying with her feelings Alpha Elias".

Elias said nothing as Hector walked away. He pried the lady's hand that held tightly onto his arm and pulled her to his office.

He pushed her into his study before slamming the door, hard. With his back still turned to the lady known as Irene, he asked coldly, "what the hell was that?"

"I'm so sorry Alpha. I was waiting, just like you had ordered but I have no idea where a bee suddenly came from and attacked me. In a hurry to save myself I pulled off my clothes but still the bee chased me and that was what led me out there shamefully. Once again, I am so sorry Alpha and I accept whatever punishment you deem right" said Irene.

"It's alright but I don't think I can still have this meeting with you. We'd have it tomorrow, when you are calm and clothed" said Elias.

He walked to his table and Irene stood up and left his study. As she was leaving, he looked at her body but he wasn't intrigued at all.

'What the fuck have you done to me Layla?'

Layla was in her bathroom with the shower turned on full blast. She made it that way so no one would hear her as she cried. She angrily blew the tiled walls and her knuckles bled, the dirty water from her body mixed with the blood pooled at the drain before going away.

'I fucking hate this life! It seems I am cursed to live unhappily'

When she was done having her bath, a maid knocked on her door. "Luna Layla, Alpha Elias asks you to join him for dinner tonight"

"Tell him I am unwell and would love for my food to be brought to my room. Thank you"

"Alright Luna"

Bothering less about drying her hair, she wrapped her naked self in her bed sheet before throwing herself to her bed. Tears soon filled her eyes again as she began to drown herself in pitiful thoughts on her current life.

When the maid told Elias what Layla's response was, he continued eating. Some minutes later, Hector went to the kitchen and he came out with a tray of food and was aiming for Layla's room. Elias saw him and went to him.

"Where are you headed?" asked Elias.

"Luna's room"

"I'll take it from here!" said Elias and he made to collect the tray from Hector but Hector didn't release it.

"If I may say Alpha, I know Layla more than you do and I know she would not want to see you now"

"You seen to know my mate a lot and here I was thinking you are a mere bodyguard"

Hector released his hands from the tray so he knew where the conversation was going and turned around.

"One more thing, bodyguard! Maintain your distance from my mate or..your head. Do you get that?" asked Elias with authority.

"Yes.. "

"That isn't the right response"

"Yes…Alpha Elias"

"Good! Now you may head back to your quarters while I go attend to MY MATE" said Elias with venom.

Hector was wild with anger and didn't head back to his quarter as Elias ordered. Instead, he ran into the forest that surrounds the mansion. He ran for some good hours till he got to a beautiful lake.

The lake looked so serene and devoid of any lycan or werewolf around. He chose to lie on a rock to watch the lake and totally calm his heart when he had movements from the water.

All of a sudden, a stark naked woman came out of the water.

"Hi Hector" said the strange woman.