
The Alpha of Alphas' Luna

"You know I am not spewing nonsense Karen. Yes, your wolf might not be there to witness within you that I am yours but you can't deny the fact that you are drawn towards me, somehow, somewhere within, you know!" Karen was breathing hard, she could not believe what she just heard. What Ralph said was the truth and that was why she had been trying to push him far from her. My mate??? "But there is no way to prove it" Karen said with her chest heaving up and down. "There is" Ralph said and his eyes were fixed on hers intently. "How?" Karen asked and her voice came out as a whisper. She was paralyzed by the scorching blazes of Ralph's eyes and the sincerity she could feel from his words. Ralph leaned into her without his body touching hers and took her lips in his. She wanted to push him off but the strength of his hands held her in place and he deepened the kiss. She surrendered and her lips soon followed the pace that his, had set. It was gentle, promising and sent fiery messages all over her skin. Ralph soon let go of her hands and placed his body by hers on the bed as the kiss continued and grew into something ferocious. Their tongues began to play tag and their lips sought dominance over the other. Her hands held unto his shirt and his hand lifted the hospital shirt she had on and began to caress the side of her belly. Karen pulled away from the kiss as she sought air. "Now, do you know how?" Ralph asked

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
Not enough ratings
56 Chs



"Mate! Mate! Mate!" Ralph's wolf brawled and chanted in his head.

Oh, how long I have searched and waited for my chosen mate.

Four mornings ago, his wolf had been feeling very antsy and his mood was unstable. He had lashed out on anyone who went unduly out of order in the mansion and even nanny Freya, the only woman who he listens to, was not exempted.

He had a very important meeting that morning in Brooks Valley with some humans and the mood he found himself was not an appreciable mood to be in since he was going to be in the same room with humans.

Despite the fact that he is a werewolf, he is widely known to humans as he owns a lot of business empires in their lands.

He had urged his Beta and only friend, Stephan Stone to drive very fast as they were a little behind time already.

As they rounded a bend, the car collided with something or rather someone. At the point of collision, his wolf had cried within him, 'MATE'!.

He jerked out of the vehicle and the next second, he was squatted by her side.

Mate? Like the other part of me and the completion of my existence?

He couldn't concentrate on anything as he saw her unmoving body till Stephan came by his side and tried to lift her.

He bared his fangs at him and he was sure his eyes were bloodshot at that moment. He lifted her and ran to his car and soonest the car was fast eating the asphalt road.

She was covered in dirt that stuck to her hair and skin but he wasn't bothered in the least. She still smelt like blue orchid with a hint of vanilla and he placed his nose in the crook of her neck.

He caught Stephan glancing once in a while at them through the internal rear mirror, probably thinking of who she could be that Ralph was acting that way with her.

"Quit staring at her, she is your Luna! You should focus on the road ahead as we would like to avoid another accident!" Ralph said and he saw Stephan's eyes slightly widen in surprise at the revelation. He caught a glimpse of his own eyes in the mirror and they were red, his wolf was on the surface.

He mind linked his pack Doctor, Dr Kate that works at Brooks Hospital so she could prepare for his arrival.

When they got to the hospital, people inside the hospital stared at Ralph, probably wondering who the girl he was cradling was and as the stretcher was arriving, a shutter clicked, indicating that someone had taken a picture of them.

"Damn humans and their lack of sense for some privacy!" thought Ralph.

Stephan went off to handle the person whi took the picture while Ralph waited outside the Intensive Care Unit.

"If anything happens to her, don't bother coming out of there" Ralph mind linked Dr Kate.

Ralph knows Dr Kate is more than capable but at that moment his heart was palpitating so hard, he felt it would soon leave his chest while his wolf was making things worse by suggesting he shifts and go after his mate but he restrained him.

Few excruciating hours later, the glass doors slid open and he saw Dr Kate leading a group of other doctors and they were coming out.

Dr Kate came to face him and she was jittery standing before him.

"She is out of critical state for now and should be awake in the next twelve hours. Is that…is that all?" asked Dr Kate.

"Yes, that would be all for now and…thanks for your assistance" said Ralph.

Dr Katelooked at Ralph a little surprised before replying, "Thanks Alpha"

"Can I go in and see her?" Ralph asked before she could scurry away.

"Not now but soon, Alpha"

"Why can't I see her now? I demand to see her now!" Ralph growled with his nostrils flared.

Dr Kate bowed down and went on his knees immediately.

"You can't enter the room to see her but you can see her through the transparent doors " she spoke hurriedly.

"That would do" Ralph said as he walked towards where his mate was.

Looking at her through the transparent doors, he grew angry at the fact that he was responsible for the state she was in. Her skin looked very pale but she looked beautiful still.

He remembered when he had held her in the car, how her bow shaped lips were slightly open and her button nose released some carbon dioxide. It thrilled him and he wondered how old she could be. He came to the conclusion that she could not be any older than nineteen. The only thing he didn't like we're her hollow cheeks and frail body but she still looked beautiful.

Ralph had waited for three more days before Karen could wake up and he was the happiest man Selene had ever made when she woke up.

"Karen" Ralph said when she told him her name and he felt like he could taste her name on his tongue.

The meeting he was supposed to attend to on the day of the accident had been postponed till today and he could not delay the humans any longer so he had to excuse himself.

During the meeting, his thoughts were solely on her. Her blue bright baby eyes, her perfectly proportioned lips and her oval face. Immediately the meeting was over, he headed to the hospital and to her ward You but what awaited him and his wolf was unexpected.


Ralph has been the one having sleepless nights and all he has been able to have was a brief handshake with her and he splendidly recollect the warm spark that flooded his body at their skin contact and that was all but he,…Taurus was carrying her like she was his while she is conscious, meaning she agreed to it.

"What is going on here?" Ralph asked thunderously and their heads turned in unison to his direction.

"Tío!" Taurus acknowledged.

Ralph ignored him and arched one of his thick brows, demanding an explanation.

"Dr Kate told me to bring your visitor some food since she can't trust any other person to do it" he answered.

"It doesn't seem like you are doing just that" lashed Ralph.

"Actually, I don't really mind at all. I was the one who allowed him to since my legs are a bit…weak for now" Karen spoke up.

"She asked him to? If only I was here!" thought Ralph.

"Alright then. I'll take over from here" Ralph said and went over to them.

"It's no biggie, I kind of prefer Taurus carrying me" insisted Karen and Ralph's insides coiled, he began to exude more of his overwhelming presence and the hairs on Taurus' body began to stand and it seemed like the wind was moving in a different direction at that time. Karen could feel it also, but not as intense since she has Alpha's blood running in her and for another reason unknown to her.Unlike Taurus, he seemed to have read the room at that moment and he immediately sooke up.

"I have to hand you over Lady, I kind of have somethings to do right now" he said and placed her in my outsretched arms.

"Right now?" she asked with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"Yes" Taurus said and began to head for the door.

"Would you come back to see me?" asked Karen.

Ralph's brain did a flip at Karen's question, he could not register why she would be needing Taurus again. If she needed anybody, he was here!

Taurus looked from Karen to Ralph for a go- ahead. Ralph could not say 'no' as Karen's eyes were on him, so he gave a curt nod of affirmation that was not from his heart..

"I guess that has settled it then. It's a yes" said Karen, mirth dripping from her voice and the blue orbs of her eyes beaming brightly.