
The Alpha of Alphas' Luna

"You know I am not spewing nonsense Karen. Yes, your wolf might not be there to witness within you that I am yours but you can't deny the fact that you are drawn towards me, somehow, somewhere within, you know!" Karen was breathing hard, she could not believe what she just heard. What Ralph said was the truth and that was why she had been trying to push him far from her. My mate??? "But there is no way to prove it" Karen said with her chest heaving up and down. "There is" Ralph said and his eyes were fixed on hers intently. "How?" Karen asked and her voice came out as a whisper. She was paralyzed by the scorching blazes of Ralph's eyes and the sincerity she could feel from his words. Ralph leaned into her without his body touching hers and took her lips in his. She wanted to push him off but the strength of his hands held her in place and he deepened the kiss. She surrendered and her lips soon followed the pace that his, had set. It was gentle, promising and sent fiery messages all over her skin. Ralph soon let go of her hands and placed his body by hers on the bed as the kiss continued and grew into something ferocious. Their tongues began to play tag and their lips sought dominance over the other. Her hands held unto his shirt and his hand lifted the hospital shirt she had on and began to caress the side of her belly. Karen pulled away from the kiss as she sought air. "Now, do you know how?" Ralph asked

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
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56 Chs



As Reza was about to leave the gate, a trouble searching, familiar voice called to her. "Hey! Hey! Reza!" called Taurus. Reza turned back with a 'what- is - it - this - time' look and Taurus almost lost his sense of resolve. Whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not, he had Alpha's blood running through him and he quickly fixed his 'back-out' look and walked closer to her with confidence. The reason he was doing this, was not just because he wanted to but because Supreme Alpha Ralph had told him to keep an eye on her and he vividly remembered the phrase attached, "at all cost!"

"What do you want now, PSB? I promise I stole nothing from the mansion." said Reza and Taurus was taken aback a little.

"I never said you stole anything Reza. Why would you think that is what I want to ask you orrrr…did you steal something?"

"You see, you just asked that!" said Reza.

"That is only because you just instigated that" said Taurus and he raised his hand up dramatically. This girl is just trouble!

"Whatever! What is the meaning of what you called me?" probed Taurus.

"You mean PSB? I'm going to tell you since you insist on knowing but you have no right to feel offended!" said Reza and Taurus urged her to go on.

"Purple Scarf Boy!" said Reza daringly as she folded her hands before her. Taurus was peeved a little and normally, it should be because she had spoken of his 'purple scarf' and even made a title out of it but what actually heckled him was her finishing the title by calling him a 'boy'. Here he was, about to ask her on a very innocent and promising date and here she was, seeing him as a 'Boy!', instead of a 'MAN!'. Way to go Reza! Nice way to bruise a man's ego, but my ego just got better and bigger!

Reza had twinkles in her eyes as she watched Taurus' reaction to her acronym for him. She had just formed it right off her head, at the moment, all in the name of pissing him off. When he held her waist on the staircase to save her from falling, her heart had palpitated so hard she felt swooned. Anytime her heart palpitated so hard that way, it was because she was either very angry at something or someone or she had been running orrrr…she did not want to think of the other possibility. That only happened whenever she was in the presence of anyone she crushes on and Reza never crushes on just anyone..You must be a lifetime special!

'It just could not be! He is so annoying, I would not be surprised if that killed him!' thought Reza. All she had ever done in her life was for her family, people she cared about like friends and colleagues and her peace of mind. But, at that moment, a certain boy who owned a purple scarf and was always seen with it, had tampered with her emotions, with her…PEACE OF MIND! He had her wondering, guessing and that was…bad! [In Reza's dictionary]. It was only right to pay him in his own coin, was what Reza thought but Taurus switched it up! A determined mood suddenly layered the crevices of his formerly frowning face and Reza became confused.

Taurus placed and crossed his hands behind him before taking a step towards her. Reza tried to put up a bold face like she did not feel the switch in atmosphere around them but she decided to ignore it and did not make a move. When he took the second step, she unfolded her hands and placed them by her side. He took the third step to her that looked desperately, impossibly close and she reflexively took a step back.

"What do you think you are doing?" asked Reza stutteringly.

"Trying to come to you!" said Taurus. He took two faster steps before she could take another step back and he was at her very front. His height towered above her and she raised her head slowly to look at him.

He bent his head to her ear level and whispered, "you have lovely eyes, Reza Williams" and Reza, whose earlier intention was to make Taurus' heart turn erratic by peeving him, had hers palpitating instead…again!

"I…I…" stammered Reza.

"You want to know how I know your surname right?" asked Taurus and Reza nodded her head as she placed her hand on her throat. His voice and breath on her skin were creating fictional images she wanted to be real in her mind. 'What the hell Reza…you do not like him like that and the only reason your heart is palpitating is because you are angry! Simple and true!" said Reza's inner self.

"I'd tell you that tomorrow!" said Taurus and Reza turned her head a little to his direction. How was he going to tell her tomorrow? She was not coming to the mansion tomorrow!

"Let's go horse riding tomorrow. Do you know how to ride a horse?" asked Taurus and she turned her head left and right, inferring the negative.

"I'll teach you tomorrow. May I pick you from your place of work by 5?"

"Ye..yes you can Taurus!"

"So you do know my real name!" said Taurus but Reza said nothing and Taurus knew by the look in her eyes that she just did not want to call him by his name. A smile crept on his face and he moved from her side.

The gust of air that replaced Taurus' body made Reza know she was feeling…hot and the heat that was creeping in on her was not because of the pale looking sun that did nothing but provide photosynthesis to plants. It was because of a different reason and the air brought Reza out of her thoughts.

"Have a lovely day, Reza" said Taurus as he shoved his hands into his trouser pockets before he trotted away from her and headed back to the mansion. Reza was looking at his hair in daze, as Taurus walked away and she imagined what it would feel like for her to fasten her fingers in that lush of dusty brown hair he had on his narcissistic head.

'What in Selene's name is wrong with you Reza? Get a freaking hold of yourself!' yelled Reza's inner self.

Remembering how haughty Taurus' smile was when her tongue had slipped his name, she became riled up and unhappy as she realised that he was messing with her. She then wondered why he could not just have chosen the softer face to face mode of dialogue.

"Can you handle his normal mode of dialogue?' asked Reza's wolf and Reza almost turned as pale as a ghost because of unexpressed and undirected anger.

'Shut. The. Hell. Up!" screamed Reza's inner self.

Taurus knew she was still looking at him as he trotted and he was enjoying every second of his dignified and glorified walk.

"Barbarian swine!" cussed Reza loudly and Taurus waved at her. Seeing that he waved, her levelled emotions increased and she wanted to pull at her hair.

"Ughh!" grunted Reza, before opening the gate and completely ignoring the pack guards and warriors as they sent their appraisal of her looks through their rizzes.

Before, Reza got back to her place of work, she had cussed at Taurus, using over a hundred known and unknown words in the dictionary with some spicing of animate and inanimate things.

"Grizzly Lycan!"