
The Alpha of Alphas' Luna

"You know I am not spewing nonsense Karen. Yes, your wolf might not be there to witness within you that I am yours but you can't deny the fact that you are drawn towards me, somehow, somewhere within, you know!" Karen was breathing hard, she could not believe what she just heard. What Ralph said was the truth and that was why she had been trying to push him far from her. My mate??? "But there is no way to prove it" Karen said with her chest heaving up and down. "There is" Ralph said and his eyes were fixed on hers intently. "How?" Karen asked and her voice came out as a whisper. She was paralyzed by the scorching blazes of Ralph's eyes and the sincerity she could feel from his words. Ralph leaned into her without his body touching hers and took her lips in his. She wanted to push him off but the strength of his hands held her in place and he deepened the kiss. She surrendered and her lips soon followed the pace that his, had set. It was gentle, promising and sent fiery messages all over her skin. Ralph soon let go of her hands and placed his body by hers on the bed as the kiss continued and grew into something ferocious. Their tongues began to play tag and their lips sought dominance over the other. Her hands held unto his shirt and his hand lifted the hospital shirt she had on and began to caress the side of her belly. Karen pulled away from the kiss as she sought air. "Now, do you know how?" Ralph asked

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
Not enough ratings
56 Chs



Early in the morning, Ralph knocked on Karen's door. He heard no sound and she didn't usher him in so he knocked again but still no response. Alarmed a little, he turned the knob of the door but it was locked from inside. His mind began to race with a lot of insane possibilities and before he could think properly, he used the side of his body to hit against the door. Twice, he rammed his body into the iron door and that was all it took for the door to crash down.

Karen was in the bathroom, the shower turned on to the highest, having a splendid smoky bath as she relived the experiences of yesterday and she didn't hear when Ralph had knocked. She had become aware that something was wrong when she had something crashing in the room. She reached out to her towel and rushed out to the room and there was Ralph standing looking around frantically. What was he looking for?

His eyes turned to her direction and he felt relief course through his system.

How had he not thought of the fact that she could be having her bath? He could perceive her as he knocked but he wanted to hear her voice and being denied that created doubts.

He walked quickly to her and took her wet form in his embrace, she had no time to dry herself and she had come out wet. Inhaling her scent and calming his beast did him right and as he released her from the hug. He looked at her eyes that were slightly red from her bath, her long wet lashes that looked like she was batting them to seduce him- if she was, she was definitely succeeding. Seeing her wet body caused something wicked and dangerous to race across his mind and he felt blood rush south of his body.

It was like her towel heard his thoughts and probably because of how rough he had hugged her, his movements had loosened the knot and it left her body and fell to the floor.

"Shit!" exclaimed Karen as she followed the towel with its downwards movements and she crouched down.

Ralph smiled at her actions as she was denying him the view he wanted. "It's not like I haven't seen most of it"

"Just shut up and turn around" she said as she remained in that position.

"I don't want to" said Ralph and Karen could not believe her ears. What does he mean by he doesn't want to.

"Oh don't be silly Ralph, just freaking make a turn

You wouldn't lose your life for turning you know?"

"I know and I want to be silly. I would gladly lose my life as long as it is to see you naked"

Karen was tongue tied and she reddened all over. She couldn't believe what he had said and Ralph smiled at her reaction. He folded his arms before him to show Karen how serious he was with his words.

Ralph suddenly perceived the presence of a warrior from his pack running up the stairs. He must have heard the noise and was coming to check what was happening.

"Stop where you are" thundered Ralph as he turned, sensing the warrior was just a few steps to Karen's room.

'What was with this lycan and shouting?' thought Karen as she picked up her towel and wrapped it around her body.

"Everything is under control and you would be called for when you are needed. You may go back to your duties" said Ralph a lot less. The werewolf turned around and left.

"Is he gone?" asked Karen.

"Yes he is" answered Ralph and he turned around to see that Karen had taken a smart hold of the distraction and had wrapped herself.

"That isn't a good move lady"

"It is. This body is mine and I decide what is good for it".

"I cannot agree less that it is yours but it is also mine and I know it responds to me well"

"Why have you come to my room Alpha Ralph? I thought you had a pack to run? Oh scratch that, 'packs' to run?"

'That's Karen for you. Just look for a perfect way to ruin the mood' thought Ralph.

"Yes I do and I know that. Yesterday I said something about us going on fourteen dates, do you remember?"

"Yes I do"

"Great! Today is day one of those dates and I want to take you somewhere"

"Sounds cool to me. What time do we go?"

"By 2pm"


"You would need to get an outfit. Here, use it to get something nice" said Ralph. He pulled out a black, unlimited card from his pocket.

"No way! I can just choose from the numerous clothes here. I have not worn up to a quarter of those you got yet"

"That's bullshit! Those clothes are old already and don't try to pity my money. I am not a Supreme Alpha for nothing"

'I can only imagine. You definitely made so much by killing so much you bloody Alpha' thought Karen but her face didn't show what she was thinking.

Collecting the card from him, she hugged him as she thanked him for his kindness.

"It's nothing pequeño. Why else would money be made if not to be spent"

"Alright but the issue is that I do not know my way around"

"No issue with that. You would have a couple of warriors follow you so you can pick what you want. I would have loved to be the one to accompany you as that would put my mind at ease but I have an important meeting with some Alphas"

"That's all good but if Taurus isn't busy, I would love for him to accompany me in your stead"

"In my stead?" asked Ralph and his face was like that of a maltreated puppy.

"What I mean is that since you are busy,..."

"I can cancel the meeting if you want me to go with you"

"No, I don't want you to cancel the meeting. As you won't be available, I just need someone that I am conversant with"

"Alright.Taurus may go with you"

"Thanks Ralph," she said with a squeal.

"Do you know of another way that thank you can be said?" asked Ralph playfully.

"I definitely do not and I have no intention to" said Karen, understanding what the bad Alpha wanted.

"You are such a difficult woman. Since you can't give, then I think I should take"

"What do you.."

The rest of her question died in Ralph's mouth as he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him closer for the kiss. From her waist, he dropped his hand and grabbed a cheek of her round, soft ass. Pulling her to himself, he moaned into her mouth.

He was about to use his free hand to remove the barrier known as her towel from his sight but Karen held his hand.

"That would do Alpha and besides…" she said as she pointed towards the door and Ralph understood. Anybody could walk in through that door - he needed to get that fixed.

"We would definitely continue this some other time mi chica…I promise you that" said Ralph as he took one long kiss from Karen before trotting out of her room.

As Karen entered the bathroom, she rested her back on the door and closed her eyes to calm her racing heart.

'This is not the way Karen! This is not the way Karen!' she chided and reminded her inner self of why she was doing all this.

'It all means nothing. You have to avenge your father and you need not get distracted. What about Naire, your revenge on Luke, your pack members! Yes, if all I have right now is my body, I would use it to the fullest! You can have my body but never my heart Ralph Hernandez!" said Karen and she proceeded to dry herself properly.

She blow dried her hair and packed it in a bun before she applied the skin routine materials Nanny Freya had said she needed.

She opted for a black joggers and a nude coloured polo shirt as her outfit to the mall. She matched her attire with a pair of white sneakers and carried a black bag for the sole purpose of protecting the black card. Satisfied with her look as she looked at herself in the full length mirror, she went downstairs in search of Taurus.

She saw Taurus conversing with Dr Kate and they looked up to her as she came down the stairs.

"A good morning Dr Kate"

"Good morning Karen"

"Trust you are all good now?"

"With your skilled help, how could I not" said Karen and a blush rose up to Dr Kate's rosy cheeks.

"That's way too much flattery but thanks all the same. See you around some other time but I must get going now"

"Do take care"

"You too"

"Well, are you ready to make me safe as I go do a little shopping?" asked Karen playfully.

"I was born ready ma'am"

"Very well, to the mall!"